The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1685: Hidden danger? (Four more)

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After listening to the explanation of the fairy of the hundred flowers, the five strong men in the Ziyun Palace were inevitably a little bit calm. If what Baihua Fairy is saying is true, then for Yuan Feng, they really have to seriously consider how to cultivate it.

Yuan Feng's talent in swordsmanship has been revealed, but at the moment, the talent of Xuan Zhen he has revealed is probably above his talent in swordsmanship. Therefore, if they want Yuanfeng to get the fullest development in the Ziyun Palace, obviously they need to seriously consider it. Of course, the prerequisite must be approved by the owner of the Liuhe Palace.

Having said that, these things are still relatively far away. At the moment, the exchange meeting has just begun, and at least, they will have to wait until the exchange meeting ends before considering the situation of Yuan Feng.

"Oh, everyone, who are the brothers and sisters who want to come to the stage and compare with the next, despite the battle and taking the lives of the gentleman today, it will definitely make everyone happy."

On Wutai, Yuan Feng, who won three games in a row, was still not exhausted at the moment. On the contrary, the three overwhelming victories made his desire for combat simply indescribable. Now , Even if he is in a few more battles, there will be no problem at all.

For Yuan Feng, since he wants to be famous, of course he has to show some of his own strength. However, what he showed at the moment was nothing more than the tip of the iceberg, not even one billionth of his true power, so it was nothing at all!

I glanced over the surrounding squares. Yuan Feng really hoped that more people would come to the stage to compare with him, and today, he must let everyone know that the level of habitats, he absolutely No one can match.

After a sweep, Yuan Feng looked at the people of the habitat brought by almost every major force, and to be honest, except for the two talented disciples of the Heilu Palace, the youngsters brought by the other major forces One generation, there is really nothing to see. The former Xuecang Palace Bai Yinan was considered good, but unfortunately it was the other way.

After looking again, in the end, he couldn't help looking at the direction of Yuanji Palace.

On the Yuanji Palace, there are absolutely nothing for the two demigods to study, and the masked woman and the man beside him should be the talented disciples of the Yuanji Palace. As for Jing Tianhe who is standing behind the masked woman, Zhao Zijun, these two girls don't even need to think about it, they will never be unhappy with him.

"Well, of these four young disciples, two are habitats and two are yin and yang. Unfortunately, compared to me, even if compared with the two in Heiyang Palace, they are far worse. ! "

He was really worried that Yuanji Palace would send someone to the next test, but now it seems that no matter if it is because of Jing Tian and Zhao Zijun, or because of his shock, Yuanji Palace will obviously not take any action.

"I don't know, what is the origin of this masked woman, and why did she speak for me twice or twice? Is there anything else I can't do with this person?"

Glancing at everyone in Yuanji Palace, Yuan Feng's eyes finally fell on the masked woman. He believes that this masked woman should not help him for no reason, and there must be unexpected reasons in it. However, what the truth is, we can only say it when he finishes the communication meeting!

"Brother, this son's strength ........."

Among the disciples of Ziyun Palace, Bai Ling, a disciple of Liuhe Palace, frowned tightly at this moment, and his heart was obviously very worried.

Yuan Feng's strength and means were really beyond her expectations. With this means of Yuan Feng, in the wild forest area that day, what was the situation, it seemed that it was really bad.

"No need to say more, sister, this son must die, if he does not die, we will be very dangerous in the future."

There was no need for Bai Ling to say anything, Li Xian had already made a decision to kill Yuan Feng long ago. Bai Ling can think of it, he obviously can think of it.

Obviously, they all thought that Yuan Feng and others had died in the cave in the wild forest area, but now they think that they had never seen the bodies of Yuan Feng and others. Moreover, at that time, their team wanted to hunt the purple gas dragon scale beast, but they were spotted first by the purple gas dragon scale beast. It can even be said that their group was simply hurting with the purple gas dragon scale beast.

At that time, they did not doubt Yuan Feng and others. After all, Yuan Feng and others were too weak, and it was impossible to bring them any trouble. Even if they were to doubt, they could not doubt Yuan Feng and others. on.

However, this time when he saw Yuan Feng's sword skills and met Yuan Feng's Xuanzhen techniques, he had to list Yuan Feng as the object of suspicion. You know, a person with such a sword skill and a terrible mysterious array means is absolutely impossible to show them some secret tricks.

