The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1680: Blatant (three more)

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Xue Canggong's Bai Yinan took the stage to provoke, but he put forward a request to use Xuan Zhen to discuss and confirm with Yuan Feng. Such a proposal is undoubtedly unreasonable and even unreasonable.

However, this person was very motivated, but it was Yuan Feng who first agreed to let him choose the method of consultation. In this way, even if his proposal was unreasonable and unreasonable, Yuan Feng still had no way to regret it.

In the presence of so many superpowers, no one wants to be a wordless person. Obviously, Bai Yinan is optimistic about this, so he first gave Yuan Feng this set and made Yuan Feng dumb. Eating Coptis, there is no way to tell.

"Is there such a reason, Xue Cang Palace, such a Xue Cang Palace, actually sent such a cunning guy to use Yuan Xuan to fight Yuan Feng? Why didn't he let Yuan Feng tie his hands and feet to discuss with him?"

"The **** is almost shameless, so even if this proposal is presented, it is simply shameless!"

Here at Ziyun Palace, most of the powerful gods have been completely angry. Xue Canggong Bai Yinan even proposed to use Xuan Zhen to fight Yuan Feng. Speaking of it, this is almost like a joke.

Who knows, this method of Xuanzhen is not comparable to ordinary methods. If there is a super-large team to help, then even the strongest person may lose to a person who is low. Bai Yinan is obviously not the weak, but if he arranges the mysterious array, where can Yuan Feng have a way of life?

Therefore, when Bai Yinan proposed to use Xuanzhen to fight, five of them almost stood up and slapped each other directly.

"Hehe, Brother Yuanfeng, I do n’t know if the brother Yuanfeng can agree? Of course, if Brother Yuanfeng regrets it, then I won't embarrass you, and I will use Ziyun Palace to compare with you. , Everything comes in a comfortable way for the Yuanfeng brothers. "

On the platform, Bai Yinan did not have any embarrassing meaning. For him, it is the most critical thing to be able to achieve the ultimate victory. As for playing tricks and playing tricks, this is all normal. Already. Right now, he has removed the facial features of Ziyun Palace, basically, he doesn't give Yuan Feng a chance to refute.

Of course, as for the face of Xue Cang Gong Palace, in his opinion, he can get rid of the big trouble of Yuan Feng, and the credit must be greater than all else. Who would say that it would be unreasonable for Xue Cang Palace?

"Ha, where's Brother White? The married girl spilled the water. Now that Brother Bai has promised in advance, how can it be irrelevant? Besides, since Brother Bai is interested in Xuanzhen, then it's up to you. Say, let's do a few tricks in the mysterious formation of the White Brothers. "

When Bai Yinan's words fell, on the other side of Wutai, Yuan Feng laughed aloud, he agreed directly, but there was no hesitation.

For Yuan Feng, no matter how the other party tossed, the result is the same, but then again, the other party can even make such a request, and he really admires the latter's face.

"Well, people in the Xuecang Palace, you are too shameless, right?"

Yuan Feng agreed quickly, however, just when his voice had fallen, a voice full of anger suddenly burst through the whole space, turning everyone's eyes on Attracted the past.

"Well? This girl again, what is she doing?"

"Yuanji Palace? What's going on here, does this Yuanji Palace want to turn around with everyone today? Why always stand up at this critical moment to make trouble?"

"It's a set of Yuanji Palace in front of each other. It seems that they are already on the side of Ziyun Palace!"

Everyone is looking at the speaker, and this one is not talking to others, it is the masked woman who sits on an equal footing with the two demigods in Yuanji Palace.

"It is always fair to try and compare. People in the Xuecang Palace have to fight against Xuanzhen, which is a little ridiculous, right?"

The masked woman, no matter how outsiders look at herself, raised her eyebrows and continued talking. She really can't see it. After so long practicing, she has never heard of anyone using Xuanzhen to learn from each other. It can be said that Xuecang Palace's move is simply shameless.

"Huh, girl in Yuanji Palace, what do you mean? I Xuecang Palace, it seems that I have never sinned against you, have you?"

When the voice of the masked woman fell, on a square platform, a half-old man who looked like a sixty-year-old, could not help but stood up from his seat, and reached the edge of the square platform within a few steps. Distantly yelled at Yuanji Palace.

