The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1643: All spirits

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The 100 places in the Ziyun Palace to participate in the exchange meeting are basically completely determined up to now. Fifty people in the habitat, fifty people in the yin and yang state, but finally there are 27 new disciples Successful promotion included 23 of them in Habitat and 4 in Yin and Yang.

The number of twenty-seven is really not much to say, but such a number is completely beyond the expectations of the senior officials of Ziyun Palace. After all, the number of twenty-seven will basically reach the total number of places One third.

Twenty-seven newcomer disciples have now returned to their ancestral disciples in their palaces. The final results are fairly average. Among them, the largest number of newcomer disciples is the Bagua Temple, but there are four in total. The few remaining newcomers and disciples are the only poor ones.

Although Liuhedian was the biggest winner, they ended up with only a new disciple, Yuanfeng, with the least number. It seems that it is fair to go to heaven, and it is impossible to come alone.

"You guys, the quota has been determined. You, a hundred people, will represent the Ziyun Palace to participate in the next exchange meeting. On that exchange event, you may show your strengths or you can only watch the lively, but no matter Whichever it is, I hope everyone can prepare carefully and not lose the face of my Ziyun Palace. "

All the new disciples have returned to the team, and at this time, Xuan Ming, a great disciple in Bagua Temple, nodded with satisfaction and smiled at everyone.

Although there are no outstanding figures in the Bagua Temple this time, they have the most disciples left, and this alone is enough to keep him on the face. \ Frankly speaking, except for talented disciples like Yuan Feng, ordinary newcomer disciples are actually useless, but there are the most people left in the Bagua Temple, and they are really good-looking. Having said that, there are so many people left in the Bagua Temple, and I have to talk about the means of mystery.

As a matter of fact, all the people who participated in the battle in the Bagua Temple have been used by Xuanming before. Because of this, their strength will be improved within a short time, a small step ahead of everyone. However, it is this small step that completes them and allows them to save their lives when they are critical.

"Brother Xuanming, rest assured, we are all disciples of Ziyun Palace. It is my duty to add glory to Ziyun Palace. Brother Xuanming is waiting to see our performance!"

After the words of Xuanming, a great disciple in the Eight Diagrams Hall, dropped, among the local disciples in Ziyun Palace, a disciple in the yin and yang realm stood out, with a proud expression.

This person who speaks is also a very talented person. Among the disciples of yin and yang, it can be said to be stunning and stunning. Even if it is almost compared with the previously lost habitat genius Luo Zhan, it is almost It's not too much.

Although the natives of Ziyun Palace on this side of Habitat lost, but there was no big mistake on the side of Yin and Yang side, so he talked rather hardly.

"Yes, I will do my best to wait for the Ziyun Palace."

"Yes, yes, my Ziyun Palace is the strongest. At this exchange meeting, we must let those who come to the meeting see and see."

When someone comes out to take an oath, naturally someone will come out and agree. This is nothing to doubt.

However, those who spoke were disciples of the yin and yang realms. As for those who lived in the habitat, they all bowed their heads, and no one had the courage to speak.

The people in this habitat have been damaged in half, and even Luo Zhan and other characters have fallen. What qualifications do they have for the losers?

"Oh, you have this kind of heart."

He smiled a little, but Xuanming didn't take it for granted. Frankly speaking, at this moment, he focused more on the side of Liuhe Temple, where there was always Wang Zi, the great disciple of Liuhe Temple. The young man behind him really looked more pleasing to the eye.

Unfortunately, with such a disciple in Liuhedian, it is absolutely impossible for others to give it to others. Otherwise, he really hopes to get it to the Baguadian.

"You, this one hundred places have been determined. In the next time, I will not be able to do this, and I am willing to put in a heart-warming array for your newcomers. Everyone can join in to cultivate their mentality. I wonder if you can appreciate your face?"

Xuanming's gaze turned slightly, but then he suddenly said. It can be seen that his decision should be added temporarily, which should not have been thought of originally.

"What? All souls clean up? This, this ........."

"Wonderful spirit cleanup? Have I heard it wrong? Brother Xuanming wants to set up the magical heartcleanup for everyone? Is this a pie in the sky?"

"Appeal, it ’s incredible, Wan Ling Di Xin Zhen, I have long heard that Brother Xuan Ming is good at a mysterious array called Wan Ling Di Xin Zhen. Those who enter the battle can greatly improve their mental strength. Fan will have a chance to meet! "

"Opportunity, this is a great opportunity. If you can lift your mind up in the soul-cleaning array, then it will really be a step ahead!"

