The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1662: Grand opening

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Since its creation, Ziyun Palace has experienced countless large and small events. Among them are events within Ziyun Palace itself, as well as events involving Ziyun Palace involving numerous surrounding cities.

However, for a long time, the Ziyun Palace has not yet hosted hundreds of millions of cities around it, which is a great event for many superpowers. No doubt, this exchange event organized by the Ziyun Palace will be the history of the Ziyun Palace The largest event since, and this event is destined to be recorded in the history of the Ziyun Palace.

On this day, the entire city of Ziyun is as usual, everything is developing step by step according to the daily situation, but all superpowers in Ziyun City can feel that today's Ziyun City is obviously It is a little different from the past, especially the direction of the Ziyun Palace, and it is a vaguely warm atmosphere.

Regarding the situation of Ziyun Palace, the powerful men of the first-class big forces have all kept silent, even locked themselves up strictly, and did not dare to make any changes. For them, no matter what Ziyun Palace does, they have nothing to do with them, and the matter of Ziyun Palace is not what they can participate in.

Some time ago, so many great forces in Ziyun City wanted to work together, but what happened later? In the end, it is not a deadly wounded situation?

Therefore, as long as the Ziyun Palace is not down to the level of being bullied by anyone, then these so-called big forces will inevitably be humans with their tails in their hands, and they will not dare to have the slightest intention ...

Early in the morning, the gates of the Ziyun Palace were decorated with lanterns. On both sides of the gate, the law enforcement disciples of the Ziyun Palace stood on two sides, and each disciple stood tall and indescribably proud.

These law enforcement disciples are patrol teams that patrol everywhere in Ziyun Palace on weekdays. They are built from yin and yang to the endless world. Although they are not top-notch, they are almost the same height and wear the same costumes. It is very spectacular.

The two rows of law enforcement disciples went directly from outside the gate to the depths of the gate. The number was roughly counted. The number of people in each row is probably not less than a thousand. It can be said that the queue of thousands of people alone The power of Ziyun Palace has been revealed.

At the forefront of Shanmen, a line of ten people is lined up, but it is not the same as the disciples of the law enforcement teams around them, because the ten disciples in this row are not ordinary people in Ziyun Palace, but The disciples of Ziyun Palace's ten main halls, of course, their identities are certainly not comparable to those of ordinary disciples in Ziyun Palace, and their temperament is not the same.

The ten great disciple disciples stood in front of the mountain gate. Everyone was somber and well-organized. It can be seen that on this day, they came with a task, and they should know what they want to contact today. What kind of people are they, if they don't behave properly at this moment, then they are afraid of their suffering.

All the law enforcement disciples plus the top ten disciples of disciples, everyone quietly waited in front of the mountain gate, and this wait did not last long.

When Chaoyang rose to mid-air and the whole world was lit up, in front of the mountain gate of Ziyun Palace, six people in black were ushered in first. These six men in black, two old, four and young, suddenly appeared in front of the gates of Ziyun Palace like ghosts. When the people in Ziyun Palace found the people, they had already arrived in front of them.

"By asking, is this the Ziyun Palace in Ziyun City?"

Two of the six men in black are in the first four behind, one of the two elderly men headed up, revealing an old face, facing the crowd in front of the mountain gate of Ziyun Palace.

"The two seniors should come to participate in the exchange event, yes, this is the Ziyun Palace. I wonder where the senior Xianxiang is?"

When the six men in black approached, the top ten disciples in front of the mountain gates changed their looks and became more cautious. They knew that the drama was about to begin.

"It's good to be Ziyun Palace. We are the people of the Black City Palace of Yuncheng. I don't know which little brother took a little time to show me a way?"

The two old men in black were quite polite, and speaking, they arched to the ten people in front of the door.

Here is the Ziyun Palace. Although they are strong enough, after all, they have come to other people's sites. Of course, they should not be too presumptuous.

"The predecessors are polite. I am waiting for the order of the family teacher to wait for the predecessors from all walks of life here. If the predecessors do not give up, let the younger people lead the way for the predecessors, please !!!"

Of the ten preachers, someone immediately stood up and led the way for the six men in black.

"Thank you !!!"

