The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1572: Temporary return (second)

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Out of the Ziyun Palace, Yuanfeng took the three newcomers to the Ziyun Palace with him, and immediately began to perform the so-called training tasks.

If four people and four tasks are really completed by four people in the habitat, then even if they can be completed, it will take a short time.

However, with the existence of Yuanfeng, a superpower, these so-called tasks are really no difficulty at all. In less than a few days, Yuanfeng took the other three and took them The tasks have been completed.

During this period, the strong men of Ziyun Palace did not show up. After all, no matter how adequate the staff of Ziyun Palace, it should not be possible to send someone to stare at every new disciple. If that is the case, the people of Ziyun Palace No need to do anything else.

Of course, although no one was sent to stare at each newcomer disciple, Yuan Feng found someone to stare at from other newcomer disciples. It seems that Ziyun Palace still sent some people. It can be considered as a simple spot check!

In fact, if the situation is normal, no one would dare to cheat the top of the Ziyun Palace at this time. After all, the opportunity to join the Ziyun Palace is not easy. If the fraud is detected at this time, everything before that But it's all gone.

After completing the so-called training task, Yuan Feng directly took the three new disciples back to his physical world, and he flew straight to the place where Qingwu Palace was located.

While everyone is practicing abroad, he can just return to Qingwu Palace and gather with his relatives and friends. The main thing is, of course, to share the resources he has got with you, so that everyone can enjoy it. Can make progress.

When he rushed from Qingwu Palace to Ziyun Palace, he always used the space-time boat, but this time when he rushed back from Ziyun Palace to Qingwu Palace, he did not use the space-time boat anymore, but completely relied on himself His own skills are on his way.

The treasure of time and space boat is too eye-catching. Of course, it is better not to use it. This time he rushed back to Qingwu Palace, but he just took this opportunity to test his magic skills, which he just practiced recently.

As a speed body martial arts skill, Xiaoyao's magical skills are a little too overbearing. When Yuan Feng ran this martial arts skill, although the speed was not as exaggerated as the space-time boat, it was really similar.

Earlier, Yuan Feng ’s deity only conducted a theoretical study of this divine skill. As for the practical stage, it is performed by the avatar. Although the deity and the avatar are one, the avatar is the avatar, but in the end it is not. The deity does it himself.

When Yuan Feng was running his pastimes and traveling for nine days, he was very satisfied with this magic.

As a martial art of martial arts, the singularity of Xiaoyao's martial arts is absolutely unimaginable for most people. Leaving aside other things, it's just the difficulty of the cultivation of this divine skill. Among Yuan Di's several divine martial arts skills, it is the highest ranked one.

Borrowed from the magical powers, it is the most mysterious space law between heaven and earth. This martial art practice is not easy, but once it is practiced, it is true freedom and freedom.

At that time, the old man in the purple robe gave this magical power to Yuan Feng, but he could never imagine that Yuan Feng could practice it in such a short time, even he never thought that Yuan Feng could be in half. Practise it before.

His divine skill is a true biography inherited from the same vein, not to mention Yuanfeng, a small habitat person, even if it is the ten main halls of the Ziyun Palace, it is nothing but sighing.

However, how could the old man in purple robes think that Yuan Feng ’s body is very difficult to practice according to the swallowing martial arts and other god-level martial arts. But this type of special martial arts is simply the most powerful skill of swallowing the martial arts.

"It's so cool. When this Xiaojiu Gong is turned, it's not much different from driving the space-time boat. I really don't know if I have the practice of demigod, how fast will this Xiaojiu work. "

Nine days or more, Yuan Feng has run to the extreme the power of Xiaoyao. At this moment, even if a strong man with a demigod is approaching him, he will be stunned by his speed.

A strength like him can indeed perform short-range space movements, but even space movements can definitely not keep up with the freewheeling magic. You have to know that the distance of space movement is limited, and it is absolutely impossible to turn at will, but the magical skill is not the case.

Between a pair of wings, Yuan Feng flew as much as he wanted to, and as much as he wanted. There was no factor that could restrain him.

Speaking of which, the reason why he is able to master such a proficient skill is another skill that others can't compare.

The speed of Xiaoyao Gong is too fast and too fast. Under this extreme speed, the physical body of the average person has already been melted by the limit speed, but his body is based on Jiuzhuanxuan Gong. The strong man in the demigod can bear the load brought by the magic.

