The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1568: Collect (a more)

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The method of restoring the power of the yin and yang is really incredible. Only in a place like Ziyun Palace can we find such a strange method.

However, Yuan Feng knew in his heart that the restoration of this original power would definitely not be completed in a short while. According to his estimation, it is just like the power of this yin and yang source that he is getting now. It will take tens of thousands of years, and even longer!

Of course, this is not only a matter of time. The restoration of the power of the yin and yang origin requires that the original fallen person is a strong person in the yin and yang realm. It also depends on whether the yin and yang origin of the fallen person is pure. The factors are by no means conceivable by ordinary people.

In general, it is not easy to get a lot of yin and yang power in this blood-colored world.

"With the power of the origin of yin and yang, I do have a better grasp of the promotion of yin and yang, but that's only for ordinary people. As for me, the situation seems different!"

Having collected the yin and yang origins of this group, Yuan Feng slowly recovered from the joy, and his face was also a little more serious.

His situation is different from others. Although he is in the realm of living habitats, his foundation is really high and scary. Not to mention the power of the Yin and Yang origins, even if it is ten times the power of these Yin and Yang, I am afraid It is also difficult to help him break through, and he needs a lot of this energy to advance to the yin and yang environment.

Of course, even if it is the power of more yin and yang, it is nothing more than an increase in the success rate of breakthroughs, but it is not a guarantee that it will help him break through the yin and yang realm.

From the moment he was promoted to the good fortune realm, he knew that his future promotion would not be so easy. The situation of yin and yang was the same, and the situation of the promise was even more so. As for the future state of the demigod, it would not be necessary to think about it for a while.

"Come on, take this opportunity to collect more of this yin and yang origin, as long as there are enough yin and yang origins, then the possibility of my impacting the yin and yang realm will become greater and greater!"

Regardless, this energy in this scarlet world is a real baby. Even if it proves that this thing has no effect on him in the future, it is definitely indescribable to those relatives and friends in Qingwu Palace. So, collect a lot of energy to ensure that nothing is wrong.

He did not intend to impact the realm of yin and yang in this scarlet world. After all, if a breakthrough is made here, then the whole scarlet world will probably set off a frenzy. At that time, I am afraid that there will be nothing left.

"Looking for it, they all acted for me, and I found it rewarding !!!"

Taking a deep breath, while giving orders to the crowd in his heart, he flickered, and began to search in the whole scarlet world.

If he felt that this scarlet world was horrible and didn't want to stay for a second, then at this moment, he feels that this is heaven, and he can't wait to stay here for a year and a half.

Everyone controlled by Yuan Feng started to act, everyone knew that what Yuan Feng wanted was definitely what they needed, but if they didn't let Yuan Feng make enough money, then they shouldn't want to put the baby Into your own pocket. Therefore, after hearing Yuan Feng's order, everyone was working very hard.

Speaking of them, everyone does not know how long they can stay here, so within a limited period of time, they must work harder and try to get enough gains on the premise of satisfying Yuan Feng.

Since Huo Qi brought people here, and was entrusted with the order of the master of the Liuhe Palace, then in other words, Ming is definitely the most suitable place for many newcomers and disciples. Of course, the power of yin and yang cannot be so small.

The fact is exactly the same. When Yuan Feng led a group of subordinates and began to sweep the **** world frantically, more and more of the power of the yin and yang origins were dug out. Some of these yin and yang origins were pure, It seems that it is only half condensed, and it doesn't feel very pure.

If you think about it, some of the yin and yang origins have condensed for tens of millions of years, while others have condensed shortly, and of course they will not be the same.

Over time, everyone has found more and more power of the source, but after everyone has found the power of the source, they will not use it directly. There is no way, without Yuan Feng's order, they are absolutely afraid to use these original powers without authorization.

Of course, Yuan Feng will not let everyone use the power of the source. Since there are so many powers of the source here, it would be too abnormal if no one used it, so from time to time, he also ordered his own The next, I will not use the very pure power of the source to try to impact the realm of yin and yang.

Not to mention, the newcomers and children of these habitats have good overall qualifications and potentials. When everyone began to use the power of the source to level up, one after another strong yin and yang realms were born, and the effect was really not good.

