The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1700: Highlights (three)

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Ziyun Palace Jiang Yu defeated the disciples of Heilu Palace, and then returned directly to the team of Ziyun Palace. In the following time, the major forces did not leave the Central Wutai empty. The disciples of the major forces basically All of them missed their faces on the stage, saying that being white is a brush of presence.

In any case, since they are here, if they don't show their faces, wouldn't they run for nothing?

The disciples of various major forces have appeared on the stage, among them there are some talented people who are brilliant. Unfortunately, no matter how talented people are, the final battle will not be as wonderful as those of Jiang Yu and the Kuroko Palace, and Everyone's heart also knows that, as far as the remaining disciples in the yin and yang state are concerned, no one can challenge Jiang Yu and other characters.

Setting aside other things, Jiang Yu ’s yin and yang pole swordsmanship alone is enough for any disciples in the yin and yang realm to be out of reach. If it really hits, there is basically no suspense in winning or losing.

Therefore, after the major forces have shot, the discussion at the level of yin and yang has basically come to an end, and although Jiang Yu has not appeared on the stage again, everyone understands that the test at the level of yin and yang is at the Ziyun Palace. Once again, it was fully collected, but no one was able to shake the position of Ziyun Palace.

"You guys, it seems that at this level of yin and yang, no one wants to be on the stage again. In this case, then the competition and communication at this level will come to an end here, I wonder what do you like?"

When Wutai was finally vacated completely, but no one continued to take office, the master of the Yuanyuan Temple could not help but came to the stage again and asked with a smile around him.

Now that the exchange meeting has ended, almost all disciples in Habitat and Yinyang have appeared on the stage. Although some people have simply gone through a few tricks, some have indeed performed well, but under the aura of the two disciples in Ziyun Palace The sense of existence of these people is really too weak.

It can be said that after two levels of communication, all you can remember are only two talented disciples in Ziyun Palace. As for Hei Ling Palace, although their disciples were also very powerful, they eventually failed. Those who fail are obviously not qualified to be remembered by everyone. This is an eternal truth.

However, although the three disciples of the Kurabo Palace did not leave much impression on everyone, no matter what, the means of teaching the disciples of Kurabo Palace have left a deep impression on everyone, the power of Kurabo Palace, It can be regarded as an alternative proof.

"Forget it, it's almost OK, after all, the focus of the exchange is not on young disciples. These young disciples are nothing more than letting them see and broaden their horizons."

"That is, what are the exchanges of young disciples to see? In the final analysis, they all have more resources than the disciples who compete with each other. Besides, God knows if anyone will use the forbidden technique in order to become famous. The exchanges of young disciples are even less interesting. "

"Yes, the young disciples are mainly to broaden their horizons. Only the exchange between the disciples of the Promise can be regarded as the real communication between the major forces. Let's start the highlights soon!"

Failure to take advantage of these two levels is indeed a shame for many forces present.

In principle, everyone is a super power. Twenty-three forces ended up failing to control a force in Ziyun Palace. When they say it, it will really make people feel incredible, and it will also make a lot of them. People read the joke.

It is a pity that the situation is such a situation. Twenty-three major forces were really destroyed by one of Ziyun Palace's forces, and they were destroyed so simply, there was no difficulty at all.

It can be heard that all the major forces are using words to attack the Ziyun Palace side by side, or even to defame them, but the strong men at the Ziyun Palace laughed at it and were too lazy to bother.

People who ca n’t eat grapes will always say that grapes are sour, but the big players in Ziyun Palace are very clear about their tastes. As for the irony of everyone, they are naturally too lazy to bother.

"Oh, okay, now that everyone thinks that the first two links have passed, then let's start the next link-the communication between the Wuji disciples!"

Fissure's gaze swept around the major forces, and then glanced at those legendary disciples in Ziyun Palace, a flash of self-confidence flashed on his face.

For the first two links, Ziyun Palace can be described as a complete victory. However, Ziyun Palace is still full of confidence for this endless disciple. You know, there are a lot of disciple disciples in Ziyun Palace. Among them, there are countless talents. The so many disciple disciples are here. He really doesn't believe that this level will be lost to others.