It can be said that Yuan Feng's ability to practice the magical skills of happiness is almost a thing that no one would think of.

He was born in a habitat, and he could control the power of free spirits to catch up with the power of the semi-god. Compare him?

"Go back to Qingwu Palace and talk about it. At Qingwu Palace, at least allocate some resources to everyone, and then try to impact the realm of yin and yang. I hope this impact can make me get what I want."

Time is limited, although he can control all the newcomers and disciples to return later, but if it is delayed too long, it must be suspected, so he still has to do what he wants to do as soon as possible.

Xiaoyao's magical powers are working to the extreme. Among them, Yuan Feng added Wuying magical powers. The two magical powers complement each other, even if it is a demigod, it is difficult to find his existence.

From Ziyun Palace to Qingwu Palace, the distance in the middle is indeed a long way, but with the help of Xiaoyao Gong, Yuan Feng only rushed back to the area where Qingwu Palace was located within a few days.

The deity returns, and the avatar retreats behind the scenes for the first time to ensure that the deity and the avatar will not appear in front of everyone. Speaking of which, the whole Qingwu Palace knows his identity, and the number is really small, and this secret can ensure that fewer people know it, the better it is for him.

Back to Qingwu Palace, the whole atmosphere of Qingwu Palace was really satisfying to him.

The joining of tens of thousands of infinitely powerful people has made today's Qingwu Palace a powerful mess. Although it cannot resist the impact of people in the semi-god state, even if the people in the semi-god state come, it may not be cheap. .

Qingwu Palace is not short of resources, but using the huge accumulation of resources, the space around Qingwu Palace will be arranged layer by layer of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. With these super mysterious arrays, even if it is a demigod The advent of powerful men does not necessarily pose a great threat to Qingwu Palace.

First of all, the core people in Qingwu Palace are usually in the central palace of Qingwu Palace. Once there is something that can't be handled outside, the central palace of Qingwu Palace will be activated immediately. , Secretly walk away.

Secondly, when the people at the core of Qingwu Palace have left, by Yuan Feng's means, must not let enemies who dare to invade leave a little thought? Not to mention anything else, just detonating one hundred and eighty Promise subordinates is enough to make a pot of demigod strong.

Having said that, Qingwu Palace is relatively hidden. If nothing unexpected happens, the demigod might not find it here.

"Fenger, have you really joined the Ziyun Palace?"

In the core hall of Qingwu Palace, after returning, Yuan Feng found her mother Jiang Qingwu and explained to her the actions of this time.

When it was said that Yuan Feng had joined the Ziyun Palace, Jiang Qingwu's face changed from time to time, but it was complicated beyond words.

What is the purpose of Yuan Feng's joining the Ziyun Palace? Jiang Qingwu has always been aware of it, but she is more aware of the dangers in Ziyun Palace and other places.

"Yes, although I am just the most ordinary member of the Ziyun Palace, but as long as I give the children some time, I can get a place in the Ziyun Palace after all."

Yuan Feng didn't feel anything wrong. During this time in the Ziyun Palace, he had a better understanding of the power of the Ziyun Palace. He also understood that it was not easy to mix the days in the Ziyun Palace, but in the final analysis, also Only in that environment can he learn more.

"Hey, your child is in a special situation, but is different from ordinary people. What should I do? I don't say much!"

Jiang Qingwu also knows that Yuan Feng is not a reckless person, and it is indeed a variety of means. Moreover, even now, she has no point in opposing her.

"Mother, rest assured, the baby will never make a joke of his own life." Nodded, Yuan Feng did not tell the other party about the specific situation of the Ziyun Palace. With an eyebrow raised, he raised his hand and A transparent jade bottle full of silver energy was taken out.

"Mother, these are the power of the yin and yang origin. The children know that the father has just broken through to the habitat, and will soon move towards the yin and yang state. These powers of the origin can just help everyone."

The main purpose of returning is to give these treasures to relatives and friends in Qingwu Palace. Of course, he must not forget this most important thing.

"The power of Yin and Yang?"

Seeing what Yuan Feng had brought out, Jiang Qingwu suddenly looked awkward, and then became excited with difficulty.

It seems that Yuan Feng's joining Ziyun Palace is not useless. At least, he can move some of the resources in Ziyun Palace back to Qingwu Palace. With the help of these resources, Qingwu The development of the palace can be a step faster!

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