The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1629: Secret operation (one more)

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In the Liuhe Hall of Ziyun Palace, among the named disciples of the disciple Huo Qi, Huo Qi, the owner of the hall, is sitting at the starting position of the hall with a golden sword, and below him, One thousand newcomers and disciples in Liuhedian returned from everywhere and temporarily gathered in the temple of Shenglong.

After so many years of development and experience, the number of 1,000 new disciples in the Zihe Palace Liuhe Palace naturally decreased, but the reduction was not significant, at best it was 20 or 30 people.

Almost a thousand people were standing in the hall of Liuhe Hall. Everyone was mentally stupid, but they did not know the name of Ziyun Palace disciples. At this moment, everyone present was aware that the next time, it should be Something good is going to happen!

"It's almost gathered. In this case, let me talk about the purpose of convening everyone."

When the newcomers and disciples got together almost, Huo Qiyou, a disciple on the throne, stood up and walked a few steps while laughing loudly at the crowd.

It can be seen that Huo Qi during this time should have been very moist. In all likelihood, he got the guidance of a certain Ziyun Palace strongman, and the stepping stone to get the guidance should be the ones that he got before. Multicolored spar.

In a place like Ziyun Palace, as long as you have the respect you can get, then you can get the guidance of one super strong one after another, and there are many strong ones in Ziyun Palace. If you can really make every strong point If anything, that would be a remarkable thing.

With so many named disciples in Ziyun Palace, which one is not trying to get the guidance of a certain cattle every day? It's a pity that not all have the means and capital.

"Everyone has heard about it. Soon after, I will have an event in Ziyun Palace. This event can be said to be a first-class event in Ziyun Palace. Those who are qualified to participate are all in Ziyun Palace. The superpowers are either super geniuses, and if you do n’t hide from everyone, even me, I may not be eligible to participate. "

Huo Qi's complexion is always full of smiles. Even when he says that he is not qualified to participate in major events, he has always been full of smiles.

There were no newcomers and disciples, and they did hear about it. After all, the Ziyun Palace is so large, there are too many disciples, and even if a person leaks the wind, it will instantly make the wind leak. come out.

Having said that, everyone only knows that the event this time is not trivial, but no one really knows what the event is.

Listening to Huo Qi ’s statement, even a named disciple like him is not eligible to participate. Does n’t that mean that those who can participate in the event must be at least disciples?

It is conceivable that if these people can participate in such events, God knows what it will be like.

"Everyone, everyone who wants to come is very curious. What kind of scene is this great event, unfortunately, I don't hide it, even if I don't know what the great event is, one thing is certain As long as you can participate in it, flying Huang Tengda in the future is just around the corner, and then, if you ca n’t say that I am a brother, I have to rely on one or two! "

Huo Qi knew best that if he could win the glory for the Ziyun Palace on those exchange events, then basically he should have the opportunity to become a disciple. Even if he could not become a disciple, Bacheng would have a chance to get the main character of the palace. reward.

To tell the truth, even he is full of longing for such an opportunity, but unfortunately, he now has no such opportunity and no qualifications.

"What kind of event is it? Is it really as exaggerated as Brother Huo Qi said?"

"Fei Huang Tengda? What does that mean? Is it impossible to become a disciple?"

"That may not be right. Didn't you see Brother Huo Qi's look of longing? Did you really want to see me as a chance disciple?"

"I don't have such high requirements. As long as I can see the big people in Ziyun Palace, I will be satisfied."

"Promiscuous ........."

All newcomers and disciples were all ups and downs by Huo Qi. They didn't know what kind of scale the grand event Huo Qi said would be, but the more so, the more they yearned in their hearts.

Although all the people present were almost conquered by Yuan Feng, this did not affect everyone's ambitions and ambitions. Yuan Feng exerted the blood curse on them, but it would not affect their mentality. In Yuan Feng, When they are not under control, they are also intact.

May I ask, who in this world does not want to ascend to heaven in one step? Even if you are a subordinate, you have to be an extraordinary subordinate?

"Oh, it seems that everyone is yearning for the event too!"