The two old men in black didn't hesitate, and talking was taking four men in black, walking slowly towards the gate of Ziyun Palace, but four young men in black. As the disciple next to him, he could not help glancing at the people in Ziyun Palace.

The ten passers-by disciples sent by the Ziyun Palace to greet the guests, although they are not top-notch, they are indeed justified. Such ten people, even these four men in black, naturally cannot ignore them.

Of course, if the disciples of Ziyun Palace have only this level, then it is really not enough for them to watch.

In the time of speaking, one of the ten disciple disciples took six people in black to enter the depths of the Ziyun Palace, and the remaining nine disciple disciples were all dignified at this moment.

"Hei Ling Palace? But I heard it from the Master. It is said that it is a very mysterious force and its style is quite strange. It is unexpected that this time it is the first Hei Ling Palace to come."

"It seems that this Kurosaki Palace is not easy to deal with. The four young people should be the talented disciples selected by Kurosaki Palace. In my strength, I am afraid that they may not be their opponents."

"Every major force comes to the battle, and naturally comes with the strongest disciples. Of course, disciples of this level cannot be defeated casually. However, I have many geniuses in Ziyun Palace to defeat these few. The guy is nothing to worry about. "

"That's natural, like Wang Zhong, my master of Liuhedian, to deal with the four people just now, isn't it right?"

"My senior brother, Dillon, in the Temple of the Four Elephants can also make them indistinguishable."

"My Yiyuan Hall can be easily destroyed, and no effort is needed ..."

The remaining nine passers-by disciples were all subconsciously talking and talking at this moment, but although they were talking **** their lips, they knew in their hearts that it was impossible to come to them casually, Ziyun The palace must dispatch the big disciples of the major palaces to cope with it. If that is the case, it will be too expensive.

Moreover, like the four men in black who just entered, each of them has a shorter training time than them, let alone compared with the big disciples in the major palaces, and even the big disciples in the major palaces can Defeating these people does not seem to be glorious.

The exchange event, of course, is to communicate with the peers. If you let the disciple disciples fight against the strong in the demigod, then there is a fart to communicate?


At the time when the nine disciple disciples talked to each other, another light suddenly lighted up before the mountain gate. Then, an old man led a man, a woman, and two young men, followed by five followers. Came to the mountain gate.

"Oh, your little brothers are polite!"

The old man showed up with a group of people, and for the first time, he smiled and arched his hands at the people of Ziyun Palace. It looked like an ordinary old man was greeting, unspeakable and kind.

Maybe in the past, these legendary disciples wo n’t even look at this ordinary old man. However, they are very clear now that they are different from the past. They dare to come to Ziyun Palace today. Or, even the most ordinary person may be a super character who hides cultivation.

"The seniors are polite. I want to come to the seniors to come to my Ziyun Palace to participate in the exchange event. I do n’t know where the seniors came from?"

Being able to be sent to welcome guests, we can see that these rumors and disciples should always be humble and polite, so no matter how modest they are, they treat them with courtesy and dare not show any neglect.

"Oh, my husband Yanyan Palace Yanji, these are my disciples of Yanyan Palace, this time for the exchange event." Indeed, the old man is a bit polite, not only reported, but it is even He said his name.

"It turned out to be the predecessor of the Yanji Palace. The predecessor of the Heiji Palace came here first. The seniors of Yan please follow me. The boy will bring the senior into the palace."

In the name of the Yanchi Palace, the nine preachers who were present at the scene also heard of it. Someone stood up during the conversation and led the way for Yan and his party.

"Oh? The people in the Kuroshio Palace? These guys came fast enough." Hearing the other side said that Kuroko Palace Yanyan raised her eyebrows, and then stopped talking. "Brother Lao leads the way."

"Predecessors, this is what juniors should do."

The person who led the way felt a little flattered. No matter what, the old man on the other side was a demigod without enemies. Of course, it was his honor to be so polite to himself.

Speaking, a group of people walked toward the depths of the Ziyun Palace, while walking, the seniors of the Yanji Palace, from time to time, would chat with the leading people from time to time, this is the same as before Their party is different. You know, in the previous group, the six black people rarely spoke. Walking with them, the leading disciples were already diligent. Where can I talk?

In the blink of an eye, the two major forces have arrived, but the exchange event in Ziyun Palace has finally begun.

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