The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1589: New opportunities

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As disciples of Ziyun Palace, these heavenly pride of the ten palaces have a simple understanding of each other.

Li Xian of Liuhedian is not a fuel-saving lamp. His sword skill is pure and green, and many super powerfuls have fallen into his hands. As for the female disciple Bailing of Liuhedian, although her strength is slightly weak, she cannot stand The master of Liuhe Diandian has a high status in the heart. If he really offends this young lady completely, the future may not be better.

Speaking of which, the five great disciple disciples have just released their momentum. In fact, more of them want to put a little pressure on Li Xian and Bai Ling. In fact, they don't want to do anything with them either.

This is not like fighting against outsiders. Everyone is a disciple of Ziyun Palace. Although they can compete with each other, if they kill each other, it will absolutely be unreasonable. Moreover, with their five strengths, once Li Xian and Bai Ling are desperate, they are absolutely not sure to leave these two.

"It is indeed a proud disciple of the master of Liuhe Palace. Brother Li Xian really has the courage."

Seeing Li Xian's calm face, the momentum was not weak at all, and the five **** disciples led by Xing Dongqing were not good to continue pretending.

Now that they have been seen by the other party, it doesn't make much sense for them to continue pretending.

"Li Xian, no matter what, these spar were discovered by you and Bai Ling girl. If five of us were to rob it like this, it would not be reasonable to justify it. I do n’t think so. You take out half of the crystal Stone gives us five of us, and the five of us will provide you with an opportunity. Of course, what kind of gain this opportunity can bring to you, we five can not guarantee. "

The five great disciples disciples stared at each other, then Xing Dongqing, a genius disciple from the Yiyuan Hall, stood out and whispered to Li Xian.

The five of them are indeed headed by him this time. Of course, only he can have such a voice.

"Well? Opportunity? What opportunity?"

Hearing Xing Dongqing's words, Li Xian's eyebrows were also raised, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes. He knew Xing Dongqing of the First Yuan Hall. This is a master who can do it, but he won't lie easily. Since the other party said so, then there should really be such an opportunity.

Bai Ling didn't say anything. Speaking of which, although she was very favored in the Liuhe Hall, when it comes to major events, she obviously lacks some experience. In this regard, she can't compare with Li Xian. Of course, if she did fight, she would definitely not be vague.

The owner of the Liuhe Palace likes her so much, naturally she has given her a lot of good babies. If you use all of these babies, the five people on the opposite side will definitely not be too good.

"Speaking of us, the five of us came to Manghuang Forest this time. In fact, we originally planned to explore a secret place together. However, when we entered Manghuang Forest, we found that you and Bailing Girl were being careful. Sneaking into the wild forest area, which followed from behind. Right now, the five of us don't mind expanding the team again. "

The five great disciple disciples did indeed coincide with each other. Of course, they did not know that Li Xian and Bai Ling would appear in the barren forest. They even brought them to such a secret place. Before, they actually wanted to go to themselves. The destination was only delayed by the actions of Li Xian and Bai Ling.

The place they are going to is dangerous. Joining Li Xian and Bai Ling right now is really good for them. It's fair to say that they have returned their personal feelings. Why not?

"Such a thing like this?"

Li Xian has a clear mind, where can't he understand the meaning of the other party? When Xing Dongqing's words fell, his face couldn't help flashing a bright light.

"Well, since you have said so, then there is nothing for us two to say, these spar, half of you."

As the words fell, he suddenly raised his hand. Suddenly, the colorful spar was divided into two by him, and half of it was directly thrown by him to the five people on the opposite side, and the five people would allocate it by themselves.

Not to mention the other party gave him this step, even if the other party did not give him, he must break through the money today to avoid disasters. As for joining the other party's team to explore new secrets, one has the intention to follow his luck, and two. Just to save face.

"Brother ..."

Bai Ling was not as open as he thought. Seeing that so many spar had been separated, she couldn't help whispering, she didn't seem to want to give the spar to others just like that.

"Sister and sister, all the money is gone and come back, everything must be taken into account, don't act recklessly."