While ordering some people to make breakthroughs, Yuan Feng continued to search for the power of this scarlet world. Speaking of which, the process was really too happy.

This scarlet world is definitely a treasure of Liuhedian. Of course, in order to build this treasure, the strong killing of Liuhedian is definitely unimaginable. As for how many, Yuan Feng is true Unimaginable.

In the process of searching for the power of the source, Yuan Feng not only found the source of the yin and yang as simple as it is. In fact, in this blood-colored world, of course, not all people who die in the yin and yang state will be dead, even if they are powerful men without limits, Absolutely there is a fall here, and in this world, the people of the Promise can also trace back to the origin and re-gather the power of the Promise.

It is a pity that there is absolutely no such thing as the power of the Promise. Although Yuan Feng tried hard to find it, the power of the Promise found was a little pitiful.

If you think about it, the elder in black robe Xieyu could not of course leave the power of the Promise to these new disciples. To put it bluntly, this world is a treasure trove of Elder Xieyu, and if there is the power of the Promise After birth, how could it be possible for Yuan Feng and others to pick it?

In this regard, Yuan Feng didn't mind. Speaking of which, the most important thing he needs to advance is the realm of yin and yang. As for the Promise, it is still a little distant for him. As long as he enters the yin and yang first, he is already very Contented.

More and more yin and yang sources were found by Yuan Feng and his subordinates. In order to hide their eyes, Yuan Feng had to make many of his subordinates use more. Fortunately, those who took the power of the source were more Fight for strength, at least six or seven of ten people can successfully advance to the yin and yang realm.

It can be said that this scarlet world is simply tailored for these newcomers, and being able to enjoy such treatment can only be said to be the luck of this newcomer.

You know, the power of the source here is not condensed out in a day or two. In fact, this batch of new people just happened to catch up with this time point, and no matter how early the disciples, or the disciples in the future, But there is no such treatment. Speaking of which, this should also be the good luck that Yuan Feng brings to everyone!

It is conceivable that, if nothing unexpected happens, then the newcomers and disciples of this year's Ziyun Palace, Liuhedian will definitely win the top spot!

Of course, this is not a big deal. Each of the ten palaces of the Ziyun Palace has its own means different from ordinary people. The newcomer in this session of the Liuhe Palace has a stronger overall strength than other palaces, but maybe the next one. Other palaces will have special ways to help everyone ascend. Perhaps among the newcomers and disciples of the previous sessions, other palaces have already advanced to the Promise of the Promise. These are all different.

In the vast world of blood, Yuan Feng found more and more of the power of the yin and yang, but later, the power of the blood in the world of blood was undoubtedly less and less, and it was difficult to find more.

Yuan Feng is not an insatiable person. When the power of the source under his control is more and more, he no longer thinks about more treasures. Moreover, judging by the amount of the power of the source that he now controls, Whether it can impact the yin and yang environment is no longer a matter of quantity.

Some things ca n’t be changed by quantity. In fact, he knew from the beginning that although the power of the yin and yang here is rich, whether it can really help him break through the yin and yang realm is another matter.

The power of yin and yang is just to increase the possibility of breakthrough, but whether it can really help people to break through, there are more factors in it, so after collecting enough of the power of the source, Yuan Feng will simply not continue Accumulate these things.

In the next time, whoever finds the power of the yin and yang can use it directly. For now, he just needs to let his subordinates break through a little more.

According to Yuan Feng's own estimates, the power of these yin and yang sources he has now should be sufficient in quantity, but he feels that if he simply uses these yin and yang sources, he may not be able to succeed.

Therefore, it is best to put these yin and yang sources in his hands first, and wait until he feels that he can really make a breakthrough, then it is not too late to make a breakthrough.

One by one, the Habitat subordinates have become one of the yin and yang powerhouses. This process is very lively. Now it seems that after the prescribed time, in the whole **** world, there are a thousand new disciples, want to say less There will also be more than three or five hundred people who can successfully advance!

ps: Mistakes, I drank some wine with my friends yesterday afternoon. I have n’t drank them for a long time and just poured! !! Brothers take care of you! !! Please support a few flowers, thank you! !! !!

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