The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1648: Unimaginable

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The whole space in the soul-cleaning array has been frozen at this moment, and all the young disciples in the space of the mysterious array and the seven great disciples have now fallen into the illusion. I'm afraid it's difficult to escape.

And almost when all the disciples in Xuanzhen completely fell into the illusion, the image of a man slowly appeared in the space of Xuanzhen. At this time, if there are still people sober, you will find that the man's image that suddenly appeared is not someone else, it is the fabricator who is all-spirited, Xuanming!

If you think about it, Wan Ling Di Xin Zhen was arranged by Xuan Ming himself. It can appear here at this time. It seems that there will be no other people besides him.

"Oh, yes, yes, it seems that everyone has entered the illusion, the next time, everything will be up to me!"

A smile slowly climbed up to his face. At this moment, the disciples of the Eight Diagrams Palace looked very different from the past. If someone sees Xuanming's expression at this moment, it is simply impossible to treat the big gossip disciple in front of him with the big gossip disciple on weekdays.

Everyone has an unknown side, and what Xuan Ming is showing right now is his unknown side, and at this moment, he is just like two people.

Although it is only a simple energy projection, this energy projection is not much different from Xuanming's personal advent, because everyone at this time is caught in a fantasy, even if his strength is less than ten thousandths of the body. One, but it is enough to deal with a group of people trapped in a fantasy.

I do n’t know how this energy clone of Xuanming is condensed. Speaking of it, being able to talk to the two great martial arts disciples while also dividing the energy projection into the Xuan array, this mysterious method is really unpredictable.

"Well, a group of ignorant guys, do you really think I will let you enjoy my soul-cleaning? In my field, then from now on, each of you will be tied to me . "

Xuanming's face was full of disdain, as his eyes swept across everyone present.

The reason why this time to arrange a spiritual array for everyone to cultivate, he simply has a bad heart, not really to help everyone improve their spiritual cultivation.

There is no free lunch in the world. Although he is a genius disciple in the Ziyun Palace, he has not yet reached the kind of selflessness, free of charge for the welfare of others, especially the fool that he may complete his opponent. How could he do it?

"go with!!!"

I looked around and felt the breath of the outside world. Xuanming's gaze suddenly flashed a little. Then, he moved his hands together to break the breath into the bodies of two people who were closer to him. among.

"Om !!!"

The two rays fell into the bodies of the two men, and the time spent talking, the two men's figures trembled slightly, and then the eyes of the two men opened.

The two men opened their eyes, and a faint flash of light flashed across the bottom of their eyes. Obviously, they had just fallen into a fantasy, and it seemed that they were not able to adapt to the real environment for a while.

However, when the two men looked around and saw the opposite Xuanming, they both hurriedly looked right, but also understood the situation at hand.

"Brush !!!!"

There was almost no trace of delay. The two flashed forward and came to Xuanming's near stand. They were talking and bending over to Xuanming's energy avatar, but they did a big job. Great gift.

"See Brother Xuanming !!!" The two men bent down to the end, obviously the courtesy is no longer the number of courtesy between the master and brother, it is exactly like the courtesy between master and servant.

"Oh, spare it, it would be bad if someone saw it."

Seeing the two men saluting themselves, Xuanming waved his hands, as if sending a flower call, and did not take the two in their eyes.

At this moment, if the masters of Ziyun Palace are present, they will be stunned by the sight in front of them, because the two men who bowed down in front of Xuanming and almost bowed to the ceremony are the two instruments of Ziyun Palace. Dian Xun Biography disciple Zhang Jiao, and Sixiang Dian Xun Biography disciple, Ling Qing.

The disciples of Liangyi Dianzhang, Zhang Jiao, and the disciples of Sixiang Dian, Ling Qing, are not among the top figures among all the disciples of Ziyun Palace, but even so, with their identity and strength, Not many people in the entire Ziyun Palace dared to provoke them.

The Liangyi Palace Zhang Jiao usually did not laugh at all, basically it was muffled practice, and even his own secret room rarely came out. Because of this, his strength can not be underestimated. In addition, this time he was dispatched by the two masters of the Dianyi Palace to carry out this heavy task, which can better illustrate his strength.

