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In the vast jungle of the wild forest area, there are countless complex environments, and often the more complicated and harsh the environment, the more unimaginable horror Warcraft will be.

Right now, this mountain of mountainous mountains is rugged. Needless to say, if ordinary warriors come here, just the strong wind in the mountainous mountains can tear people directly.

The entire mountain stream is very quiet. Obviously, in this mountain stream, there must be a very scary World of Warcraft, occupying this vast area. Otherwise, the range of tens of thousands of miles will never be the case. Just be silent.

At this moment, in the depths of this quiet mountain stream, the seven disciples of Ziyun Palace pass on the disciples, and now they are scattered all over the mountain stream. A battle is quietly brewing.

"Six of you don't move easily. If it hurts our good things, I'm afraid I won't even know how to die."

Among the dense wormwood, Li Xian and Bai Ling, disciples of Liuhe Dian, took six new disciples, carefully hiding, approaching forward, and approaching forward. Li Xian still remembered to remind him six people.

Their side is definitely the strongest side. The two strong players, Li Xian and Bai Ling, and six new disciples can do cannon fodder at any time. Even if there is any accident, they can definitely handle it easily. Of course, maybe the way to deal with the crisis is to sacrifice six newcomers and disciples, but this is also understandable.

The six new students and disciples followed behind the duo, and they seemed to be ready to die at any time. For them, the moment he was brought out by Li Xian, he was already physically incapable. It's up to them, but if they're lucky, they may survive.

Regarding Li Xian's instructions, all six nodded, but didn't say a word. They all knew what the Seven Great Masters disciples came to do. As for whether they could save their lives, it is really hard to say now.

"Sister and sister, if you really fight the two Warcrafts later, you must not easily participate in the war. There are two people on our side. As long as I do it alone, you can save your strength and be ready to enjoy it."

After instructing the six people for a few words, Li Xian turned his gaze to Bai Ling beside him, and then Zhuan Yin instructed him.

The siege of the purple air dragon scale beast is not a joke, if one is not careful, it may be severely damaged. He and Bai Ling were joined later. If you do n’t keep one hand, God knows if the five people It's done.

"Brother, don't worry, I know how to do it."

Bai Ling's heart is also mirror-like. Without Li Xian, she will definitely save her strength and then shoot at critical moments. This is the advantage of the two of them.

"Brother, is this really a purple dragon scale beast?"

She has also done some understanding of the purple air dragon scale beast, and frankly, it is really difficult to find this kind of World of Warcraft in Manghuanglin, if it is true, then their luck is really good. Some more.

"Bacheng will not be fake, you know Xing Dongqing's strength, this person should not lie to everyone."

When he waved his hand, Li Xian didn't doubt what Xing Dongqing said, especially after coming to this mountain stream, he could feel that the whole mountain stream was not only mixed with any beasts, but also faint and peaceful. The breath is rippling back and forth, and these conditions are all signs of the existence of the Purple Air Dragonscale Beast.

"Sister, you have hidden their six breaths. What to do, you must listen to my arrangements."

The most important thing right now is to block the Purple Dragon Dragon Beast without knowing it. Only by enclosing Warcraft and not giving it a chance to escape, this time they may be able to gain something. If not, they will eventually be afraid. It can only be beaten by a chicken, so busy.

Nodded heavily, Bai Ling's power was half on his own body, half used to conceal six new disciples, and between the talk, a group of people has already swept a long distance, watching to reach the center of the mountain stream Land.

"It's a dangerous mountain stream. I'm afraid that there is really a terrible World of Warcraft. It seems that there is no need to consider anything else now. How can I keep my life? This is the most important thing."

Yuan Feng has always been obedient to Li Xian and Bai Ling, just like the other six, but in fact, his main energy has been focused on the surrounding environment.

When he came to this mountain stream, he really felt the strong danger, and the source of this danger should come from the central area of ​​the mountain stream.

"From this point of view, it really should be the atmosphere of the Promise of Warcraft, as long as it is the Promise, if it exceeds the Promise, then there is really a big trouble!"

Under demigod, he is now truly fearless, because even if he ca n’t fight, he can leave with the help of free spirits, but if he encounters a powerful existence above demigod, then he really wants to Explain.

