The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1620: Return to the palace

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Above Qingshi, both women looked up into the distance, one of them was slightly more complex, and the other was tears. The hearts of the two women were obviously not in their bodies.

"Brother Yuan Feng ..."

Jing Tian kept murmuring in her mouth, and the tears in the corner of her eyes were almost stringed, and she could see that she was really sad at this moment, as if she could not wait to cry.

However, she was no longer a child. Although her heart was full of perseverance, she did not cry in the end, but the tears in the corner of her eyes could not be wiped dry.

For her, she has never contacted someone like Yuan Feng since she was small, especially the latter first saved her life and then took care of her for so long until she became very strong before leaving. Such care really made her feel like she didn't know how to repay in order to be justified.

"Sister and sister, don't be sad. We are only temporarily separated from Yuan Feng, and we will never see you forever, so there is no need to be sad."

Zhao Zijun was also stunned for a long time, and then he turned around and consoled Jing Tian aside. However, although she said lightly, in fact, her heart was also full of perseverance, but she is a sister and naturally cannot wipe her tears like Jing Tian.

Although she is not as dependent on Jing Tian as for Yuan Feng, after this time, she knows that she is really used to the days when Yuan Feng is guarding behind her. If possible, she hopes that Yuan Feng can stand behind them forever and stand out when they are in danger, sheltering them from the wind and rain.

Of course, I can only think about such thoughts because she can see that although Yuan Feng takes care of them, in fact, Yuan Feng obviously doesn't have too much emotion for them.

It is an exaggeration to say that the responsibility is more exaggerated. It should be a kind of pity for them. To put it plainly, I just don't want to watch them die in the wild forest.

"Sister, can we see Brother Yuan Feng again? I, I really don't want to be separated from him."

At this time, Jing Tian didn't hide her mood at all, she just likes to be with Yuan Feng, and she really has nothing to hide in front of her sister.

"Yes, although the boundless world is big, but he is in Ziyun City, maybe he will see him soon!"

Reaching out and wiping the teardrops in the corners of each other's eyes, Zhao Zijun smiled resolutely and comforted Jingting. Having said that, she is not only comforting each other, in fact, she also feels that she must have a chance to see Yuan Feng again.

"But when will we meet again!"

Poorly poked his lips, Jing Tian felt a little unsatisfactory. It's one thing to see Yuan Feng, but she doesn't want to be too long.

"I don't know, if there is a fate, maybe I will see it in a few days."

When asked by Jing Tian, ​​Zhao Zijun didn't know how to answer. Why didn't she want to see Yuan Feng soon? Maybe she could see it soon, but she could only see the fate between them and Yuan Feng.

"Sister sister, Yuan Feng has his own things to do. Similarly, we also have our own things to do. Now we are strong enough. You should understand what we should do next!"

After rectifying her look, Zhao Zijun's complexion suddenly became extremely serious. She knew in her heart that both her and Jing Tian had been disturbed by Yuan Feng's existence, which was obviously not possible. You know, they still have their own things to do. To put it bluntly, their lives are not just their own.


As reminded by Zhao Zijun, Jing Tian's face suddenly changed slightly, and the whole body's body shook slightly.

"Small master ..." Jing Tian also understood Zhao Zijun's meaning when his face changed. They did have work to do, but at the moment, she was disturbed by her children's love. This is obviously very inappropriate. Things.

"It seems Xiaotian also knows what is the business." Hearing Jing Tian's murmur, Zhao Zijun couldn't help showing a smile of satisfaction. In fact, she was reminding her, but she was reminding herself.

The impact of Yuan Feng on the two of them was too great. They had to find a way to find a substitute. Only in this way, they could get rid of the trouble caused by Yuan Feng and walk in the shadow that appeared.

"Counting the time, the young master should be ready to leave. Maybe he will arrive at Ziyun City a long time in advance. It is also time for the two of us to go to Ziyun City first. After the young master arrives, we can see Shao as soon as possible. Lord. "

For them, the most important person is still their young owner. Speaking of them, they have paid so much to improve themselves, are they not trying to solve the problems for their young owner? Now that big things are coming, it's time for them to exert their strength.

"Sister, I know what to do !!!"

