The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1645: Bad intentions?

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The dark passage appeared in front of everyone's eyes. At this moment, all the young disciples in Ziyun Palace were all staring, staring closely at the holes above the Xuan array. Everyone knows that through this passage, you can enter Xuan The internal space of the battle array, and then used the mysterious array to cultivate their mental ability.

The name of Wanling Dixin array is placed there, and no one can resist it. This time witnessing the layout of Wanling Dixin array has opened their eyes. If they can enter the practice, it will be bound to Is a happier thing.

A hundred young disciples have now lined up in two rows, of which the habitats are in a row, the yin and yang are in a row, and only after Xuanming orders, everyone can practice.

"Brother Xuanming, my younger brother has never been in the spiritual training of Wanling Dixin. I wonder if Brother Xuanming's layout is qualified to join the practice?" Xi was ready with a group of young disciples. Waiting for Xuanming to order, among the disciples of a large number of preachers, Li Xiaobai, a disciple of Sancai Hall, suddenly stood out and laughed at Xuanming, a great disciple of Bagua Temple.

San Caidian Li Xiaobai is a well-known lunatic. He will say nothing if he has any words, and he will never hide it. At the moment, only he will have this kind of cheek. Generally not very appropriate request.

You should know that although the disciples are strong and weak, they are all disciples, and since they are disciples, then you should not ask other disciples, because it is clear that you are admitting that your skills are not as good as others. Moreover, As a disciple of disciples, he is generally not willing to complete others.

Therefore, this request made by Li Xiaobai is unreasonably unreasonable and must be rejected by others.

"Hehe, where is Brother Li, the mysterious array set up for my brother naturally can be practiced by anyone, and it is rare that Brother Li can be regarded as a brother, so please try it."

Hearing Li Xiaobai's desire to join the team, Xuanming couldn't help but smile, but agreed directly.

For Xuanming, the big battle is done, so no matter how many people go in to practice, it doesn't make any difference to him. Li Xiaobai is a man. He naturally knows it. Although the madman disciple of Sancaidian is not very famous, he has absolutely no strength to say, and of course such a strong guy does not need to provoke him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, if you can pay Li Xiaobai of the Sancai Temple, it will be regarded as a kind of gain.

"Hahaha, okay, thank you Brother Xuanming, since that's the case, I'm welcome."

Hearing Xuanming agreed to join the team, Li Xiaobai immediately burst into laughter. He was really interested in this so-called all-spirited heart array, not that he wanted to improve his mind, but he wanted to know This so-called all-spirited heart array is not as powerful as the legend.

In his position in the Sancai Hall, as long as he wanted to, he could have been arranged by the Sancai Hall's owner for a long time and went to the Bagua Hall to cleanse himself. However, for a long time, he has not looked down on all kinds of spirits, and the reason why he wants to join the team is to try the power of this mysterious array.

Of course, no matter how crazy Li Xiaobai is, he cannot say such a thing.

"Ahem, Brother Xuanming, it is rare that Brother Xuanming has arranged such a super mysterious array. If it is not used well, it is really a pity. I wonder if my brother has the honor to join the practice for a while?"

Almost immediately after Li Xiaobai's request was agreed, another disciple of disciples stood up and asked Xuanming.

"Hey, my younger brother also wants to feel the magic of all spirits. I wonder if Brother Xuanming can give my younger a chance?"

"Although I had entered the Wanling Dixin array at the beginning, but it was a short time at that time, I rarely caught up with this opportunity. I wonder if Brother Xuanming can let the younger brother relive the feeling of Wanxing dixin?"

Li Xiaobai opened his head, of course, there is nothing to be jeopardized by other people. This kind of thing depends on whether anyone stands up and starts, and once someone comes out, other people can be regarded as followers. No obligation is required.

"Hahaha, okay, my masters and brothers, this time I set up a magic spirit to serve all the people present, everyone who wants to enter it to practice, so just go straight in."

Xuanming laughed happily as he listened to each of the disciples.

A sheep is also released, and a group of sheep is also released. Since Xuanzhen has been set up here, a few more people can go in and still receive a few more human feelings. Why is this a good thing?

As for whether these people will learn any superb skills in the Spiritual Warriors, and then surpass him in cultivation, he is not worried at all.

Xuan Zhen was arranged by him, and what effect it has, he knows better than anyone else. Besides, he spends all day practicing in the super array of Bagua Temple. Wouldn't he worry that these people stayed in Xuan Zhen for so long? ?