"Listen to the meaning of these people, the goal should be a very rich Warcraft, but it is also a very powerful Warcraft, if you can, if you can let the Warcraft inside fight with these guys, you'll live and die."

Disciples of the Seven Great Sages, and two horrible Warcrafts. If he fights all together, then it is really impossible to get the Seven Greats and the two Warcrafts together, so the best way is to let both sides fight. He is looking for a chance to enjoy it and take advantage of it.

This person who is posing as a normal habitat is not suspected by anyone at all, so no matter what he wants to do next, basically no one can guess. Right now, what he lacks is an opportunity, an opportunity for the seven disciples to fight hard with the two Warcraft inside.

"It depends, I don't believe it, they're bright and dark, and I can't find a chance to calculate them!"

Some things are indeed difficult to prepare for in advance. At present, the seven masters of disciples are scattered all over the place. He really doesn't know how to let everyone fight with both ends of World of Warcraft. Everything must be done by chance.

For Li Xian and Bai Ling, he will naturally not have a good impression. If it really matters whether he can return to the Ziyun Palace, then he does not mind finding an opportunity to kill them.

With his strength and means, it is not impossible to clean up these two people. As long as he thinks, even if he can't kill them, at least he can hide them and lick his wounds honestly. I dare not show up casually ...

As time passes, everyone is carefully approaching the central area of ​​the mountain stream, and after almost a quarter of an hour or so, the encirclement of the disciples of the Seven Great Sects has almost narrowed to less than five miles, and reached such a range After that, in the center of the Seven Great Masters' disciples, only a steep cliff remained.

Obviously, the goal they are looking for is in this cliff, and from a distance, everyone can even see a cave, and there seems to be a trace of wandering in that cave. The qi escaped continuously, looking very quiet.

"Everyone is vigilant, the goal is in the cave south of the mountain stream."

When the crowd gathered around the mountain stream, Xing Dongqing's voice immediately rang through the ears of each of his disciples, and when he heard his voice, everyone was in a stunned expression, and immediately became extremely cautious. .

Several people close to the south have already seen the cave entrance above the mountain stream, and when they saw the cave entrance, no matter who it was, they couldn't help feeling a quiet feeling.

Purple Air Dragonscale Beasts are not ordinary Warcraft. Their lairs can be said to be filled with aura of auspiciousness. In fact, it is not a good thing to provoke them for no reason, but after measuring the pros and cons, everyone is fundamental. It is impossible to miss such a good opportunity.

"Everyone keeps narrowing the encirclement and waiting until they are a mile away from the opening."

Xing Dongqing still plays the role of leader, and at this time no one will compete with him for this status. With his order, everyone immediately moved forward again, not long, and the seven masters passed the disciples. It's been one mile away from the cave entrance, and this distance is obviously the closest distance.

"Xun Xing, what are you going to do next? Go straight in?"

After reaching the closest distance to the cave, everyone stopped. Obviously, what to do next depends on Xing Dongqing's idea.

"Go straight in? Of course you can't." Xing Dongqing suddenly raised her eyebrows at this moment, speaking, his gaze was directly looking in one direction, and there was Li Xian, the Liuhedian. And Bai Ling's direction.

Seeing Xing Dongqing's gaze, the rest of the people subconsciously looked at Li Xian and Bai Ling together, and some people brightened, but they had already thought of his idea.

"Brother Li Xian, it's time for the six guys you brought to play a role, tell them, who can draw out the Warcraft inside, and don't let Warcraft be vigilant, then anyone can live, otherwise, now You can send them to death. "

Newcomers and disciples enter the cave to seduce the purple gas dragon scale beast, then the Warcraft inside will certainly not take this level of people seriously, and they just want to use this to make the Warcraft inside out of guard and wait for the two Warcraft When seduced out, go for a surprise attack and hit the two heads of Warcraft first.

"Eh? Hehe, it seems that this action is destined to take a big shot at Liuhedian!"

After listening to Xing Dongqing's voice, Li Xian's complexion shone slightly. Speaking, he was actually waiting for such an opportunity to come!

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