Seeing newcomers and disciples flexing their muscles, Huo Qi could not help but smile a little when he could show his strengths now and let him see their strength. What he wants is this effect. At this exchange event, he also hopes that these new Liuhedian new people he has cultivated will gain something. If some of the people he cultivates are really selected, even at future events It's brilliant, then, isn't his lead a bright face?

"I know that all of you here are talented. Everyone should have their own skills, but they will not easily come out. But this time, everyone has the ability to use it. After this village, it will be difficult to encounter such a store again! "

Seeing that everyone's emotions have been fully mobilized, Huo Qi knows that his mobilization should be considered almost the same.

"Well, after saying so many digressions, I will talk about the rules this time."

With a positive look, Huo Qi was very serious now, because what was going to happen next was not as simple as talking and laughing.

"At this grand event, the top of the Ziyun Palace has given instructions. Among the 10,000 new disciples, one hundred will be selected, and the one hundred people will be evenly distributed to each palace. There are, of course, the final 100 places, and other tests are needed. In the end, several can be left, which is not what I know. "

Speaking of which, Huo Qi's mouth can't help but pick, apparently a bit speechless about such numbers and such selection specifications.

Ten thousand new students and disciples can only have one hundred places in the end. It is estimated that this one hundred places will be mutually verified with those outstanding young generations in the Ziyun Palace to choose the true strongest. I am afraid that there are only ten and eight!

After all, 10,000 new students and disciples will eventually have the opportunity to participate in the exchange event, that is, eight or eight people, and it is true that these ten and eight places can have these people trained by him. Unknown.

"Ten places? We have a thousand new students and disciples, but there are only ten places?"

"Yue, so fierce competition. Ten people are chosen for a thousand people. This is one of a hundred miles. It seems that it is not so easy to get a place."

"No, I must win a place. Such a good opportunity must not be wasted."

The more intense the competition, the more curious and yearning for this so-called grand event. Everyone understands that such harsh selection conditions will certainly not be ordinary petty tricks, so even if you try your best They all have to seize such an opportunity.

"These guys, one by one, are really ambitious!"

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng's expression has not changed much, but when he felt the emotions of his subordinates eager to try, he couldn't help but feel like laughing.

Nearly a thousand people present were basically conquered by him, but he also knew in the heart that although these people were completely loyal to him, they still hoped that they would be stronger, even if they belonged to him. Next, then he must be given a high look.

This is also human nature. Ask, who doesn't want to become stronger and become a superior standing on someone else's head?

"One hundred places seems to be too much. It ’s really useful, and one or two is enough." Ten thousand new disciples are basically his subordinates, so this hundred The number of places is ultimately determined by him. This is also good. As the owner of these people, it seems that he does not know these new people better than him.

Speaking of them, some of these newcomers do have some qualifications and strengths. When he practiced in the wild forest area, he had secretly pointed out some newcomers in major palaces in order to allow these people to catch Live a chance and become a more important person in the Ziyun Palace.

It seems that his previous approach is undoubtedly very wise.

"Okay, all that has been said has been said. Next, let's start to select the ten places in Liuhedian. How to choose, I don't need to say more, but there is one thing everyone must remember, we are all ourselves People, I hope you don't die, if you can, just stop when you hit it. "

In the world of warriors, the competition is always eternal. Now ten people are to be selected from a thousand people. Of course, these ten people are to be selected in the form of competition.

"Come with me, let's make a quick decision!"

As soon as his body moved, Huo Qi first floated down the high platform of the hall and went straight out. The test is not comparable everywhere. Although these newcomers and disciples are not super strong, even the realm of living habitats and yin and yang are very destructive. Of course, they cannot directly compete in the hall.

However, Huo Qi didn't think of it, let alone Liuhedian. Even the new disciples in the entire Ziyun Palace, in fact, have not decided the place through a test. How do these 100 people choose? In my heart, it already has a spectrum.

ps: At the end of the month, there are still flowers and brothers and sisters in your hands. Smash the flowers in your hands! !! !! Xiaoyan needs your support! !! !! Roar! !! !!

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