If he doesn't even have this self-confidence, then he is not worthy of being a big disciple in the Bagua Temple.

"Thank you Brother Xuanming."

Each of the disciples thanked Xuanming for their hands. For them, it was a rare opportunity to be able to enter the spiritual training team.

"You guys, this magic spirit cleanup can last for about a day or so, you can join the team now. I hope everyone can make progress in this magic spirit cleanup."

His chin was slightly raised, and Xuanming's vanity was fully satisfied at this moment. No matter what, his mysterious array can be sought after by so many people, which is a confirmation of his strength.

"Okay, that's it, everyone is in the battle !!!"

Li Xiaobai was still the most rude. He said nothing but he said nothing, and the first one rushed in towards the mysterious passage.

"We also go in."

Others are not hesitant. Now that they have said it all, if you swell your face and become fat again, that is your ignorance!

In the time of speaking, among the top ten disciple disciples, in addition to Xuanming himself, the remaining nine people have entered the Xuanzhen. Seven young people have also entered the Xuanzhen. One after another started to enter the battlefield, it was an impatient expression.

"Be careful after entering the team. If anything is wrong, just call me."

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng also followed the crowd and flew towards the Xuan Zhen channel, but when he had not yet entered the Xuan Zhen, a sound came from his ears.


Yuan Feng, who had just reached the entrance of the passage, couldn't help flashing a strange color under his eyes, but after all, he was unusual, so even though he heard the voice, he didn't move at all, and he still looked at himself Channeled up the mysterious array channel.

"Well, this Wang Zhong is not bad. He even knew to tell me to be careful."

Although the surface is not moving, but in fact, Yuan Feng at this moment, still touched. He really didn't expect that Wang Zhong would send a message to him at this time. With this, he could see that the other party valued himself.

"It seems that my previous performance should have successfully attracted this person's attention. Maybe I can use this person in the future to get more opportunities to impact the yin and yang."

People of this level of Wang Zhong are definitely not going to enter the Xuanzhen to practice. After all, they are both disciples of disciples, and they are also masters of major palaces. If he enters the Xuanzhen to practice, then Liuhedian The great disciple Wang Zhong is not as good as the great disciple Xuanzang's words, I am afraid that it will spread throughout the entire Ziyun Palace tomorrow.

"Speaking of which, this Xuanming set up such a large array, I am afraid that it may really be targeted at me. Also, all these disciples of disciples have entered the Xuanzhen, and I do not know if anyone will do anything wrong to me, so Be careful. "

If all these people have seen his previous performance, it would not be impossible to say that someone would target him this time, so he must be more careful this time.


Speaking of Kazakhstan's time, Yuan Feng has come to the entrance of the Xuanzhen together with the others. Without saying a word, he went directly into it and disappeared completely.

"Well !!!"

One hundred young disciples were all scrambling, so it took almost a few minutes for all of them to enter the passage, and in the open space in front of the hall, only three figures remained.

"Oh, this group of little guys are really blessed this time. They have the opportunity to practice in the Spiritual Spirit Training Center when they are living in Habitat and Yin Yang. Such treatment is even higher than those of our preachers!"

After all the young disciples entered the field, in the open space, Qiao Ke could not help but smile a little, facing Wang Zhong and Xuanming Road aside.

This time, Qiao Ke did not follow the others, but stayed outside with Wang Zhong.

Speaking of which, he has entered the psychic array, and that time he entered the array, he basically did not gain anything. In other words, in terms of mental strength, he has basically exceeded the average person by a large amount. Obviously, there is no need to venture into this battle at this time.

There must be no harmful heart, no intrusive heart, he will not be like everyone else, so believe in the master of the Eight Diagrams Hall.

"Brother Joe Ke talks a lot, right, brother Brother Ke Ke doesn't go in and try?"

Xuanming's mouth cornered, and his eyes couldn't help flashing a strange light. When he wanted to come, Qiao Ke in front of him should also join the practice, but he did not expect that the other party had no intention of joining.

"No, I'm too old to stop eating with young people! Two, I have good wines here. If the two are not disappointed, let's wait for a drink!"

When the words fell, he suddenly raised his hand and took out a table case. Above the table case, the wine and dishes had been set up, but he had not given the other two opportunities to oppose it.

ps: roar, seek for flowers at the beginning of the month, go back today, try to keep it updated! !! !!

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