The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1580: In the cave (second)

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Ten newcomers and disciples started to march deep into the canyon. This scene undoubtedly made Li Xian and Bai Ling happy.

Seeing ten new disciples getting closer and closer to the cave entrance, the two were so happy that they could not close their mouths. They knew in their hearts that once Yuan Feng and others could enter the cave, everything in the cave would belong to them both. All of them.

The ten new students and disciples are absolutely afraid to disobey their orders. As long as ten people can take out the treasures in the cave, it is absolutely impossible to escape their palms.

"Hurry up, hurry up !!!"

One male and one female, two great disciples, can't wait to step forward and help ten new disciples to speed up the process and enter the cave earlier. Unfortunately, at this moment, they can only be anxious, but they can't help at all.

As time passes, half a day's time is fleeting, and after a full half day's time, ten new disciples have already penetrated more than half of the canyon. After this distance, the ten new disciples have all stopped. After coming down, it was like taking a break for a while.

"Yu, it's really weird. I can't think of the space ripples here. The restraint is so strong that even I feel a little tired."

Among the ripples in the space, Yuan Feng could not help but take a long breath and his face was a little red.

During this half a day, he brought strength to the body of each of his subordinates, which is almost equivalent to controlling ten people to go inward with his own power, and such a rush is a huge consumption for him. .

"Anyway, there is so much time, just take a break!"

I glanced around, it was still too early, and he still had a lot of time to use. Moreover, he faced so many enemies in the dark and in the dark alone, and he had to maintain sufficient physical strength at all times. If he was tired first Falling down, then you really have to be slaughtered!

"It's really sulking. It seems that the people in the dark are afraid that they will not take the shot until they see the results. However, I'd like to see if something is in my Yuanfeng's hands. Who can take it? go."

He always knew that this time when he came to this wild forest, someone had followed him secretly, but the other party didn't seem to want to rush, and it should be weighing the pros and cons of the shot.

To put it bluntly, if he really took the baby out of the cave, then the person in the dark will definitely show up for the first time and fight for the ownership of the baby.

"Come on, the things in this cave should be able to help me break through to the yin and yang state in one fell swoop. In that case, I can conquer all of them, and I will be more convenient in the Ziyun Palace in the future. "

After a short rest, Yuan Feng took a deep breath, but started the operation again. He thought about the treasure in the cave, so he worked very hard. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the cave entrance. At the back, he could almost feel the slightest escape from the cave. Breath.

Judging from the light and breath in the cave, there is definitely an unimaginable treasure in this cave, and most of the time it is left by a super strong.

Of course, it can't be ruled out that there is a super strong in this cave, so when it is not in the cave, he is better to be fully prepared if there is a super strong in it. Or he would respond immediately.

Later, Li Xian and Bai Ling, have been left behind by him for a long time. Speaking of them, the two of them brought them here, and the task of the two is really over. But he has to take over.

"So rich spirituality, what kind of treasure is there in this cave? This breath seems to be too rich, right?"

The closer to the cave entrance, the more Feng Feng could feel the rich aura in the cave. At this moment, he was even doubting that maybe these energy ripples in the canyon were probably to prevent the breath in the cave from escaping. Let it out.

In Yuan Feng's position at the moment, he could only see the light flowing through the cave entrance, but he couldn't see anything in the cave.

The unknown is scary, but the unknown can also be full of hope. At this moment, Yuan Feng is entangled in these two emotions, but the proportion of the latter is undoubtedly greater.

I do n’t know how long it took. Finally, at the time of Bo Xishan, Yuan Feng and the other nine new disciples finally got to the front of the cave entrance, and when they came to the entrance, they were imprisoned. The force has become even greater, and this time, even Yuan Feng himself felt the difficulty.

"Success is here, no matter what baby is in it, it's time to unveil your mystery!"

