The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1625: Handle (one more)

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The exclamation sounded in the middle of Taoyuan. One man, one woman and two young people, but now a face-to-face confrontation formed, and everyone's face was full of surprise.

Yuan Feng's surprise was mainly frightened. He has been cracking the mysterious arrays one by one without hesitation. To this day, he has seen so many mysterious arrays for the first time, and it has been so smooth for the first time. Broken, so I didn't think about the other at all.

Just a moment ago, he broke through a mysterious array, and successfully entered the internal space of the mysterious array. However, what he never expected was that there was a big job in this mysterious array. Human presence.

Although Baihua Fairy is indeed very outstanding, he suddenly emerged from his eyes. Even if he changed anyone, he would be frightened. Of course, he would definitely be no exception.

However, just a little surprised, Yuan Feng immediately returned to God. After all, his strength was there, and he was not afraid of ordinary danger at all, let alone ordinary people.

He knew the flowers in front of him naturally. When he entered the Ziyun Palace for the first time, he had met the young master of the Wanling Garden. Although he was just a glimpse of the glory, whether it was the other person's looks or the sense of nothingness on the other side. , All left a deep impression on him.

"This ......... seems a bit too focused, has it already run into their nest?"

When he saw the Baihua Fairy, Yuan Feng returned from the spirit of concentration almost instantaneously. Then he realized that he had taken care of cracking the mysterious array here, but he did not expect to break the boundary all at once. Came to the residence of the fairy fairy.

Baihua was also a little swayed at the moment. She has been watching Yuan Feng break the array. Originally, her mind was still relatively clear. However, with the more and more mysterious arrays broken by Yuan Feng, she was really somewhat stunned. She was so stupid that even when she saw Yuan Feng cracking her Taoyuan Formation, she didn't leave the place in advance. It wasn't until Yuan Feng broke through the mysterious formation that she realized that the other party was near.

"Who is so bold that he dared to run to Wan Ling Yuan to make trouble?"

Although she was shocked, Baihua quickly recovered her calmness. No matter what, she was a legendary disciple of all spirits. Even if she was a legendary disciple with those of the temple master, she was a good character. , A small person in a habitat, naturally can't scare her this proud girl.

Having said that, to the young man in front of her, she really can't treat it as an ordinary niche figure. After all, the other party has just cracked all the mysterious arrays outside the Wanling Garden. It seems that the whole boundless world can't find a few!

If it wasn't because Yuan Feng had broken so many mysterious arrays, then at this moment, I'm afraid she had already fought and sent Yuan Feng back to her hometown.

"Ahem, newcomer disciple Yuan Feng, who has seen Sister Baihua and took the liberty to disturb Sister Baihua's cleanup is really a sin."

Hearing Baihua's intimidation to himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help but cough and hurriedly looked up.

The flowers in front of him are still what he remembers, except that the young master of the Wanling Garden at this moment seems to have a fluctuating mood, so he didn't have the sophistication and magic that he saw when he first saw it. The flowers of the moment should not be in the state.

Of course, there is nothing in the state of absence. The main thing is that the cultivation of the other party is obviously the cultivation of the Promise, and the strength must be the top strength in the Promise, even if it is the top ten palaces he has seen. The disciple of the passer may not be better than her.

There is no doubt that he can't do anything with the person in front of him. Right now he has accidentally ran here, but he can only discuss with the other party, hoping that he won't be treated as a puppet by the other party.

Blame him for being too careless. It's not his back garden here, but he actually came in badly and managed to resolve the matter properly. It's really hard to say right now.

"Newcomer disciple? You say you are a newcomer to the Ziyun Palace?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, the hundred flowers that were still a bit angry, could not help but raise the decibels, exclaimed again.

Originally, she thought that the young man in front of her was probably a newly-accepted disciple of a certain palace master, or an apprentice of a super strong in Ziyun Palace. As for the new disciple, was she even thinking Never thought about it.

A new disciple has broken the mysterious array set by the Demigod Realm, which seems to be a bit inexplicable, right?

"The younger brother is a newcomer to the Ziyun Palace. He was assigned to practice under Brother Huo Qi in the Liuhe Palace." With a steady heart, Yuan Feng tried to be humble by himself, but no matter how he disguised, he broke With so many mysterious things in Wan Ling Yuan, it is impossible to do anything fake, and Bai Hua can never treat him as an ordinary person.

"Liuhe Dian Huo Qi? I know this person ..."

Although she didn't leave Wanling Garden very much, she knew very well the masters who went up and down the Ziyun Palace. Those disciple disciples will not say anything, even the most famous disciples in the major palaces, she has all understood.

"Wait, I didn't ask which temple you belonged to. I asked you, how can you and you break up so many mysterious arrays in the Wanling Garden? Are you also a mysterious array master?"

