The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1698: Super reward (one more)

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The battle between Jiang Yu and the disciples of Heilu Palace ended with his victory, and almost immediately after the battle, the master of the Palace of Yuan Yuan pulled Jiang Yu directly out of the stage, for fear that the other party would stay in On Wutai, he was in danger.

For Ziyun Palace, a genius like Jiang Yu is absolutely not allowed to have any unforeseen circumstances. Whether it is his horrible physical strength or his unparalleled sword skills, he can obviously rank in Ziyun Palace. , And as long as it is cultivated a little, it will become the future star of Ziyun Palace.

Speaking of which, others did not find anything, but the five strong men of the Ziyun Palace were all aware of it, that is, most of the yin and yang pole swordsmanship that Jiang Yu finally cast were mostly imitated disciples of Heiyang Palace.

On the battlefield, how capable of imitating the enemy's moves, and in turn defeating his opponent, is so brilliant and incredible? But Jiang Yu did it, and he did it well.

It can be said that in terms of preciousness, Jiang Yu's appearance was more valuable than Yuan Feng's. However, no one knows that, although they are completely different people, in fact, Jiang Yu is good, Yuan Feng is fine, in the final analysis, it is one person's thought.

"Hahaha, okay, Jiang Yu, you did not disappoint the owner of this temple, okay, okay !!!"

On the square platform of the Ziyun Palace, the five strong men all stood up and surrounded Jiang Yu, the triumphant returnee. At this moment, their cultivation and strength are not important anymore, although in strength It was ten thousand miles away, but at this moment Jiang Yu was almost qualified to sit on an equal footing with them.

It's not that how high Jiang Yu's identity is, but he's made great achievements and showed the potential that he can take on a big job in the future. This makes the five strongest people have to look at him differently.

"My Ziyun Palace appears super genius one after another, this is definitely a good sign, good can not be good, good sign, hahaha !!!"

The master of the Liangyi Palace also kept laughing, regardless of the attention of those around him. Before Yuan Feng showed his face, they all controlled their emotions, and now Ziyun Palace added a super genius. Even if they wanted to control their emotions, they had no control at all.

"It seems that during this time, we did ignore the training of the younger generation. Thankfully, we caught up with the exchange meeting. Otherwise, wouldn't all the so many talented people be delayed?"

"Haha, it's not bad, so this exchange meeting, no matter what happens next, but my Ziyun Palace, it is a lot of gains."

The masters of the several halls could hardly restrain the joy in their hearts. Two battles, each one was remarkable, and each one brought them a super genius. It is only a pity that these two super geniuses are not under the jurisdiction of their own palaces. If they are their own people, it will be even more difficult to say.

"Jiang Yu, what kind of reward do you want? But to say the least, this time you have worked hard for the Ziyun Palace. What you want, the owner of this temple will try to satisfy you."

The master of the Palace of Yuan Dynasty is still the happiest. The exchange meeting is hosted by him. If he wins, it is okay to say, but if he loses and loses the face of Ziyun Palace, then he will inevitably complain. Yuan Feng and Jiang Yu won honors for him, avoiding complaints, and he had to show something.

Previously, when Yuan Feng stepped down, he rewarded the other party with an elixir that hit the yin and yang, and this time Jiang Yu returned with a victory, of course, he must have a greater expression. After all, Jiang Yu ’s cultivation is better than Yuan Maple is one level higher.

"The disciples want to impact the Promise !!!"

In the middle of the powerful men, Jiang Yu's face is still cold. From his expression, it seems that the victory just now is nothing to him, and he was even more likely to hear what Li Tian asked him. Outspoken, without any hesitation.

For Yuan Feng, since he made Jiang Yu behave like a piece of solid ice, he kept it to the end and talked straightforward, so it should be easier to gain the favor of these strong men.

The elixir of yin and yang has already been available, and if you can also get the baby who shocks the endless world, then everything is really ready. In the future, if you hit the endless world, even the strongest gods will have nothing to do. Fearful.

"Shock the Promise?"

When Jiang Yu's words fell, the five strong players present were all slightly surprised, but then they laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, what's the big deal for me? It turned out to be a shock."

"What kind of request is this? A genius like you, it's just a matter of promotion to the Promise, let alone Promise. In the future, even if you are promoted to a demigod, it won't be difficult to come."