With a wave of his hand, Li Xianyi means no need to say that everything is clearly in his calculations.

"I'm going to give them half of them, it's really annoying me." As Li Xian said, Bai Ling didn't continue to stop, because she also understood that this solution should be considered the best The solution is now! As for the discomfort in your heart, just put it down.

"Curious spar, some studies have been done since I went back!"

"Well, that's a good sign. It's only been a short time since I arrived in the Manghuang Forest, and I got these spar first. It seems that this time is bound to be smooth sailing."

"Apart from others, these spar are really rare treasures."

Everything is actually a new picture. For the five of them, they think that these spar crystals are treasures, so these things are treasures for the time being, there is absolutely nothing to say.

There was no surprise in the distribution of the five disciples. During the talk, the five had already been assigned, but they had just divided into five equal parts, each of which had one.

"Okay, five people, now you have what you want. Next, let's talk about the so-called opportunity you can provide me, right?"

Seeing that the five of them would divide up the spar that should belong to him, of course, Li Xian was also depressed, so he simply stopped thinking about those unpleasant things, but directly shifted the topic. Of course, he was really curious about the opportunities the five said.

Since these five guys joined together to run into the wild forest area, that is to say, there are enough things for them to be tempted. Suffice it to say, he will have to make up for what has just been lost from the next opportunity.

"Brother Li Xian is in a hurry, it is indispensable for you." Hearing Li Xian speaking again, the five of them got the spar. At this moment, all of them looked up, and speaking, the eyes of the five were Looked at the six new disciples behind Li Xian and Bai Ling.

"Brother Li Xian, what's going on with these people behind you? I wonder if they can be trusted?"

Xing Dongqing's eyes swept across the six newcomers and disciples, and his eyes were full of life and death.

Although he was asking Li Xian, in fact, it was nothing more than reminding the other party that the six newcomers and disciples were almost directly obliterated.

They watched in the dark before. Naturally, they knew that the six new disciples were found by Li Xian and they were specially used to get the treasures in the cave. Now that they have completed the task, these six people are obviously gone. The need for existence.

In the eyes of strong men at their level, the people who live in the habitat are really little ants.

"They are my newcomers and disciples in Liuhedian, and can naturally be trusted. What do you guys have to say, maybe in the next move, the six of them can help?"

The corner of his mouth picked, obviously Li Xian's meaning was also very obvious. Obviously, he was clearly telling the other five people that these six new disciples may be useful in the next action, so of course, they cannot be killed directly Already.

"It was my own, so that's all right. Since I'm my own, there's nothing to be prepared for." How savvy Xing Dongqing, where can't I see Li Xian's intention? In fact, he also thinks that these six newcomers and disciples may be useful. At least, these six guys can help them throw stones and ask directions, so that they are not directly exposed to danger.

"Now that things are over here, brother Li Xian, Bai Ling, and the two are still with us, let's try our luck at the next target. The recent wild forest area is extremely active. For us, it is A great opportunity. "

In this deep cave in the canyon, all the treasures that can be made have been made. Obviously there is no need to stay here to waste time. As he said, the recent wild forest area does not seem very peaceful, and this This is undoubtedly the easiest time to discover and gain.

"Okay, then there are a few people to lead the way, I hope that we can cooperate happily next."

There was a smile on the corner of Li Xian's mouth. The atmosphere of twirling between the words was turned into a cooperative effort. Such a change is not uncomfortable.

Of course, although it seems that Li Xian does not seem to care about what happened, actually, in his heart, he has already greeted the eight ancestors of the five people in front of him. If he gets the chance, he will definitely not. Will make these five people feel better.

But having said that, what was on his mind, the five people on the other side could not guess at all. In fact, even among the five of them, there was no trust at all. Who is not? Watch out for those around you?

Seven young men and women looked at each other, but everyone's mind was thinking about their own careful thinking, but whether they were Xing Dongqing or Li Xian and Bai Ling, they didn't see it. Next to them, one of the six newcomers and disciples who were completely ignored by them, flashed a look of excitement than those of them.

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