Everything else can be set aside for a while. At this moment, the question she wants to know most is how exactly Yuan Feng breaks through so many mysterious arrays and walks to her current position step by step.

The Xuan Zhen master who is proficient in Xuan Zhen, there are indeed a lot of them in Ziyun Palace. However, like Yuan Feng, the Xuan Zhen arranged by the Demigod Realm can be broken in a few words. She was the first time she saw it.

"Breaking the mysterious array? This ...... Sister Baihua misunderstood. Where can I have that ability to break the mysterious array here?"

Hearing Baihua questioning himself, Yuan Feng turned his eyes, then shook his head and smiled. When he saw the other person looked at him with doubt, he continued, "It's like this, don't conceal Master Baihua, younger brother. I was born with a unique perception of Xuan Zhen. Although I do n’t know how to break the line, as long as I look at it, I can find out where Xuan Zhen ’s birthplace is. I should have misunderstood the sister.

This time coming in from all the way, he didn't know if the other party had noticed, but even if he didn't see it when he wanted to, he wouldn't be convinced if he didn't say anything. Therefore, he simply acted on the occasion and thought of this somewhat exaggerated excuse.

Having said that, there are all kinds of wonders in the world. Some people are inherently immune to Xuan Zhen. This is not impossible. Therefore, even if he said so, the other party should not believe at all.

Of course, there are only these explanations he can think of. As for a better explanation, he really can't think of it. As for whether the other party believes or not, he really can't help it. In the final analysis, the other party was kicked out, and the worst result was, of course, to run straight.

However, when it is absolutely necessary, he obviously will not run away rashly, because once he chooses to run away, it is a sign of guilty conscience.

"Born by nature has a unique perception of Xuanzhen? Does the world really have this ability?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Baihua couldn't help but hesitated slightly, and then mumbled to himself with a little suspicion.

Speaking of which, she really heard her Master said that there are many people in this world who have extremely special physiques. These people are born with certain special abilities, and some people are born without fear of a certain kind of fire, water and lightning. Some people are born with unique wisdom and can see through falsehood.

Originally, she felt that these were a little too vague, but now it seems that there really is such a person.

"So that's what I said. How could an ordinary person living in various habitats break the mysterious array laid by the Master? It turned out to be because of his special constitution. This is really an eye-opener!"

She did not believe that Yuan Feng could break her master's mysterious array, so even if Yuan Feng did not explain, she would find a reasonable explanation, and at the moment Yuan Feng said, she did I think this reason is quite sufficient.

Everyone will have their own pride in the bottom of her heart. She thinks that she is above the Xuanzhen and has won the true story of the fairy of all spirits. Not to mention the Ziyun Palace, even if it is the young generation who looks at the entire Ziyun City, she It should be an outstanding existence. How could anyone exceed her so much?

Therefore, naturally, she felt that Yuan Feng was all true. As for Yuan Feng's whisper when she broke the battle, she seemed to have ignored it intentionally.

"Hey, even if what you said is true, then I ask you, why did you come to the Spirit Garden for no reason? Don't you know, it is not allowed to set foot here casually?"

After understanding the ‘truth’ of the matter, Baihua was much more comfortable, but Yuan Feng ’s invasion of the Wanling Garden was obviously not that easy. Moreover, she was discovered by a disciple who was immune to Xuan Zhen, which seemed to be a big event.

"This ......... Hey, I didn't dare to hide my sister. When I first started, my brother had the honor of seeing my sister's demeanor, and then I always thought about it. During this time, my brother's cultivation was difficult to break through. My heart was really irritable, so I went to Wanling Garden to take a look at the scenery and adjusted my mind. I couldn't control it for a while, so I accidentally disturbed my sister. I also hoped that my sister was the first offender and forgive my recklessness. "

At this time, when there is any reason to say what reason, one thing is very clear. Although the woman in front of her is very strong, it is obviously the kind of person who does not know the world. Take it out and try.


Sure enough, after hearing Yuan Feng's explanation, Baihua couldn't help whispering, but the original stiff face could not help showing a hint of redness.

"It turned out to be this way. I miss you for the first time, so I won't hold the matter for a while." He pursed his lips, Baihua waved his hand first, and signaled that Yuan Feng shouldn't be nervous, but she didn't wait for the latter to smile, she was suddenly Jian Huafeng turned around, "However, although it is not necessary to pursue the matter of breaking into the Spirit Garden, you must promise me a request."

His eyes were slightly bright, and the flowers at this moment were like a shrewd little fox.

"Uh, this ..."

Hearing the words of flowers, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look stagnant, and promised neither for a while, nor promised, but he had to hesitate.

ps: flowers are floating! !! !! !! Roar! !! !!

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