Taking a deep breath, Jing Tian slammed her fist, tears in the corner of her eyes were taken back by her. At this moment, Yuan Feng's figure was forced by her to the corner of her heart, and she could no longer treat her. Cause any impact.

"Let's go, before the young master arrives, let's explore the way for her so as not to waste time after her arrival." Zhao Zijun was quite relieved to see that Jing Tian had returned to normal. She knew that her sister and sister, obviously She has really grown up, at least, she has been able to distinguish between the importance and the importance.

Having settled their hearts, the two women are no longer hesitant, and when they look at each other with a smile, they are flying away from the wild forest.

After staying in this vast forest for several years, it is also time for them to return to the world of human warriors and deal with those human warriors. In the following days, they will all rely on their own abilities ...

Jing Tian and Zhao Zijun left the Manghuang forest area, and at this moment, Yuan Feng's figure had already reached the periphery of Manghuang forest area, almost out of the area of ​​Manghuang forest area.

"Brush brush !!!"

On the vast forest, Yuan Feng's body is like a light, and the speed is extremely fast. If a strong man in the semi-god is present at this moment, he will find that Yuan Feng's speed is definitely comparable to some Demigod Realm.

During his trip to the Mang Forest in the past few years, he has not only taken care of two women and three Warcrafts. In fact, he has been working hard to improve himself all the time, even if it is not as good as his Warcraft, he also Will get a lot of inspiration from the other person.

The practice of the integration of Xiaoyao and shadowless magic has allowed him to master the physical skills that others cannot imagine. In fact, in the past few years, almost half of his energy has been devoted to the cultivation of these two magics. With the fusion, if there is no gain, then it really can't be justified.

Frankly speaking, in a sense, Xiaogao's magical power is actually more terrifying than space-time boat. However, this magical power is very difficult to cultivate. Yuan Feng can feel that this thing is not for humans at all. The warrior prepares, besides him, who can practice this divine skill, I am afraid there is no one.

"Yu, I finally saved these two women, but this time it was a good thing."

While running the free-spirit magic to rush, Yuan Feng also observed the situation of Zhao Zijun and Jing Tian through the Eye of Warcraft, and after seeing the two women really started flying away from the wild forest, he was completely Let go of my heart.

"I don't know where these two women are going, but as long as they leave the Mang Forest, they are enough to stand on their strength. As for the fate between me and them, that should be the end of it!"

Everyone will have a variety of experiences. For the appearance of Zhao Zijun and Jing Tian, ​​he can only regard it as his own experience. After things have passed, it seems that there is no need to think about it.

"No matter, let's do my own thing. After such a long time, it's also time to go back to Ziyun Palace and play around!"

Putting aside Zhao Zijun and Jing Tian, ​​Yuan Feng also completely focused his mind on his next actions. At this moment, he had decided to return to Ziyun Palace, and since he was going to go back, of course, he had to do something secret.

From many subordinates in the Ziyun Palace, he has received a lot of information. It seems that after the return of the two major disciple disciples in Liuhe Hall that day, he did not ask Huo Qi to talk about the ten new disciples. In other words, Huo Qi did not know the lives or deaths of the ten of them.

This time he returned, as long as he let the accompanying newcomers subordinate to a unified caliber, and then make good excuses, if he wants to come, he can get confused. Stepping back 10,000 steps, he can even stay in the air for a while, because the newcomers and disciples are all his people. If he wants to hide the dark, no one can find it.

Of course, the prerequisite is that he has the identity of a disciple of Ziyun Palace and can freely enter and leave the Ziyun Palace. If there is no identity token of a disciple of Ziyun Palace, then everything will be another matter!

"Well, I didn't expect Ziyun Palace to be lively. This so-called exchange event looks like a very interesting event. If I can, I can participate. Maybe this is my chance."

While rushing towards Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng was still thinking in his heart. He had already determined one thing from his disciples in the top ten palaces of Ziyun Palace. For him, it could be changed. It is an opportunity for him to advance to the yin and yang environment once. As for whether he can grasp this opportunity, it will take him some thought.

"No matter what, this time, I have to fight for it. I hope that my dream for so many years will become a reality!"

With his eyes narrowed, he really wanted to see the so-called exchange meeting.

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