When Xuanming's words fell, all the people present changed their looks, especially the 70 or more Ziyun Palace local disciples. They all seemed to have heard the happiest thing at this moment, one by one. It was so exciting.

All spiritual arrays, this mysterious array is not an unknown mysterious array. Among the Ziyun Palace, this all-spiritual array in the Eight Diagrams Hall is almost the most popular among the most famous ones. One, because this mysterious array can enhance the spiritual cultivation of the warrior, this is definitely an ordinary mysterious array that cannot be compared.

The reason why the gossip disciples are strong one by one is precisely because of the existence of this mysterious array in the gossip temple. Unfortunately, the soul-cleaning heart array is only open to the people of the gossip temple. Other palace people have no Chance.

This can't be said that the people in the Bagua Temple are stingy, but the material of the array of all spirits is very special and very precious. Even if the materials are arranged once, it is enough for some super powers to consume a few. It's month.

"It's really bloody. It seems that Xuanming has made it clear this time that he wants to buy people's hearts!"

"It's a big deal. It's really a big deal. It takes a lot of energy to lay out a soul-cleaning array. It took me a lot of energy to think about it, and I went into the spirit-cleaning array for a while."

"Well, this mysterious soul will pick a time, and this time to set up a spiritual array for everyone to practice, not only can these people be grateful, but also leave a good impression on the top of the Ziyun Palace, can be described as Two birds with one stone. "Although the disciples of a few big brothers did not say it on their lips, they knew very well one by one. The reason why Xuanming put down his blood this time is definitely long thoughtful, and he will never lose money. That's it.

Twenty newcomers and disciples did not show much performance. They did not know what the so-called all-round spirit-raising team meant, but from the performance of other people, this so-called all-round soul-cleaning team should be a good one. Mysterious array is.

"He looks like he has some problems!"

Everyone else only regards Xuanming's decision as a temporary idea of ​​the other party, but someone has different opinions. At this moment, Yuan Feng, the only new disciple remaining in Liu He Dian, was unusually alert now.

Whether it was the keen sense of swallowing the heavenly martial spirit, or the long-term keen sense of danger, all made him aware of the fault of the great disciple in Bagua Temple.

It seems that this big disciple in the Eight Diagrams Hall seems to be very interested in him, and this kind of interest will never be a good thing to him.

"This person has paid special attention to me. If I don't feel wrong, this guy is afraid that he has already followed me!"

His face was impassive, but in fact, Yuan Feng at this moment had never stopped thinking.

When Xuan Ming said that he was going to set up a magic spirit, he felt that this person's intentions were bad. Although, in principle, the other party should not have any thoughts about such a small person, but the fact is, He really felt the danger from the other side.

"Well, do you want to find out? I want to see what kind of means the so-called" Wanting? "Can have some effect on me."

Xuanming's strength is indeed very strong, so strong that he has to pay attention to it, but no matter how strong the opponent's strength is, he is still happy, and speaking of it, he really looks forward to the other party to come out These means, in that case, may also provide him with some opportunities.

"Since Brother Xuanming is so generous today, then we people naturally have nothing to say. I also asked Brother Xuanming to take a shot and also gave us a few long-term insights."

Liu Zhongdian, the great disciple Wang Zhong, couldn't help but stand up at this time and said lightly. No matter what the purpose is, Wang Zhong is very happy to say that Xuanming uses the Spiritual Warrior Array. He has heard of the name of this array for a long time, but he has never seen it before. Once Xuanming wanted to show, he certainly was happy to see it.

"Hahaha, okay, now that Brother Wang Zhong has spoken, it will be ugly next time, everyone, please wait a moment and allow me to make a little plan." Hearing Wang Zhong's mouth, Xuanming couldn't help laughing. Talking, he suddenly moved into shape, and suddenly came to the open space not far from the main hall. Between his hands, he dropped pieces of spar into each place.

"Well? It really has a set. It doesn't seem to be a name, and this mysterious array ..."

After Xuanming began to display Xuanzhen, everyone was attentive, and on the side of Liuhe Dian, Yuan Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, apparently very interested in Xuanming Xuanzhen.

ps: There is something temporary, the update is not too good for Li Ha, brothers take care of it! !! !!

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