The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1595: Third head (second more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

After spending a lot of effort, Yuan Feng finally came to the deepest part of the cave, and clearly saw the situation inside the cave, and when he saw the situation inside the cave, his mind could not help but become tense instantly. Up.

"His, is this, this is the so-called purple dragon scale beast? This, this is too mighty and domineering, right?"

Into the eyes, a purple mist filled the body, and the dazzling body of Warcraft was shining all around, now lying quietly in the depths of the cave. With its head outwards and tails inward, Warcraft's eyes are slightly closed, and its huge figure directly blocks the depths of the entire cave, so that it cannot see the inside.

It seems that this mighty World of Warcraft seems to be taking a nap, but even if this big guy is already asleep, the breath permeating around him is still daunting.

"Good majestic Warcraft, this guy looks really similar to Dahei, but unfortunately Dahei's strength is simply not comparable to this big guy!"

Subconsciously capturing the whole body's breath, Yuan Feng at this moment couldn't help getting nervous.

He had long guessed that the so-called purple dragon dragon scale beast was definitely not easy to deal with. Now it seems that he really made him guess right. Although he has not played, but from the appearance of this World of Warcraft, we can see that in the case of one-to-one, he may not be the opponent of this big guy.

Leaving aside other things, the fine scale defense on this Warcraft body alone is probably not the result of his attack. Of course, if you use the Chixiao sword, the situation should be different, but Chixiao sword is his reserved repertoire, less than a last resort, he will never use the Chixiao sword.

Judging from the rippling atmosphere of this World of Warcraft, none of the seven major disciple disciples outside can compare with it. Even if seven people go up together, it may not be possible to kill this World of Warcraft. It seems that Xing Dongqing was afraid of concealment and did not tell the truth to everyone.

"Let's take a look and talk !!!"

Wuying's magical powers were running to the extreme, Yuan Feng could not help but slowly retreat. Obviously, after seeing this so-called purple dragon scale beast, he said that he had to reconsider his plan.

"You must not slam this guy. If you fight with him, even if I have Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong's body protection, I'm afraid it won't take any advantage."

Although Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong is overbearing, it depends on what the opponent looks like. From the perspective of this World of Warcraft, the opponent ’s power and defense will definitely not be under him. At best, they are a Eight pounds and eight two.

"Wait, doesn't it mean that this thing appears in pairs? Why is there only one head here?"

When Yuan Feng hid back to the corner of the cave again, his eyebrows suddenly picked up, and then he remembered that the purple dragon scale beasts appeared in pairs, but in front of his eyes, there seemed to be only one head.

"Yu, a dragon scale beast is so horrible. If it has two heads, is it okay?"

After tearing his lips, Yuan Feng realized just now that the seven disciples of Ziyun Palace seemed to be kicking the iron plate.

"Where's that end? Is it behind this big guy?"

After calming down, Yuan Feng knows that no matter what plan he wants to make, first of all, he must first understand the situation at hand, and then think about how he wants to carry out the next action.

"First determine if there are really two dragon scale beasts. If there are two, then the seven guys outside are afraid that they will have to suffer!"

Licking his lips, Yuan Feng carefully leaned out his head, watching the purple dragon scale beast deep in the cave again, and the situation behind it.

The entire cave is not very wide. After this purple dragon dragon beast lay there, almost half of the cave was blocked, leaving only a small half of the space above. Unfortunately, Yuan Feng's height was not as high as this. The big guy, just standing there looking at it like this, can't see what's going on inside.

"Big guy, I hope you are really asleep, don't find me there!"

After gritting his teeth, Yuan Feng could only secretly move his power and let himself float slowly in order to see the situation deeper in the cave.

Use the power in front of the Purple Dragon Dragonscale Beast. I am afraid that a person like Yuan Feng who has no shadow magic can dare to do this. If I change to another person, I am afraid that the Dragonscale Beast will have been aware of it for the first time.

Of course, even with or without shadow magic, Yuan Feng didn't dare to move too fast at all, almost pressing the speed to a minimum and slowly floating up.

A simple action usually, this time it took no less than half a minute. Of course, it didn't matter how long it took, and most importantly, he eventually succeeded.

