The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1676: Abandon the class (three more)

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Yuan Feng did not intend to fight against his opponent with the spirit soldiers at all. Since he wants to be famous this time, of course, he must be thorough, so that he can get real attention in the Ziyun Palace. Instead of defeating the opponent with the spirit soldiers, at least I can leave a deeper impression for the high-level people of Ziyun Palace!

As for Yuan Feng's refusal of the spirit soldier who rejected the Master of Yuanji Palace, it was unavoidable that there were some people in the hearts of the audience, but this was certainly better. Since Yuan Feng is willing to grow up, they are naturally happy to see Yuan Feng defeated by his opponent.

The five strong men in the Ziyun Palace did not say anything. Since they sent Yuan Feng out, no matter whether Yuan Feng lost or won, in fact, they were not able to decide. The so-called employment is not necessary, since Yuan Feng himself has decided, then they just have to look at it.

"Huh, boy, the sword has no eyes, and you'll lose your life later, don't blame me."

Seeing that Yuan Feng didn't even have to use the soldiers, Leng Ke of the Black Palace could not help but look cold, and he couldn't help feeling a little upset. In fact, he also hoped that he would defeat the opponent with a bright light, rather than being said to defeat the opponent by relying on the advantages of the spirit soldiers.

However, since Yuan Feng himself was entrusted to death, he certainly did not need to leave room for the other party.

"Well, let me win if I say it!" Yuan Feng was still indifferent, with his hands behind his back naturally, but he made it clear that he wanted the opponent to take the first shot, but the contempt in his eyes was also very obvious.

"court death!!!!"

For Yuan Feng's performance, Leng Ke absolutely has no way to accept it. He has always ignored his opponent, but he was ignored by the other party today. This feeling is really not uncomfortable.


A sword that was unremarkable was suddenly cut out at Yuan Feng. This sword, like a child dancing a sword and making a gun, looked extremely simple. However, all the players present were super strong, and everyone's eyesight was by no means ordinary people's imagination. When the sword was cut out, all the strong players present could not help but start frequently.

"Okay, this sword is simplified, it's so clumsy, it's about realizing the true meaning of kendo!"

"Yes, the swordsmanship of this son has reached the extreme of the realm of swordsmanship. If the opportunity is enough, it is entirely possible to understand the mood of the swordsmanship. If he can cultivate the swordsmanship, then the swords will be out of the law. Increase the combat effectiveness, even if the person in the yin and yang realm, he will drink and hate under his sword. "

"No wonder this son can get the famous Blue Spirit Sword of Hei Ling Palace. Such a talented swordsman is completely worthy of this sword."

"The pinnacle of Yijian Realm and the exercise method of Heilu Palace, I think in this game, the little guy in Ziyun Palace is afraid that it will be difficult to survive!"

After just cutting a sword, Leng Ke, the black cricket palace, was convinced by many of the strong players present. Speaking of it, the mood of the sword shown by Leng Ke is really ashamed of many people present. You know, the realm of Yijian is not something anyone can understand. Everyone present is one, and how many people can understand the realm of Yijian.

The swordsmanship of the strong demigods may not be weaker than the realm of Yijian, but in fact, most of them fail to understand the realm of Yijian, just by virtue of their own Strength and experience, this is the only way to use the power to beat the sword of the realm of the sword.

However, once two demigods are encountered and one of the intentional swords is in the body, then you can tell who is strong and who is weak.

The young disciples of Heilu Palace realized the ultimate state of the realm of Yijian at this age, but this is the existence of hopeful promotion to the realm of magic sword. Of course, everyone has to admire this.

The realm of the magic sword is not the same as the realm of the sword. Once you understand the realm of the magic sword, then a random sword can be cut off, and there will be a power of rules in it. Reason for the rule sword.

Among the strong players present, there were some realms of Yijian, but those who reached the realm of magic sword seemed to have none. Maybe someone deliberately hides his realm, but even if there is some concealment, one of the super strong players present counts as one and can reach the realm of the magic sword, and it will never exceed three.

"Be careful!!!"

On the square platform of Yuanji Palace, the masked woman was scared and scared when she saw the sword of Heihe Palace Lengke. She did n’t know what the strength of Yuanfeng was. Strength, after she saw the sword, she already had some understanding.

In her thoughts, even a character like Leng Ke, even in the entire Yuanji Palace, would be hard to find. When fighting such a character, Yuan Feng's probability of winning is obviously too small and too small.

She doesn't care what wins or loses. What she wants is Yuan Feng's safety. If Yuan Feng really made a mistake, what's the point of being alive?