"It's really unexpected. My disciple of the grand master of the Liuhe Dian, was fooled by a little bit. If I didn't kill you, I would be a master of disciple."

His eyes were cold. Although Li Xian tried his best to hide it at this moment, if there was no intention of killing, he was still rippling in his eyes, and he could see it at a glance.

"Well? Are you murderous?"

Above Wutai, Yuanfeng was waiting for others to come to the stage to challenge himself, and at this moment, if there was nothing cold and murderous, he was suddenly caught by him.

Subconsciously, he glanced at the source of murderous spirit with his own light. Immediately, Li Xian, one of Ziyun Palace's disciples, was excavated by him.

"Li Xian? It turns out to be this guy !!!"

Yuan Feng is naturally no stranger to this legendary disciple in Liuhedian. At the beginning, Li Xian regarded their new disciples as bait, but he did not take it at all, but in the end it was used by him. Enough by his calculations.

"Well, did you recognize me? It seems that this person's memory is really good!"

Feeling the killing intention uploaded by Li Xianshen, Yuan Feng knew that the other party must have recognized him. But think about it, what is Li Xian's identity? That's a disciple of Liuhedian. If you don't even have this level, then you really are a disciple.

"Huh, when you discover it, I really don't believe it, you dare to tell what happened that day."

It was discovered by Li Xian that he was not too worried. In any case, once the original thing is passed on, it will be a shame for Li Xian and others, so even if he wants the other party to say the original thing, these people cannot do that.

As for the other party who wants to remove him in secret, then he is even more worried. In terms of the strength of these people, if he wants to obliterate him in secret, it is simply a dream.

Having said that, he really welcomed these people to take action against him. In that case, he would have the opportunity to fight back. Imagine that if he can control a few disciples, then he will be able to do whatever he wants in Ziyun Palace in the future!

"Did you no one be willing to come to the stage to discuss with the subordinates? If so, then you have to step down and rest."

He didn't pay too much attention to Li Xian. Yuan Feng's energy remained on the stage. He didn't take Li Xian and others as a trouble. In contrast, he was more concerned about the current situation.

Everything else is secondary, so standing by this post right now is the most important thing for him to care about.

"Brother Yuan Feng is so prestigious, but, with his strength, even the Promise disciples are not opponents, let alone those who live in Habitat."

On the side of Yuanji Palace, Jing Tian and Zhao Zijun behind the masked woman focused their attention on Yuan Feng's body and talked to each other.

Regarding Yuan Feng's killing of the Quartet, Jing Tian, ​​while admiring Yuan Feng's mighty power, did not buy anything at all.

She knows Yuan Feng's true strength, so of course she is not surprised that Yuan Feng can deal with these opponents.

"Sister sister, don't talk nonsense, the son of Yuan Feng should have his own ideas, you and I must not break his good deeds."

Zhao Zijun is more aware of the importance. Although she is also wondering why Yuan Feng should exist as a human being and participate in the communication at the habitat level, no matter what the purpose of Yuan Feng is, she will remain silent. To support Yuan Feng, don't bother Yuan Feng.

"Jing Tian, ​​Zi Jun, what are you two talking about?"

As Zhao Zijun and Jing Tian talked to each other, the masked woman in front of them apparently discovered the fault between the two, so Suddenly asked.

Their cultivation is both awkward. As for the transmission between Jing Tian and Zhao Zijun, the masked woman cannot directly intercept it, but the two are talking to each other. As a young master of the two, she It can still be seen.

"Ah, no, nothing. We are saying that the young man on the stage is so good. I am afraid that even if he is from Yuanji Palace, he may not be his opponent!"

After being questioned by the masked woman, Jing Tian couldn't help but hesitated slightly, and then quickly explained.

"Zi Jun, what is Jing Tian talking about?"

For the explanation of Jing Tian, ​​the masked woman was obviously a little unbelievable. However, her proper talents were all focused on Yuan Feng's body, and she did not notice the difference between the two female talents, so she could not think of anything wrong. .

"Return to Young Master, Sweet is all about the facts." Zhao Zijun didn't say much, but she was concise, and this time she had a rare lie.

"Don't talk nonsense, just look at it."

The masked woman didn't say much about the two women's answer, and when she knew the two, she focused her attention on Yuan Feng's body again. In the bottom of her eyes, she couldn't help showing a tenderness.

ps: Four more has been fully restored, Qiuhuahua support! !! !! !!

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