The old man's height is only about six feet, and he is also wearing a white coat. Between the eyebrows, there is a shrewd color, but it has some similarities with Bai Yinan above Wutai. It seems that Bai Yinan on the stage, Bacheng has some relationship with him, and even got his instructions and true biography.

"Whether it's me or Yuanji Palace, I have no resentment against Xue Cang Palace. However, the actions of Xue Cang Palace's disciples are really letting the little woman look down. What's more, the elders of Bai Ye are not allowed Can't speak? "

When the old man in white in the Xuecang Palace stood up, the masked woman on the Yuanji Palace did not show weakness, and there was no fear at all because the other party was a demigod strong.

Speaking of which, she is also very familiar with the name of Xue Cang Palace, and the old man in white, Shi Cai also came to power and introduced herself. Xuecang Palace's white magpie was indeed a personal thing at first, but she was not afraid of it.

"Hehehe, girl, let me ask you, does what you said mean on your own or on Yuanyuan Palace?"

Being hit by a masked woman, Bai Ye was not angry. One eyebrow raised between them raised the problem to the other.

Today, Yuanji Palace has repeatedly stood up to appear for the people of Ziyun Palace. This has made many major forces quite dissatisfied. Right now, he just wants to see whether Yuanji Palace as a whole should be close to Ziyun Palace, or all of this. All masked women make their own claims, and if it is the former, then today, Yuanji Palace will offend all the great forces present, and from now on, it will be difficult to walk outside.


"Ha ha ha, don't be angry with the elders of Bai Ye, young people don't know how to measure, and don't blame the elders of Bai Ye."

When the voice of Bai Yan fell, the masked woman's chin lifted, she still wanted to continue confrontation with each other, but at this moment, the elder Yuanji Palace Peng Ji stood up with a smile, and beat Broke her next words.

"You guys, my young master participated in such a grand event for the first time. It is inevitable that some inexperienced, and I hope everyone will see something strange." Elder Peng Ji took a few steps forward, but clenched his fists in the surrounding, his face was full of apology .

Speaking of which, he also did not expect that the young master of his family would do such a bad thing one after another today. Yuanji Palace had no intention of cooperating with Ziyun Palace, and it was impossible to take the world by storm. Many people's faces cooperated with Ziyun Palace. All of this was naturally their own idea.

However, until now he hasn't figured out what the little master of his own family is, because of what, he has spoken successively for Ziyun Palace. If he didn't stand up at this time, it would really be bad.

"Young Master, Ziyun Palace is extremely powerful, and the disciples under the door have many means. Young Master should not follow the peace. Everything is left to others to decide. Young Master said it is not?"

Speaking, Veteran Peng Ji's gaze was also slightly fixed, apparently alerting the masked woman.


Hearing something from Elder Peng Ji, especially when I saw the other side kept trying to wink at herself, where did the masked woman not know what the other side thought? However, it is related to the safety of the person above Wutai. If she is left unattended, she is really hard to do.

"Young Master, don't be willful, if today you offend all the forces because of this, my Yuanji Palace will be the target of criticism in the future. If it really delays the major event, I am afraid that my Yuanji Palace will be in danger of collapse."

Elder Peng Ji was really anxious. He really didn't understand how his young master was so calm today, but in any case, he must not let the other party continue to talk.

This passage was spoken to the masked woman by way of voice transmission. Although it sounded alarmist, it was not exaggerated at all. If Yuanji Palace really offends all the great forces, then by the joint efforts of these forces, God will know what kind of result it will be.


After hearing the message from Elder Peng Ji, the masked woman shivered, and then realized the seriousness of the problem.

She did have some inadequacy. Although in her heart, there is nothing more important than the person above Wutai, but no matter what, she is a disciple of Yuanji Palace. If you look at all of Yuanji Palace, People are in danger of perishing, which is what she absolutely does not want to see.

With a glance over Wutai, and a look at Elder Peng Ji beside him, the masked woman finally took a deep breath and slowly returned to her seat.

Speaking of which, Yuan Feng above Wutai has always been confident, she should believe that the other party is. Of course, if it is really a last resort, even if she loses the entire Yuanji Palace, she will definitely shoot.

"Oh, everyone, I'm sorry, everyone continues, continue!"

After seeing the masked woman sit back, Elder Peng Ji smiled with satisfaction, and then arched his hands again, expressing the apology and position of Yuanji Palace.

However, although he has tried hard to recover, the identity of the masked woman is there after all. This time, Yuanji Palace was afraid that he had offended all the forces present.

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