"Yes, if you stop there, it will really waste your talent and qualifications."

Obviously, the big powers do not take Promise seriously. Speaking of them, if they want to promote a Promise to one person, there are too many ways.

"Since you little guy wants to be promoted to Promise, then a few of us are naturally to satisfy your wishes. No, I have a strain of Aurora Snow Ginseng. Although I dare not convince, I can advance to Promise, but at least I can increase it. Five hopes for promotion to Promise. "

This time, the first shot was the master of the Seven Stars Palace. The master of the palace is an extraordinary shot. An extremely snowy ginseng can be placed anywhere to allow countless strong men to fight desperately.

You know, in order to obtain this polar snow ginseng, he went through many dangers before he finally got this ginseng.

"Hehe, brother Kui, your polar snow ginseng can't let Jiang Yu and other geniuses advance to the limitless world. No, I have a Promise of Nature in this place. At this moment, the elixir of nature is absurd. under."

The Lord of the Five Elements Hall also stood up at this time, and once he shot it was a very rare elixir.

"Promise of the Promise? Hey, Brother Mo Xie, you have hidden such good things on your body. At that time, we shot together and made eighteen Promise of the Promise. I didn't think of one of you. Until now. "

"That is, I thought that this elixir of yours has already been given to a certain disciple. It turns out that you have kept it."

The Promise of Nature, this is a treasure that can be directly promoted to the Promise of the Promise. At that time, the master of the ten halls of the Ziyun Palace obtained the formula of the elixir, and then made great efforts to get together a furnace of alchemy. Such a pot of elixir. It is a pity that the material for refining this elixir is too horrible. Even if it can be refined, it will be worthless.

"It's true, my elixir was intended for my close disciples, but after seeing Jiang Yu this time, I feel that this elixir has found its true master."

The master of the Five Elements Palace Mo Xie smiled slightly, and while speaking, he handed the elixir to Jiang Yu's hands.

What he said was very obvious. Obviously, he intended to accept Jiang Yu as a close disciple. Of course, if Jiang Yu did not agree, then this elixir should be a good destiny. Come on!

Jiang Yu's future is immeasurable. If he had the other party because of his elixir, then the other party would be grateful to Dade. This is also an investment for him!

"Jiang Yu ’s potential is not usually comparable to genius. A single elixir and a ginseng may not help him break through to the Promise. I also have some Ning Yuan Lu collected at the beginning, supplemented by Promise and Dan. Daoxue can at least multiply the effects of these two babies, and the hope of promotion can be greatly improved. "

Sima Yuanyi, the master of the Liangyi Palace, was unwilling to be outdone. He raised his hand and also took out his treasure.

Speaking of them, these things they brought out are not only effective in impacting the Promise. In fact, even if they use them themselves, they are all things that can be helpful. This time they can be taken out one by one. Said it was the blood.

"I'm not as wealthy as a few palace masters, but Jiang Yu has done so much for the Ziyun Palace. As a member of the Ziyun Palace, of course, I can't say without saying that this is the token of my soul garden, etc. When you hit the Promise, come to my Spirit Garden and I will provide you with an excellent cultivation environment. "

Fairy Fairy did not bring out any treasure, but she did take out a token, but her preciousness is definitely not under the previous treasures.

"Hahaha, you guys all have baby gifts, and the owner of this temple ca n’t be more arrogant. No, this is the baby I prepared for you. Jiang Yu, you can put it away for the time being, when you are no one, you Open it yourself, don't open it now. "

When the other four had a baby reward for Jiang Yu, the master of the Yuanyuan Temple could not help but laugh loudly, and then took out a large jade bottle and handed it to Jiang Yu.

I don't know what the baby he gave to Jiang Yu, but judging from his reluctant expression when he shot, the things inside were definitely not ordinary things.

"Thank you a few masters and adults !!!!"

When the strong guys handed the babies to their own hands, Jiang Yu didn't utter the slightest resignation. When he raised his hand, he first put all the babies away and then bowed to the five. I thank you.

However, no one saw it. When he bent down to salute, his eyes flashed with excitement.

With so many babies in hand, he will impact the Promise in the future, and it can definitely increase the success rate of a lot. Promise, it seems that it will not be an insurmountable level.

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