The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1670: Many acquaintances

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The Ziyun Palace lost two games in a row. This situation can not help but make the faces of the five and half divine powerhouses dull, but when the five were anxious, the great disciple Wang Zhong of Liuhedian finally finally left the only one in Liuhedian. The new disciples shouted.

In Wang Zhong's mind, among the 50 young disciples selected by Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng's strength can definitely be ranked first, and can he be a disciple of the Heihe Palace above Wutai? Xiao Jin rushed down, I'm afraid I can only look at Yuan Feng. If Yuan Feng can't do it, then Ziyun Palace can completely concede in the realm of habitat.

"Wang Zhong, do you think he can defeat the disciples on the black court?"

When Wang Zhong pushed Yuan Feng to the front desk, the faces of the five and a half divine powerhouses in Ziyun Palace showed a tinge of suspense, and his brows frowned tightly.

For young disciples, the senior officials of the Ziyun Palace were indeed given full authority to the disciple disciples to select and train them. Therefore, some of the disciple disciples present were more aware of the strengths and methods of the young disciples than they were.

"Master Dian, Yuan Feng's strength is what his disciples have seen with his own eyes. If he fails, no one in Ziyun Palace's habitat can be competent."

Wang Zhong didn't hesitate. He had seen the power of Yuan Feng. Speaking of Yuan Feng's performance, although he may not be able to win the sturdy strength of the Obsidian Palace, at least he should be able to draw and retreat. In ten thousand steps, you can persist with the other party for a long time, regardless of the result, it is obviously better than losing directly.

The two that Shicai played were people with an identity background in the Ziyun Palace, and there are still a lot of places in the 50 habitats. If he doesn't stand up and recommend Yuan Feng, God knows what the latter is. Only then can you get the chance to play.

"Big disciples in Liuhedian have always been stable. Since it is your referral, let him try it out." The master of Yiyuandian changed his face, but eventually accepted Wang Zhong's suggestion.

He has no choice now. Moreover, Wang Zhong's reputation in the Ziyun Palace is indeed not small, and he does not believe that the other party will be targeted. Finally, when he saw the person Wang Zhong elected, somehow he also felt very optimistic.

"Your name is Yuan Feng, aren't you? If you can draw with this person, the Lord of the Temple will promise you a reasonable request, go!"

The split sky is not much to say, but in fact, such a promise is unimaginable to anyone. A promise of a demigod strong, even if it is another demigod strong, is bound to be inevitable. Will take it very seriously.

"Thank you Lord Lord, the disciples will go all out."

Yuan Feng's gaze flickered slightly, and then he hurriedly arched toward Li Tian.

Speaking of which, he didn't think of coming out so soon. When he wanted to come, if he was almost bullied by Ziyun Palace, he would be playing at that time, the effect would be better.

However, now that Wang Zhong has pushed him out, and the top five are indeed in a hurry right now, it's not a big deal to shoot now.

"This is an opportunity, a promise from a demigod, if you can't get it, it will be a violent thing!"

Mindful of his heart, Yuan Feng was secretly excited at the moment, and he knew that when he shot, he finally arrived.


During the time of speaking, Yuan Feng stepped on his feet, and his body shape instantly came to the Central Military Platform, and he steadily confronted the opposite black man.

"Well? Someone came to power again. It seems that Ziyun Palace did not want to give up like that!"

"Oh, at this time, if you admit defeat, you will be seen by outsiders as a joke. If you change it, it will never be the case."

"How about that? This little guy in Kurosaki is really good. I think even a person in a yin and yang environment can hardly defeat him. I am afraid that such a perverted person can only be trained by Kurosaki."

"This is true, so no matter how many people are dispatched from the Ziyun Palace, they will eventually take their humiliation. After they have no one to send, I am afraid they will be honest."

When I saw someone at the Ziyun Palace again on stage, all the forces present were laughing with faces, apparently watching all of this with a watchful attitude.

In their whim, the swiftness of the Black Palace is basically the strongest of the habitats present. No matter who Ziyun Palace sends out, it is nothing more than adding some shame.

"Well? Why is this person so familiar?"

Just as other people focused their attention on Yuan Feng above Wutai, it was the same person in Ziyun Palace who focused on him.

