The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1615: Get along in the hole (second more)

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An infinitely prosperous dragon was soon swallowed by a small half of the purple dragon scale beast. After devouring a small half of the dragon, the cultivation of the purple dragon scale beast also successfully broke into the yin and yang realm.

When Xiu reached the yin and yang realm, the purple gas dragon scale beast could not help but stop eating, and the remaining half of the dragon was temporarily put away by itself and kept for future consumption.

In the next time, it obviously needs to stabilize the current strength and straighten out the physical changes. Because this cultivation is a breakthrough, it obviously has a new understanding. Maybe the purple dragon scale In this generation, the beast will once evolve.

This is really nothing impossible. It's like a very ordinary Warcraft devouring a powerful legacy of Warcraft. If you are lucky, you can turn your line into a legacy of Warcraft, or even get the special ability of other Warcraft. As for the Purple Dragon Dragonscale Beast, the situation is naturally more impressive.

Yuan Feng did not affect the changes of the Purple Dragon Dragon Beast too much. After the opponent ’s cultivation was broken, he directly retracted it into his own body space, and let the other party develop freely in his body space. And grow freely.

Speaking of which, he had previously collected the cubs of the purple dragon scale beast for his own use, but he did not really put any hope on the other person. The only thing he needed was that this little guy could grow up and not let The blood of the purple gas dragonscale beast of this series is broken.

If the purple dragon scale beast can become very powerful and bring good luck to him in the future, then of course it would be better, and even if the purple dragon scale beast can't bring him anything, he will not do anything at all. Will be unhappy.

After the purple dragon scale beast was settled, Yuan Feng found a relatively hidden cave through his own World of Warcraft eyeliner. Originally, this cave had an infinite World of Warcraft occupied, but waited until he stared at him. After going up, it was natural to slay Warcraft directly and rob the ownership of the cave.

After clearing up this cave, Yuan Feng lived in the cave for a while, and almost when he had just packed up the whole cave, he released the two women in his body space.

These two women who were rescued halfway obviously couldn't keep them in their bodies all the time. Counting the time, the two women should be waking up soon. They couldn't find it when they woke up. Is he actually included in the physical world?

"Let's take a rest here for a while. After searching for so long, I haven't found any breakthrough opportunities. It seems that I want to advance to the yin and yang realm. It is really a long way to go!"

After arranging the two women in the cave, Yuan Feng couldn't help but set off a bonfire, and then she lay beside the bonfire and began to close her eyes.

During his time in the wild forest area, although he did kill a lot of World of Warcraft and obtained a lot of Tianlingdibao through Xiaojin, these were not very happy for him. Things.

At the moment, what he needs most is to break through the realm of yin and yang. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tries, the time is not up, he cannot succeed.

"Is there no decent place in this wild forest for me to turn around? Even if it's just the same place as the spar-covered cave before?"

Lying on the bonfire with his legs crossed, Yuan Feng couldn't help but observe his own Warcraft eyeliner in his heart. Through the eyes of these World of Warcraft eyeliners, he hardly saw anything that was significantly different from other places, and he couldn't help feeling a little depressed about it.

He is full of expectations for this wild forest area, but up to now, with the exception of some simple spiritual treasures, he still hasn't achieved much. If you are not disappointed, it is simply false.

However, if you think about it, the Manghuang Forest has existed for so long. During this period, I do n’t know how many generations of Ziyun Palace strongmen have come here. Some of the rare places here have already been smashed by people!

Having figured this out, he could not help but start to collect his mind, but he no longer held much hope for this wild forest.

The realm of yin and yang can break through sooner or later. Anyway, he is not afraid of anyone below the demigod, so it doesn't matter if some breakthrough is made sooner or later, just to polish his foundation.

Rarely is there such a clean time, and at the back, Yuan Feng no longer cares about the situation outside, but rests wholeheartedly in the cave, and by the way waits for the two women to wake up.

I don't know how long, Yuan Feng felt that he was really going to fall asleep, but the slight sound from his ear made him wake up suddenly.

"Hey, wake up?"

Rising straight up, Yuan Feng's gaze couldn't help looking at the two women deep in the cave, and now, one of the slightly mature women, had woke up at this time, and was looking around curiously.

