The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1691: Shame to home (second more)

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The thick soot covered the entire Wutai. At this moment, people around him could only see the rolling soot wrapping the Wutai, but they couldn't see what was happening inside.

"What a powerful force, even Wutai has been smashed. How strong can this be?"

"This Wutai was laid out by the demigods of Ziyun Palace. It could even be smashed by the brutal bear. It seems that the little guy in Ziyun Palace may have died out!"

"That's useless? I didn't think this wild bear turned out to be born with divine power. Such a horrible figure appeared in the Temple of Heaven. It seems that in the near future, there will be a powerful genius in Wulei!"

"There are talented people on behalf of Jiangshan, and a genius from Batian Palace. It is not a big deal."

Everyone was staring at Wutai tightly while talking to each other. Everyone wanted to come, the brutal bears could even smash the Wutai set by the demigod strong, so a disciple of Ziyun Palace, a habitat, must have been smashed into mud.

At this moment, no one was trying to investigate the situation in the smoke, because everyone at this time knew that if they put their mind on Wutai at this time, it would be bound to be grasped by others and could not escape. Drop ulterior motives. Therefore, it is better to look with your eyes at this time.

On the side of the Ziyun Palace, the faces of the five strong men are all faint and dignified. Although they have some confidence in Jiang Yu, they did not expect that the brutal bear of the Heavenly Palace is actually powerful, especially this one. Already more than the average person of the Promise!

"Don't let the owner of this hall look away !!!"

The masters of the several halls all had their eyes narrowed, waiting for the dust to dissipate, revealing the true situation in them. And to tell the truth, at this moment, they are actually a little nervous.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

Above Wutai, the billowing smoke slowly spread out in all directions. It was not long, and the thick smoke gradually became thinner. Eventually, the scene on the stage became more and more clear.

"His ......... This, this ........."

It didn't make everyone wait too long. Soon, the smoke and dust disappeared, and the scene on the stage became more and more clear. However, when everyone saw the scene on the stage, everyone couldn't help but take a sip of air, and it was difficult to get back to their heart for a long time.

In the eyes, on the already worn-out Wutai, the disciples of Batian Palace were very bearish. At this moment, the whole person was suspended in the air, and under his side, Ziyun Palace Disciple Jiang Yu actually stretched out a hand, and in the palm of his hand, he was holding the fist of a pretty bear.

The picture is a bit weird. A thick fat man hits Jiang Yu like a meteorite, but the latter is like a giant pillar, and he easily took this meteorite. This scene is simply It's like Tian Fang Ye Tan, which makes people unable to imagine and accept.

Of course, it ’s not the audience who ca n’t accept it, because the least able to accept it is the bear on the stage.

"No, it's impossible. How could anyone be more powerful than me? It's impossible !!!"

The brutal bear was terrified at this time. He originally thought that with his full blow, Jiang Yu would inevitably break his bones, or even be slagged directly by him.

However, what he never expected was that his groundbreaking punch was given by the other hand.

Outsiders did not see clearly what happened, but as an attacker, he felt very clearly. At the right moment, he felt like he was hitting a big world with a punch, and the whole world was unmoved, but he himself had been moved by the shock and dirty. Internal injuries.

"No, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible !!!"

Power is working, and the bear wants to pull out his fist at this moment, but no matter how hard he tries, his arm, or even his whole body, seems to have been imprisoned, but there is no way to pull his fist. come out.


At this moment, a chill and cold chill was suddenly uploaded from the opposite Jiang Yu's body, and when he felt the chill, the bear's face flashed a little bit of panic.


Feeling the cold chill released from Jiang Yu's body, especially the undisguised killing intention in the other's eyes, the wild bear wanted to shout and admit defeat, but just when he just wanted to shout, a strange power However, it suddenly caught his voice between his throat, and then Jiang Yu, who was opposite, had already moved.


There was no momentum in the punch, and he went straight to the head of the wild bear and smashed it like lightning. This punch was really flat, but when he saw Jiang Yu's punch hit himself, the bear I just felt that the whole world was violently dark, and a heart had sunk to the bottom of the valley in an instant.