However, just when the masked woman was anxious, and even couldn't control what she wanted to do, there was a long laugh above Wutai, but it suddenly passed away.

"Ha, is the realm of Yijian? I'm afraid it's ineffective !!!"

A sword that was reduced to complexity was cut in the air, and opened to outsiders. This sword has sealed all the way out of Yuan Feng. I want to avoid this sword, unless Yuan Feng is higher than the swordsmanship Passing the other side, otherwise, this sword, Yuan Feng is afraid to lose.

However, just when everyone thought Yuan Feng was going to lose in this sword, the next move of the latter was to shrink the eyes of everyone present, and the eyes fell to the ground.


The horrible swordmang was mixed with the earth-shattering world and shrouded Yuan Feng, but at this moment, Yuan Feng's figure suddenly turned into a breeze, like a butterfly wearing flowers Generally, it flashes several times directly between Jianmang and Jianshi. The situation is like walking in a leisurely court.

"What? This, this is ..."

"Seeing through? The swordsmanship of the disciples of the Kuroshio Palace have all been seen through by this son? How is this possible?"

"How could this happen? What exactly is this kid in Ziyun Palace? The sword of Yijian, the pinnacle of Yijian Realm, is so easy to see through, isn't it ........."

"The realm of Yijian, if I read it correctly, I am afraid that the realm of sword of this son has reached the realm of Yijian!"

Everyone is a man with a bad eye, and of course he quickly saw Yuan Feng's unusualness. Being able to walk in such an attack is basically two possibilities. One is that Yuan Feng's strength is much higher than his opponent, and the other is, of course, Yuan Feng itself is also the sword of the peak of the realm of swords. Artistic conception, otherwise, it is impossible to ignore the opponent's swordsmanship.

Two possibilities, the former is undoubtedly less likely. After all, Yuan Feng's strength is not as weak as that of the Kuroko palace disciples, if it is the same habitat, it is already quite rare. Grams, this is not very realistic.

The realm of living habitats has limits. The level of Lengke is basically the limit. If it is stronger, it will be promoted to yin and yang, and it is by no means a habitat.

Obviously, in addition to this possibility, that can only be the last possibility. This young man in Ziyun Palace is also a genius swordsman in the realm of sword.

"Okay, okay, I can't think of such a genius in my Ziyun Palace, hahaha!"

The five and a half divine powerhouses in Ziyun Palace are really excited at this moment.

They were still worried before, but when they saw Yuan Feng walking in the midst of Leng Ke's swordmang, they knew that this time they had really dug a treasure.

"Wang Zhong, what is the origin of this son? But is my disciple inside Ziyun Palace? Or is it a new recruit recruited from the outside?"

The split day is simply too pleasing to Yuan Feng. The former Yuan Feng had shown enough power, and now she had a mood of swords that saw through everything, such a young man was simply looking for a lantern.

"The master of the palace, Yuan Feng is a newly recruited disciple, not from the inside of my Ziyun Palace. However, when he was selected before, he showed sufficient strength and leadership ability, so the disciple dared to recommend him of."

Wang Zhong was actually surprised by Yuan Feng's performance at the moment. He knew that Yuan Feng was strong and should be able to resist for a while, but he did not expect that Yuan Feng had this hand. Frankly, if he knew this, he would recommend Yuan Feng to his master, maybe he would also get the appreciation of the master of Liuhe Dian, and he would be accepted as a new disciple.

"Rookie disciple? Haha, okay, this little guy is really an appetite for me. It seems that I want to open a mouth with Brother Huayin once and bring this little guy over."

In the split-day, the more he looked at Yuan Feng, the more pleasing to his eyes. In fact, at this moment, he had already moved his mind to accept the disciples.

Regardless of whether Yuan Feng is qualified to be his disciple, it is only Yuan Feng who stood up at a critical moment to help him so much embarrassment, which is enough to make him repay Yuan Feng!


Hearing the words of Split Sky, Wang Zhong couldn't help but twitch his lips, but didn't continue to respond.

Of course, disciples such as Yuan Feng will not easily give away to others, but these are not what he needs to care about. In his capacity, he is not qualified to participate in the affairs between the demigods. Whether Tian Feng can pass Yuan Feng depends on whether his master can let go.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

Time spent talking, on Wutai, the black palace disciple Leng Ke has begun to soar. Obviously, encountering an opponent such as Yuan Feng also made him feel uneasy, and at this time, he naturally had to take a bit The real thing will do!

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