The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1666: Eye-opener

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With the appearance of the five and a half divine powers in the Ziyun Palace, this session of the Ziyun Palace exchange meeting finally opened completely, and to what extent this exchange meeting will eventually develop, it is only Take a step and look at it.

The five and a half divine powerhouses in Ziyun Palace have returned, and the next time is when the major forces report themselves. Speaking of which, the self-reported homes of the major powers have always been the opening of exchange meetings. The process is simple, but it is a process that everyone is more concerned about.

I would like to ask, what kind of faction forces do not want to see through the forces of comparable strength? No one hopes that there is a large force without their knowledge around him. In that case, it is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing.

Therefore, when the five and a half divine powers of Ziyun Palace returned, each powerful power became abnormally solemn.


You have to say it early and late, and you have to come on stage in the morning and evening, so there is no need to hesitate at this time! !!

In the time of speaking, a ray of light appeared on the central high platform, but it was a powerful force who came to the stage first.

"Haha, everyone, it is rare to have the opportunity to participate in such a grand event today, and frankly, it is a blessing to be able to see so many superpowers this time."

It was a middle-aged man who came to power. It is undoubtedly a demigod to cultivate for nature, but everyone can see that although this person is also a demigod, it is obviously a little worse.

The level division in the demi-god realm is more meticulous than the previous realm. They are also strong in the demi-god realm, but their strength may be very different. You must know that the whole demi-god requires nine calamities. Only After all the nine calamities have been carried over, it is possible to break the cocoon into a butterfly and achieve the so-called divine realm.

This is the so-called Nine Turns into a God, but unfortunately, the calamity of the Demigod Realm is too horrible, let alone the Ninth Turn, even if it is one turn and two turns, people in the Demigod are afraid to go easily. Tried.

"Everyone here may not know the next one. The scumbag Nie Wenyuan is a person from Yuhua Palace of Kurong City. Before that, I had never participated in an exchange event. I can be the first to participate in the exchange conference. Those in the Yuhua Palace are truly honored. "

The middle-aged man said, but he clenched his fists in the surroundings, which was quite decent.

For the first time at the exchange event, it represented the great forces behind him. If he did not leave a good impression on everyone, then his martial arts would probably be implicated, so of course he must be more cautious.

"Ku Rongcheng Yuhua Palace? This is the first time I heard about it, but I don't know where this Kurong Cheng is? Yuhua Palace, how strong is it?"

"Wuyijie is really too big. Even my husband has never heard of Yuhua Palace in Kurong City, but judging from his strength and demeanor, this so-called Yuhua Palace is not an ordinary force. ! "

"Is it Kurong City? I should have heard of this city. I wanted to go abroad to experience it. I just passed by a Dacheng pond called Kurong City, but I was injured at that time because I felt that the strength of Kurong City was terrible. Going to investigate, it now seems that there are really super powers in the Kurong city. "

"It seems that from now on, there will be another real power at the exchange meeting."

When the man named Nie Wenyuan reported to his home, the people present inevitably had some talk. At this time, there was no need to hide. Everyone had any thoughts, and they naturally said it directly.

"Nie Xiong, who is Yuhua Palace, welcomes you. If you have a chance, I hope to visit Nie Xiong's Kurong City, Yuhua Palace."

On the side of the Ziyun Palace, when he heard that Yuhua Palace Nie Wenyuan reported to the door of his house, the master of the Yuanyuan Palace couldn't help but stand up and arched in front of the former.

The first time they met, of course, was to show friendship. No matter what, they have occupied the host's advantage. If they can meet a few powerful forces, then it would be better.

"Haha, the Lord of the Heavenly Temple is welcome. If you have the opportunity, please also invite the Lord of the Heavenly Temple and everyone to come to my Yuhua Palace to tell you. I would like you to enjoy the environment of my Yuhua Palace."

With a loud laugh, Nie Wenyuan still arched his hand generously, and then continued, "You, here come with a few disciple disciples under the door, mainly to open the eyes, and I hope that everyone will take care of it later, Thank you very much. "

You must always say something polite, but in his heart, naturally, he was thinking that the person he brought could have a good performance, and typed out the name of Yuhua Palace in one fell swoop.

The crowd present did not say much, everyone nodded to Nie Wenyuan, it was a response to him!

"I won't take up time, please !!!!"