"Do not!!!!!"

There was an unwilling roar, but unfortunately at this moment, no one could save him.


A clean punch hit the bear's head directly, and a huge punch directly enveloped his body. The time spent talking, a gorgeous blood flower, was in Wutai The only thing left was the fist that Jiang Yu grabbed in his hand.

The **** breath instantly permeated the entire space, and for all that was happening now, everyone present was a little hesitant for a while.

"This this……………"

Seeing the **** mist on Wutai slowly dissipate, and the cold man seemed to have done nothing, leaving a small arm in his hand aside, everyone's heart, It is inevitable that there is a feeling of cold.

If it was said that the wild bears had killed Jiang Yu as a slag, then there was a block of smoke and dust, and everyone would not see it so intuitively. However, at this moment, under the eyes of everyone, Jiang Yu punched the wild bear into a cloud of blood with one punch, which was a bit too intuitive.

It can be said that everyone present has witnessed such a **** scene, and for such a **** scene, even the strongest in the demigod, will definitely feel very uncomfortable!

"Good guy, he, he turned out in front of so many people ..."

"Another pervert, why is there so many pervert guys in Ziyun Palace? This is too powerful, right?"

"Great strength. His strength is definitely more than a few times stronger than that of the Big Ten Palace. Moreover, he can easily catch the fist of a wild bear. How strong is this person's body?"

"Is there anything to complete the rhythm of the Ziyun Palace? Is this Ziyun Palace hidden too deep?"

No one expected that things would turn out to be like this. The Batian Gongxiong bear, which had been favored by everyone, was slammed by a thin young man in Ziyun Palace under the collective witness of everyone.

The people present are basically used to seeing life and death, but like Jiang Yu, in the presence of so many super powerfuls, they mercilessly kill their opponents. This is really the first time See you.

"Very bear ..."

After a short silence, a slightly scream was made, and it was suddenly uploaded on a square platform, but it was the Tiger Tiger veteran of the Heavenly Palace. At last, he returned to God and made this sound for his disciples. lament.

"Very bear, my good apprentice !!!"

At this moment, the veteran Hu Jia was really sad. He said to his heart that he had treated him as a disciple of a named disciple who had not just accepted it. Originally, he planned to hold an apprentice ceremony after returning, but now it seems that he may not have that opportunity.

The atmosphere that belongs to the wild bear has completely dissipated. It seems that Jiang Yu's shot this time has no intention to give the other party any vitality.

"Boy, I want you to kill my disciples !!!"

Hu Jia, who was extremely angry, couldn't even control that much at the moment. He suddenly looked back at Wutai and looked directly at Wutai. He didn't even want to, he just slapped at Wutai. Go on.

"Om !!!!!!"

The demigod strong man's handy shot is not comparable to ordinary people. This one is enough to kill anyone below the demigod. As for the levels of living habitat and yin and yang, there is no need to suffer. It can be wiped out.

"Hum, wanton !!!"

However, as soon as the palm of the tiger was shot, a humming sound suddenly rang through the entire space. Then, a huge handprint came first, and came in an instant. Arrived over Wutai.

"Boom !!! Hey !!!"

Two huge handprints are intertwined in the air, and then they are directly submerged. At this moment, above the Central Wutai, the master of the Temple of the First Yuan of Ziyun Palace splits into the sky, but it appears with anger in all faces. In front of people. \ "Veteran Tiger Gamma, what are you doing? It seems that for a while, the Tiger Tiger Veteran has really lived and shrunk. He actually shot at a disciple in the yin and yang realm."

The split-day figure stood proudly in front of Jiang Yu. The angry scolding made all the people in the audience stunned. Anyone who heard the shout could not help but shrink his pupils, apparently by being He was startled.

"Uh, this ........."

On the side of Ba Tian Gong, the veteran Tiger Gage who just took a palm, apparently returned to God at this time, and thought that he had just shot into a yin and yang man in a rage, his face was also helpless. Get hot.

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