The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1618: Harmonious coexistence (three)

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After some deliberation, Yuan Feng, Zhao Zijun and Jing Tian had a temporary partner, and the next trip was completed by the three together.

Yuan Feng is not in a hurry to return to Ziyun Palace. Anyway, the situation over Ziyun Palace is always in his heart. When should he go back, he will choose the most appropriate time.

As for Zhao Zijun and Jing Tian, ​​these two also have no long-term goals. Their idea is to make great progress in their strength. If they can break through in one day, they only need to practice for one day and one year to break through. year.

Of course, they also knew in their hearts that Yuan Feng could not always be with them and be their patron saint, so if they could, they would also like to make a breakthrough sooner, and then there is no need to trouble Yuan Feng.

If it is said that Yuan Feng has attempted to them, it seems that they cannot be justified. At the moment, Yuan Feng's strength is much stronger than them. If there is an attempt, they have already taken action when they were in trouble, but they do not need to. Wait till now. Second, although the contact time is not long, Yuan Feng's body does have a very comfortable sense of security. Such a sense of security should not be released by a bad person.

After thinking about this, Jing Tian and Zhao Zijun almost completely let go of Yuan Feng, but in the next actions, the three were happy and had a very chic life.

With Yuan Feng guarding at the side, Jing Tian's guts have all become bigger. After recovering their vitality, this time the two are almost dedicated to the powerful Warcraft to provoke them. If they cannot be solved, Yuan Feng will make up the knife. Of course, Yuan Feng can't easily shoot. After all, if you casually shoot, then the experience of the two seems to have no practical significance!

Yuan Feng did not hide her three Warcraft companions from the two women. After getting acquainted with the two women, he called out both Xiao Ba and Xiao Jin, and the purple air dragon scale beast swallowed the dragon. For this reason, it is still asleep at this moment, but it may not wake up for a while.

Time passes, and in the blink of an eye, half a year is quietly slipping away, and during this half of the year, Yuan Feng and Jing Tian, ​​the two women, get along day and night, but live in harmony.

Over the past six months, both Zhao Zijun and Jing Tian have made great progress in strength. Although the speed of this progress is very slow, the changes will become noticeable over time.

Both of them belong to the kind of people who have no chance in Baoshan, but do not know how to develop. Now that they have such a training environment, they also have a practical faction like Yuan Feng to point them out, and their strength is naturally surging.

This is a huge lake in the wild forest area. The entire lake can not be seen as large, but the water in the lake is exceptionally clear. However, this very quiet lake on weekdays today is a stormy sea, and the atmosphere is indescribably violent.


Along with an unwilling roar, a crocodile Warcraft with black light flashing all over his body, was suddenly divided into two in mid-air. For a while, the red blood blew in the air, and the whole lake was dyed red.

"噗通 噗通 !!!!!!"

Between the blood, the two halves of the giant crocodile fell heavily in the lake water, and a wave of waves aroused throughout the lake. As the crocodile's body fell into the lake, the figures of the two women also Slowly emerged in the air.

"Awesome giant crocodile, but it was killed by us after all! Hehehe !!!"

The bodies of the two women stood above the lake. One of the relatively small women looked at the lake below and smiled proudly.

"Don't be complacent. This giant crocodile is obviously injured. Maybe it was injured by the python we beheaded before. If it was not injured, it may not be so easy for you to rely on your strength. It beheaded. "

Hearing Jing Tian's words, Zhao Zijun shook his head and told a more pertinent fact.

The giant crocodile they just killed is indeed not under them. If it is really a face-to-face battle, I am afraid that they may not be able to kill it. However, the giant crocodile is injured now, and they are also Shun Touching the wound of the giant crocodile, it was fatal.

"Regardless of how it was killed, it was killed by the two of us." Hearing Zhao Zijun's words, Jing Tian was obviously a little dissatisfied. Speaking of which, the sword she had just made was absolutely just right. She believed that even this giant The crocodile was not injured, and she was still able to seize the opportunity to kill him with a blow.

"You, you, since you have been supported by Yuan Feng's son, you have become more and more incapable of listening to my words."

Seeing Jing Tian still disapproved, Zhao Zijun couldn't help but be speechless. In the past, her words were listened to honestly and executed honestly, but since Yuan Feng joined in, her words are obviously not as effective as Yuan Feng's words.

"What did Sister say? I listened to Sister."