Near the entrance of the cave, Yuan Feng breathed again for a while, adjusting his state to the best, and then he completely descended his strength on the body of a subordinate, and controlled the opponent to continue to advance towards the entrance of the cave. .

The cave is full of light, but God knows if there is no baby in it, but it is dangerous everywhere. Therefore, to be on the safe side, it is better for him to let his subordinates enter and listen inside.

"Om !!!!!!"

At some point, the new disciple controlled by Yuan Feng seemed to suddenly burst out, and his body suddenly slammed into the hole. Then, his body was directly out of the canyon. The shackles of space ripples entered the cave deep in the canyon.

"Go in, someone goes in !!!"

Outside the canyon, Li Xian and Bai Ling have already had rapid heartbeats. They have been studying this cave for so long, and they want to go in and dream to see what's in it. Now, watching someone enter the cave, they really want to Instead.

Everyone is the same. When he wants to do something very much, but he can't do it anyway, then once he sees others make it, his mood will be extremely complicated.

"Someone finally entered, I don't know what's in there ..."

The two disciple disciples stared at each other, and they both saw an unusually excited look from each other's eyes. Unfortunately, they didn't know that no matter what was in the cave, it was destined not to belong to them.

Just when Li Xian and Bai Ling were excited, Yuan Feng's face in the canyon became extremely serious at this moment. Although he had not yet entered the cave himself, the people under his control The eyes have passed the scene inside the cave little by little.

"Don't even have a cave? It looks like it should be a very deep cave!"

Judging from the situation passed back by his subordinates, the cave in the deep part of the gorge has a very deep depth, which is just a short period of time. His subordinates have penetrated the cave dozens of meters away. Already.

"Dude, it looks like we're really exploring."

Seeing that the cave was so deep, Yuan Feng couldn't help narrowing his eyes, but ordered his subordinate directly. For the time being, don't go any further, just wait in place.

"It's better for me to search for it myself. There should be some different places. There should be some differences."

Mindful, Yuan Feng continued to run his forces, but went to the cave again in person.

In a short time, Yuan Feng took his remaining eight subordinates and swept away from the space ripples and entered the cave entrance.

The entire group entered the cave, but didn't even return their heads. They went towards the cave one by one, completely throwing Li Xian and Bai Ling aside.

At this moment, he was all thinking about what kind of scene would be in the cave, so of course he didn't care about Li Xian and Bai Ling. Besides, everyone didn't look back and couldn't say anything about the two guys Come on.

"Brother, go in, all in !!!"

When all ten new students and disciples entered the cave, Bailing became more and more excited. So many people entered the cave, no matter what was in it, they should be able to move out for both of them.

"Yu, it seems something is wrong, these ten guys ..."

Li Xian also watched ten new disciples enter the cave, but when he saw the ten people entering the cave one by one, but none of them looked back, he could not help but have a bad feeling.

Theoretically, when these ten guys entered the cave, they should say hello to them, but it seems that these people only want to enter the cave, and they seem to have forgotten all of him and Bai Ling .

"What could be wrong, would they dare to turn the sky? Who would dare not obey? I killed him the first time."

Bai Ling is not a good stubble. Like Li Xian, she has long thought about the ending of these ten new disciples. If nothing unexpected, none of the ten new disciples should want to survive.

"Wait a second, it doesn't always seem easy."

Li Xian really didn't dare to make a conclusion at this moment. He raised his eyebrows. While he was looking forward, he couldn't help worrying.

However, Yuan Feng would not care about Li Xian and Bai Ling at all. At this moment, he had already entered the cave. All his thoughts were also attracted by the sight in front of him. Frankly, The cave in front of him really fascinated him.

"What a fantastic cave, it seems that it was created by man!"

Standing in the middle of the cave, Yuan Feng's eyes narrowed and he looked deep into the cave. From the scene in the cave, it was obvious that this cave could never be formed naturally.

A man-made hole has such a strong spirituality, and at this moment, even he has to be more careful.

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