The figure floated to the top of the cave. Yuan Feng looked carefully at the deepest part of the cave through the purple dragon dragon beast lying on the ground. He had to look at the two dragon scale beasts, and the other one ran. Where have you been.

"Well? That's ........."

His gaze looked deep into the cave, and when he saw the scene deep in the cave, his eyes flashed a horror. Fortunately, his mental quality is excellent, otherwise, I am afraid that this will all fall directly from the air.

"This, this ...... there are two ends? Is there anything wrong?"

Efforts to calm down the shock in his heart, Yuan Feng stared dead deep into the cave, where there are two World of Warcraft exactly like the purple dragon scale beast outside, suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Due to the small space, he could only see the heads exposed by the two WoWs, but it was difficult to see the whole body of both WoWs. However, one thing he was sure was that there must be two purple dragons in the depth of the cave Scale animal. He hadn't heard of it. The Purple Dragon Dragonscale had two heads.

"Don't you say that the purple dragon scale beasts are all in pairs? Why are they becoming gregarious now?"

Heart trembled, Yuan Feng was really calmed by the sight. A purple dragon scale beast is still not easy to deal with. At this moment, there are three heads. If the three big heads move, I am afraid that even he is involved.

You know, this so-called purple dragon scale beast is definitely not comparable to ordinary Warcraft. Except for the **** he has seen, he has never seen such a terrible Warcraft! Of course, the one I saw before is dead. Although that World of Warcraft will definitely be stronger, the dead is dead, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to compare with the living.

"Do you want to change the strategy of the three-headed purple dragon dragon scale beast and just run away?"

If there were only two heads of Warcraft, he could manage it, but now he has three heads, which is really not easy to handle.

"Are all the descriptions in the classics deceptive? Do purple gas dragonscale beasts really become social warcraft?"

He has never heard of the so-called purple dragon scale beast, but since all the seven major acolyte disciples know it, there should be no mistakes, but the facts in front of him seem to allow him to doubt .

"Wait, it seems like something is wrong!"

While staring at the two Warcraft heads deep in the cave, Yuan Feng's mind never stopped thinking, but when he thought about it and couldn't think of the problem, his mind, but There was a sudden flash of aura.

"No, these two World of Warcraft ......... don't seem to be too big!"

With her pupils shrinking, Yuan Feng finally found out what the problem was.

"Pups !!! Pups !!!"

All eyes were on the body of a dragon scale animal deep in the cave. Only then did Yuan Feng find that the two dragon scale animals had a significantly different head size. One of the dragon scale animals seemed to have a touch of immatureness. Gas. Obviously, this dragon scale beast is not a mature dragon scale beast at all, but is like a cub of Warcraft.

"Yes, it must be so !!!"

With a fist, Yuan Feng immediately sorted out the situation. Obviously, in this cave, there are not only two purple dragon dragon scale beasts living at all, but three dragon dragon scale beasts living completely. Here, it is clearly a family of three.

"Good guy, no wonder this big guy is stuck in the entrance of the hole, and he has been in trouble for a long time. He is guarding his wife and children!"

Speaking of which, he was a little curious before. Why didn't this purple dragon dragon scale animal stay inside the cave, but ran outside to block the hole. Now think about it, this guy is basically protecting the big and small inside. Two dragon scale beasts.

"Two big ones and one small one, I can't think of such a situation, but in this case, there is a big article to do!"

After figuring out the situation, Yuan Feng couldn't help but feel a joy, his face could not help showing a hint of excitement.

If it is three adult Warcraft, I am afraid that it is really a little troublesome, but since it is two adult Warcraft, and a young cub with a short voice, it is completely different.

"Well, these two purple dragon scale beasts have just finished giving birth to their cubs. It should be the most vigilant time. If anyone comes to your door at this time, there should be fun to watch!"

Warcraft cubs, this is something that you don't need to think about, and these seven big-handed disciples came to the trouble when the purple dragon scale beast was produced, but they are asking for trouble!

"You, the three purple dragon scale beasts, I'll leave it to you. I hope you can make a difference."

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng knew that he should have caught up with this time, maybe he would have a lot of gains.

ps: Qiuhuahua support, thanks everyone! !! !!

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