When the other side said so, Jing Tian's face could not help showing a hint of crimson, but she could see from her expression that Zhao Zijun's words seemed to really touch her heart.


During the time between the two women talking, a light suddenly flashed above the lake. Then, the shape of a young man appeared near the two women.

"Haha, it's not bad, such a mighty crocodile, I didn't expect you to get it so quickly, really worthy of praise."

Standing in mid-air, Yuan Feng's face was filled with a gratifying smile, facing Zhao Zijun and Jing Tian facing the opposite.

He had swept away not far before, and he could see the battle between the two women and the giant crocodile clearly. Frankly speaking, the two of them did show super high strength and exquisite fighting skills. At this step, the two should be regarded as masters in killing tricks.

"Where the son of Yuan Feng is, other people don't know, you must know that this giant crocodile has been injured, otherwise the two of us must not have killed it so easily."

Seeing Yuan Feng's appearance, Zhao Zijun's eyes also flashed a bright color, and the feeling was like looking forward to Yuan Feng's appearance.

As a matter of fact, she has been getting used to the days when Yuan Feng is around her during the five months of the night. As long as she sees Yuan Feng, the sense of security cannot be described anyway.

"Hahaha, yes or no. Although this giant crocodile has injuries, its injuries are not obvious. The two of you can detect its pain and use its dark illness to chop it. Kill, this is also invaluable. "

With a loud laugh, Yuan Feng did not feel that the two women had any speculation. They must know that fighting is not just their own strength. Sometimes, it is the most appropriate to seize each other's weaknesses and use their weaknesses. I only know how desperately I want to fight, that's the type of battle that stupid people will choose.

"Yes, yes, Brother Yuanfeng is right, sister, can I just say that the two of us can kill such a powerful Warcraft, it was very rare."

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Jing Tian seemed to have heard the confidante and hurried out to echo.

After spending some time with Yuan Feng, her title of Yuan Feng has long become the elder brother of Yuan Feng, and in this regard, Yuan Feng did not feel anything wrong, but left the other party to call.

"You girl, it looks like someone really gave you a back, and see how I can pack you up when I go back!"

Seeing that Jing Tian was working against herself again, Zhao Zijun felt a little bit upset at once. She could understand it. As long as Yuan Feng was next to her, her sister and sister would not be afraid of her at all.

"Well !!!"

Just as the three talked, the lake below suddenly set off a huge wave. Then, a huge eight-claw Warcraft was drilled out from under the lake, and among its tentacles, it was Also holding two halves of the giant crocodile.

"Squeak !!!!!!"

The figure walked out of the water, while Xiaoba grabbed the bodies of two giant crocodiles and squeaked at Yuan Feng.

"Hah, put it away. Eat whatever you want." Of course Xiao Ba understood it, and of course he understood it. Obviously, this big guy wanted to leave the crocodile's body for himself to use in the future. Rations.

In fact, during this period of time in the wild forest area, they accumulated a lot of Warcraft corpses, but the giant crocodile at present is quite different from ordinary Warcraft.

"Hehe, Xiaoba, this World of Warcraft was beheaded by me and my sister. You asked for it from Brother Yuanfeng, but I haven't asked my sister and me for permission!"

Jing Tian also stood up at this time and smiled at Xiao Ba.

When she first met Xiao Ba, she was really scared by Yuan Feng's Warcraft partner, and she didn't dare to contact the other side too much. However, after a while, she gradually became familiar with Xiao Ba, and now she regards the other party as her friend, but she is more and more like it.

"Sister Shi don't make trouble, be careful that Xiaoba won't like you anymore, then you will sue at your brother Yuan Feng."

Seeing that Jing Tian was having trouble with Xiao Ba, Zhao Zijun couldn't help but smile, a little bit authentic. Speaking of which, getting along with Yuan Feng this time has made her more lively. I'm afraid she didn't notice it.

"Squeak !!!!!!"

Xiao Ba also continued to pretend to be poor, but he politely put away the body of Warcraft.

"Well, don't make a noise. The blood is too strong here. In order to avoid trouble, everyone should leave this place first!"

He smiled and waved his hands, Yuan Feng interrupted everyone's fun, and there was a flash in his speech. He left this red-stained lake first.

ps: The one hundred mark is right in front of you, brothers and sisters, please give Li Ha! !! !! !! Who will help me break a hundred? Roar! !! !!

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