When she heard Yuan Feng's hello, Zhao Zijun couldn't help but feel shocked. Then she looked at Yuan Feng next to the bonfire, and when she saw that the speaker was Yuan Feng, she couldn't help it. Come.

Yuan Feng had rescued her before. Of course, she all remembered it, so when she met Yuan Feng, at least she believed that the young man in front of her should not be malicious to them.

"Don't look around, this is a cave of Warcraft, but Warcraft has been beheaded by me, and now there are only three of us."

Seeing Zhao Zijun looking at him around, Yuan Feng shook his head and smiled at the other side.

He was able to understand each other's thoughts. From the observations these days, these two women were very vigilant in general. However, although they were vigilant, they were really confident at times.

Zhao Zijun still did not speak, and after Yuan Feng's words fell, she quietly looked at Yuan Feng.

When she was in the swamp before, she just glanced and didn't see it too clearly, and now there is no danger, she can naturally take a good look at it.

In her feelings, it seems that Yuan Feng in front of her does not seem to be anything different from ordinary people, and if there is anything different, it seems that only Yuan Feng's repair is indeed unpredictable.

Yuan Feng's previous shots were very clear. She believed that even if she had a fight with Yuan Feng, there was no chance of winning in Chengdu. However, it is such a young man who cultivates a state of habitation, which really makes her unable to understand it.

"This ......... Girls don't stare at me all the time. Anyway, I'm also two life-saving benefactors. Doesn't the girl even say thank you?"

After being looked up and down by a woman, Yuan Feng couldn't help but feel uncomfortable and scratched his head. He couldn't help laughing at Zhao Zijun.

"Thank you, Grandpa for your life-saving grace. This kind of grace will be remembered by my sister and me."

She can't say a word of gratitude, to say in her heart, that she can survive from such a dangerous situation. Of course, she is extremely grateful to Yuan Feng. However, she has always been bad words, even if My heart is grateful, but my lips are not too straightforward.

"Hey, it's okay, I just happened to be there, and I watched two stunning women swallowed up by Warcraft, I believe it would be impossible to turn a blind eye to any man, right?"

While standing up from the ground, Yuan Feng couldn't help patting the dust on his body, and while talking, he looked at Zhao Zijun at this moment.

"It seems that the girl's injury has almost recovered. As long as you recuperate for a while, the previous poison and injury should be completely recovered!"

Zhao Zijun's situation before was not simple, but fortunately, he shot in time, otherwise, if she can survive this time, I am afraid I have to talk twice.

"How did you detoxify?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's mention of poisonous things, Zhao Zijun came to the spirit instantly. She knew how terrible the previous poisonous things were. She originally thought that even if Yuan Feng rescued her and Jing Tian from that kind of place, but The poison in their bodies is enough to kill them half-life.

However, at the moment, neither she nor Jing Tian seem to have any trace of toxins left. All this must be done by Yuan Feng, but how she did it, she was curious.

"Ha, I am inherently immune to various toxins, and speaking of it is due to my special constitution. Even if I explain it, the girl can't understand."

He waved his hands, and of course Yuan Feng couldn't say how he detoxified himself. He knew the existence of the martial spirit, and he knew it.

Zhao Zijun would not be entangled in this matter. Since Yuan Feng didn't say it, he must have his own ideas. If she continued to ask questions, it would really affect her feelings.

"I haven't asked what my son is calling, so that my sister and I know what my benefactor is, and I will repay it in the future."

The quiet atmosphere makes Zhao Zijun's mood very calm, and as her life-saving benefactor, she naturally has no worries about Yuan Feng, it should be a conversation between two acquaintances.

"Ha, I said, do n’t say anything in return. My name is Yuan Feng. I wonder if the girl can easily reveal her name?"

There was nothing to hide from his own name, and he was really curious about the origins of the two women in front of him.

"Little girl Zhao Zijun, this is my sister, Jing Tian."

Zhao Zijun hesitated slightly when he heard the names of the two of them, but in the end he said it honestly. Although she didn't want outsiders to know their names, Yuan Feng was their life-saving beneficiary, of course, she couldn't be like everyone else.

ps: The quilt has been dropped for a long time, brothers and sisters, let's explode! !! !! !! Roar! !! !!

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