As for the Ling of the Four Elephants, this is the young disciple of the Lord of the Four Elephants. They are also well-loved by the Lord of the Four Elephants. Usually, there is no need for others to prove their status in the Ziyun Palace!

However, it was these two high-weight people who bowed to Xuanming obediently at this time. This scene seemed so unreal.

"Well, what have you two learned?"

Xuanming's gaze swept across the faces of Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing, and then asked with a smile on his face.

No one in the entire Ziyun Palace knows that Zhangyi of Liangyi Hall and Ling Qing of Sixiang Hall have already been accepted by him for their own use. Although the methods of controlling the two are somewhat glorious, the current two It is true that man has become his seat.

Of course, it is also quite difficult to control these two great disciples. In order to control the two, he paid a lot of resources and costs.

"Brother Huixuanming said that although the younger brother has already felt the power of all spirits to clean up his heart, but this time he joined the training, but his strength has been improved again, so I would like to thank my brother for giving him this opportunity."

The opening corner of Liangyi Hall took a step forward and spoke back first. I have to say that Zhang Jiao today is definitely different from him in the past. On weekdays, he basically does not say a word, and the expression on his face has always been very indifferent, and like this hippie smile now, he has never been exposed before people.

Everyone has their own secrets. Even if they are two people who are familiar with each other, you will never know what kind of person the other party is, and how many secrets they have to conceal themselves.

"I also feel that my mind has improved. It seems Brother Xuanming's skills have improved again."

Ling Qing, a young disciple in the Sixiang Hall, also had all kinds of learning, charmingly facing Xuanming.

Under the eaves, people have to bow their heads. They are now controlled by the other side of life and death, even if they do not want to be obedient. At this time, they naturally understand what kind of words should be spoken, and what kind of words cannot be said.

Undoubtedly, no matter what kind of person, they naturally like to listen to good words rather than bad words. This point, even the big disciple Xuan Ming, is not good.

"Well, the two of you can talk, but you haven't been in the Spirit of the Heart for a long time, and I don't believe you can really improve."

Skipped his lips, how could Xuanming not know that the two were complimenting him? But having said that, sometimes people are actually so cheap, they know they are fake, but they still like to listen.


Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing did not expect that Xuan Ming would give them such a response, but they already have some immunity to this. Others don't know, but they often deal with Xuanming, but they understand that the big disciple of the Eight Diagrams Hall is a lunatic, and there is no reason or routine for him.

"Okay, do n’t worry. The two of you are just here. I ’ve personally set up an improved version of the Magic Spirit Cleanup. At this moment, they have fallen into the illusion. The two of you can help me first. Among these young disciples, Some of the best will subdue, and then see if they can control these preachers. "

Xuan Ming didn't have time to grind his tongue with the two. He was in a hurry to control the people present, and relying on his energy to split himself, it is difficult to achieve it. So, he needs these two people to help him.

The Ziyun Palace is far from being so calm on the surface, whether it is internal or external troubles. In short, the entire Ziyun Palace is indeed very uneven. The existence of Xuanming may only represent him alone, but there may also be him The forces behind him are supporting him. As for whether it is an independent individual or an organized large group, that is not what everyone can understand.

Of course, from the normal situation, if Xuanming is alone, I am afraid that he may not dare to perform such small movements within the scope of Ziyun Palace. After all, the master of Ziyun Palace is like a cloud. If anyone discovers, then he will die without a burial place.

However, if someone behind him supports him, then everything is difficult to say. You know, as superpowers, that can confuse the magic.

"I am willing to work for Brother Xuanming, and I also ask Brother Xuanming to tell me to do my best!"

"I also ask Brother Xuanming to give pointers, and I will try my best to bow and die, and die."

The two great disciples bent over to the end again, just like the most loyal servants, showing their determination and attitude. It is foreseeable that with the help of both of them, this time, Xuanming is bound to gain a lot And all the young disciples present, as well as the disciples, are probably in serious trouble.

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