Among the disciple disciples, Xing Dongqing, a disciple from the Yuanyuan Temple, and Li Xian, Bai Ling, and other disciples from the Liuhe Palace, were of course the first time to see the newcomers sent by the Ziyun Palace, but when they saw the After the appearance of the people once, their eyes could not help but reveal a hint of shock that could not be concealed.

"How, how could it be him? How could this be?"

Among the masses of disciples, Li Xian and Bai Ling, disciples of Liuhedian, were about to exclaim. Others may not recognize which Yuan Feng is. As the two of them who brought Yuan Feng and his team to the wild forest area, the impression that Yuan Feng left on them is quite profound.

Ten new disciples tried their best in each of the two actions, but at this moment, they even saw this dead newcomer disciple in the Ziyun Palace. All this is simply unreal.

"Brother ..."

Bai Ling's complexion changed over and over again, and at the same time he subconsciously passed on to Li Xian. She can also be sure that Yuan Feng is now one of the ten new disciples, but she has the same breath and cannot be faked.

"Be calm and restless !!!"

Hearing Bai Ling's voice, Li Xian hurriedly interrupted the voice, and then continued, "Sister Shimo must not panic, maybe this person just looks more like that person. If this person is really the ten One of the words ... "

His eyes narrowed for a moment. At this moment, Li Xian could not help flashing a bit of sharpness.

He didn't know exactly what happened at the beginning, but no matter what happened at the beginning, the young man in front of him should have died in the barren forest, but he should never have appeared here.

Although the original incident was not a big deal, if it came out, it would not be a glorious thing for them, so if he could, he really didn't want to let such a threat exist in the world.

"Let's wait and see, if it is really one of those ten people, then this son will not be able to stay." Li Xian also understood that under the original circumstances, ordinary people in the habitat could not survive at all. , And if it really survives, there must be a big problem.

Taking a deep breath, they both stopped talking, as if nothing had happened, and continued to watch the situation above Wutai.

"Well? How did this guy come to power? Is he strong?"

It wasn't just Li Xian and Bai Ling who knew Yuan Feng. When Yuan Feng was on the stage, a beautiful woman among the disciples of Ziyun Palace could not help but utter a surprise.

For the fairy Baihua, although Yuan Feng on the stage is not very familiar, at least she has one side, and the other side has helped her!

"Liuhedian's great disciple Wang Zhong actually recommended him to play. It seems that this person is not only good at Xuanzhen. In terms of strength, there should be something remarkable!"

Baihua Fairy participated in the exchange meeting with her master, but she never expected to see Yuan Feng at this time. Speaking of her, like other disciples, she basically did not pay attention to the crowd present. The new disciples did not notice the existence of the latter until Yuan Feng appeared.

"It depends on what means you have. If you can win a game for Ziyun Palace, it will be a great achievement."

In any case, Yuan Feng's help was true. She was public and private, and she hoped that Yuan Feng would win a game on behalf of Ziyun Palace.

"It's Brother Yuanfeng !!!"

Leaving aside the response from Ziyun Palace, when Yuan Feng ascended Wutai, the square platform of Yuanji Palace had always stood behind the masked woman, and Jing Tian who had never spoken The two girls, Zhao Zijun, both looked brighter at the same time, and Jing Tian screamed softly and shouted directly.

"It's Brother Yuanfeng. He's really Brother Yuanfeng. He even appeared here."

Jing Tian was a little excited at the moment. At first she was different from Yuan Feng in the Manghuang Forest. She thought that she would never see the latter again, but she had no idea. How long would it take for her to see her again? To each other.

"Sister, really is Brother Yuan Feng, and we met him again." With excitement, Jing Tian couldn't control that much, while pointing his fingers at Yuan Feng, he turned his head to Zhao Zijun aside.

"Sister, please be so pretentious. The young master and the two veterans are here!"

Zhao Zijun is undoubtedly much more stable. Although she was very happy to see Yuan Feng, she was in a situation where she was not allowed to yell.

"Ah, sweetie got it wrong."

As said by Zhao Zijun, Jing Tian also immediately reflected over, but it was found that the two veterans of Yuanji Palace were looking at her, and the eyes were full of unbelievable colors. Turned his head.

"Young Master, sweet ......... Oh? Young Master?"

Jing Tian, ​​who had put out her tongue and made a mistake, couldn't help looking at the masked woman in front of her, and wanted to admit that she was wrong, but when she looked at the latter, she couldn't help but slightly Alas, his face was full of doubt.

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