One thing everyone said is not without any truth. The two levels of habitat and yin and yang are indeed not the focus of the exchange meeting. Even above the previous exchange meetings, these two levels are almost ignored. . Therefore, the exchange meeting has just begun.

"Are there exchanges between the Promise? It's all right next to me. I can also calm down and watch other people's performances, maybe I can also learn some experience."

On the square platform of the Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng had opened his eyes at this moment, staring at the fissure sky on Wutai.

At this exchange meeting, he has done everything he has done, and has also achieved ideal results. Of course, maybe after the exchange meeting, he can get more and more rewards, but that is not what he was looking forward to. Yes.

With these resources obtained at the exchange meeting, let alone say that he can be promoted to Promise, at least, at this level of yin and yang, Bacheng won't be able to live in him.

"I haven't seen people like Wang Zhong and Xuan Ming take the shot. I want to have this opportunity here. Let me see what kind of strength these top passers-by disciples have!"

Of course, he has seen more of the Promise of the Promise, but he has n’t really seen the prowess of the Promise of the Promise such as Ziyun Gong Chuan disciple. This time, he said that he must not have a good experience. Only OK.

Speaking of which, he really hopes that the exchange will end soon, because then, he can find a place to impact the yin and yang realm. This level of realm has been too long for him.

"Everyone, the communication at the level of the Promise is more dangerous than before. We are as usual, if possible, as far as possible, and it is best not to hurt each other's peace. "

Tian Tian's eyes swept away from everyone, and to the heart, he didn't worry about everyone desperately. No matter what, here is the home of Ziyun Palace, even if everyone really fought desperately to fight, Ziyun Palace Still dominates.

"The main idea of ​​the split-day palace is reasonable. It's only natural that the order is reached. However, I also think that everyone must start with some measure, and it must be too fierce."

"Oh, if you can stop it, you can stop it as much as possible. If you can't kill someone, it's best not to kill anyone. If you make the Ziyun Palace bloody, those of us who come to the exchange meeting will be really too Great sin! "

On the surface, everyone can do it, but in fact, there is room for what everyone says. In fact, everyone's heart is really anxious that their own disciples can kill a few other people. In this way, not only can the reputation of their own power be loudened, but also the strength of their opponents can be weakened. Why not?

Of course, first of all, the strong men of the major forces are very confident in the disciples they bring, and only if they have confidence in the people they bring, can they dare to speak so boldly.

"Since you understand the truth at home, there is no need for the owner of this temple to say anything. My Ziyun Palace is the host of this exchange meeting. The first person naturally came from my Ziyun Palace. Li Yi, you come up!"

The Master of the Heavenly Temple knows that if these people are to be convinced, then they must be convinced with real strength. The benefits of the tongue will never solve any problems.


By the time his words fell, the figure of a man had already appeared on Wutai, just standing beside him, and this one who was on the stage was not the other person. It was the Lord of the Yuan Temple. Big disciple, Li Yi!

The palace masters of the major palaces have their own disciple disciples, and among each of the palace disciple's disciple disciples, there are those who follow their earliest and get the most true dissemination of their own. Among the great disciples of the year, the legendary disciples of the top ten palaces of Ziyun Palace, Li Yi's strength will never be lost to the major disciples of the major palaces.

"See Master !!!"

Standing in shape, Li Yi first bowed to Li Tian and was very respectful and authentic.

Obviously, Li Yi played in the first battle. This is a long time ago, and with Li Yi's strength, no matter how arrogant the people are, at least Li Yi should not fail.

"Yi'er, the owner of this temple will give it to you in the first game. I hope you will not let the teacher down and let them see the strength of my Ziyun Palace disciples."

He reached out and patted Li Yi's shoulder, and his eyes were full of trust. He really didn't believe that some of these people present could defeat his big disciple. At least he feels that among the big disciples of Ziyun Palace present, no one should be able to defeat his big disciple.

"The disciples take orders !!!"

Li Yi is not afraid of the field. As a disciple of the Yuanyuan Temple, he has done his best to break the true story of the Lord of the Heavenly Temple. This exchange meeting is definitely an opportunity for him, a chance for him to pass on many disciples in Ziyun Palace. Among them, a skyrocketing opportunity to surpass others.

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