After turning around in the same place, Nie Wenyuan's figure flashed back to his own team. After he returned to his team, everyone could not help glancing at the disciples he had brought here.

Not to mention that Nie Wenyuan brought six men and women here. The overall strength is really good, especially one of the women who looks more stylish and should be a genius.


Almost immediately after Nie Wenyuan stepped down, another light suddenly lit up, and then an old man appeared on the high platform.

"Hehe, everyone, Yanji Gongyan has seen friends a few times, everyone is polite!"

The smile of the old man's face was a kind of easy-going person, who was surrounded by words and had a friendly attitude.

"Ha ha ha, Brother Yan is an old friend. After attending so many sessions of the exchange, Brother Yan is basically a must-go. After the exchange meeting ends, Brother Yan must stay to accompany him for a few more drinks. "

When the old man on the stage appeared, the master of the Yuanyuan Temple could not help but laugh loudly, as if he had met an old acquaintance. But having said that, Yanji Gongyan, like him, basically participates in every exchange meeting. The two of them are really familiar and cannot be familiar with them anymore.

"Brother Tiantian is very polite. Many of you here are old acquaintances, and my husband doesn't need to say much, but newcomers. In the future, everyone will move around without boundaries, and have the opportunity to get closer."

Yan Ji's fame is the highest in the world of no delusion. Speaking of which, even if the Lord of the Yuan Temple is split, it is actually inferior to him.

"Old man Yan, the last exchange meeting, when you and I discussed, I lost a move, this time the exchange meeting, the husband still has a few tricks with you."

Just as Yan Ji held his fist and spoke on a high platform, someone suddenly stood up and said to Yan on the stage.

"Eh? Haha, Lao Lan, you guys aren't so disappointed, let alone, I will be able to accompany you a few more times at the exchange meeting, but if I lose again this time, I won't follow you Tried. "

Glancing at the speaker, Yan Ji obviously knew each other, and they were all old friends. It was not polite to speak.

"Rest assured, you will win this time." The old man, called the Blue Old Man, poked his lips, but was not convinced.

At each exchange meeting, the contest of competitions is the main theme, and the competition of competitions is not only the disciples of the major forces, but even the demigods will actually conduct some competitions.

Yanji Gongyan didn't stay much for a few moments. After reporting to the family, he also returned to his own position. The old **** closed his eyes on the ground and raised his energy.

The battle is ubiquitous, and if you want to win in the battle, you must first ensure that you have an excellent state. Only in this way can you win in the final battle and earn fame for your martial power.

In the next time, the 23 major forces will almost come to power one after another. Those who often participate in the exchange meeting will naturally say a few words, and those who participate in the exchange meeting for the first time will inevitably say a few more words. It can be considered familiar.

Almost half of the twenty-three major forces are new ones. However, it is unlikely that all these new major forces emerged suddenly, and many of them passed through. The forces who participated in the exchange meeting in the past learned that there was still an exchange meeting.

One by one the big powers have signed up, and this process is obviously an eye-opening opportunity for everyone below the demigod present, and even Yuan Feng is no exception.

"Yes, a lot of Demigod Realms. The exchange event in Ziyun Palace has attracted so many Demigod Realms. This is really an eye-opener and a real insight."

In the square array of the Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng hides among the new disciples. It does not seem to be inconspicuous. At this moment, he has secretly observed all the people who came to power in the demigod and also watched those who did not The disciples of the major forces who have come to power have to say that after seeing the many powerful people who have come to this exchange meeting, his heart will inevitably be slightly shaken.

Before the exchange meeting began, he thought that there were only ten and eight big forces to participate, and there would not be too many people. However, when the exchange meeting really started, he knew that the whole thing was not delusional. In the world, there are really too many powerful people.

Apart from the genius disciples brought by all the major forces, he said that just being a demigod from the 23 major forces, he completely opened his eyes and understood what it means to be outside the sky and someone outside.

With so many great forces, each of them is led by at least one demigod, and some are led by two demigods. At this moment, the five appearing in Ziyun Palace are counted. Most of the people in the semi-god, and the strong semi-gods present, have more than thirty.

"It seems that this exchange meeting really saw it!"

Keeping their eyes on the self-reporting forces on the stage, Yuan Feng couldn't help but carefully write down the factions one after another. He knew that maybe one day he would intersect with these factional forces.

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