The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1565: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (three more)

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In two places of cultivation, which lasted two years, the group of newcomers and disciples in Liuhedian can be said to have learned a lot. Even if they leave Ziyun Palace now, their group will be better than the average person in the future. .

Of course, it took nine cows and two tigers to join the Ziyun Palace. No matter who it is, it is impossible to leave the Ziyun Palace for no reason. This point, even Yuan Feng is no exception.

You know, this has just entered the Ziyun Palace for such a short time, and everyone has harvested so much. God knows what resources in the Ziyun Palace are waiting for them to use. Leaving at this time is obviously a big performance.

After ending the cultivation in two secret places, Huo Qi and his new disciples started to rush to the next cultivation place. According to what he said, this third cultivation secret place was absolutely full of temptation. Because in this third place, there will be opportunities to help people impact the yin and yang environment.

For those who have no limit, the state of yin and yang is really nothing, but for these newcomers and disciples, the state of yin and yang is the state of their dreams. Everyone knows that although their foundation is getting better and better today, it is still not easy to want to successfully advance to the yin and yang environment.

With the expectation of the yin and yang state, everyone was honestly behind Huo Qi, waiting for the arrival of their destination.

Obviously, the third cultivation environment is not in the Shenglong Temple. For a short time, Huo Qi took everyone out of the scope of the Shenglong Temple and came to the public area of ​​Liuhe Temple.

The temple of Shenglong is only a very small palace in the Liuhe Palace. Compared with some palaces controlled by the superpowers of the Liuhe Palace, the scale of the Dragon Temple is much worse. As for the main hall of the Liuhe Palace, , It is even more impossible to compare.

Out of the Shenglong Temple, Huo Qi's face also became a little serious, not as relaxed as before, and while walking forward, his steps seemed to slowly slow down, you can see that he Obviously, this person is going too far cautiously.

Liuhedian has many powerful men. As a named disciple, his status is really not too high. Therefore, when he is doing anything, he will be as careful and careful as possible. He must not be caught by others. No chance of ridicule is left to outsiders.

Not to mention, the environment of Liuhe Temple is also very good among the ten palaces. Yuan Feng and his team followed Huo Qi and firstly enjoyed the beauty of Liuhe Temple. Looking at these scenery, everyone ’s mood Can not help but slowly relax.

Everyone did not know where Huo Qi would take everyone, but since he was handed over to Huo Qi by the senior members of Liuhedian, you do n’t need to worry about Huo Qi being harmful to them. After all, the other party should not be bored They are the new disciples.

After passing through the palaces, Yuan Feng and others did not know how far they had followed Huo Qi. On this way, many disciples in Liuhedian saw Huoqi leading people, and some people in Liuhedian were more He greeted Huo Qi and expressed his friendship. In any case, even a named disciple who can become the master of the Liuhe Palace, it is very rare.

The master of the Liuhe Hall accepts apprentices, which are generally two situations. First, naturally, I really feel that the other person has huge potential and can inherit his mantle. Such a disciple who is hard to find while holding a lantern is certainly impossible to miss. Speaking of which, this is the case with all his disciples.

The other one is also very simple to say. It feels that there are still some people who cultivate value. They can temporarily accept them as registered disciples. If the other party can really shine, then they will have the opportunity to become disciples.

This second type of disciple may not be said to be extremely strong, even if it is some people in the yin and yang environment, or even the living environment and the cave world, as long as they are favored by the strong master of the temple, they may be temporarily accepted In order to name the disciples, this second method can at least prove that the selected person does have an extraordinary place.

Therefore, whether it is the first or the second, in fact, all the disciples are disciples of the temple master, and most people still give face.

With a bunch of new people, Huo Qi finally stopped in a large area of ​​palaces within the area of ​​Liuhe Temple. The palace here is obviously much shorter than other places, but the number seems to be more dense, and From the outside, each palace seems to be much fatter than the others.

The thick and short palaces are arranged next to each other, giving a very solid and solid feeling. Although this feeling is not as oppressive as those tall palaces, it also has to be taken seriously.

"Everyone, don't mess around. Next, everything will listen to my arrangements. Whoever dares to cause trouble for me, I will make him look good."

It seemed that he was not assured of the crowd, but Huo Qi actually stopped and asked the crowd again, and when everyone nodded, he was relieved to continue walking toward the central area of ​​the palace group.

The crowd did not go too long this time. Soon, Huo Qi took the crowd to a palace that was almost one storey high, but very large.


Before arriving at this dwarf palace, Huo Qi raised his hand and issued an order to stop. Seeing him like this, everyone was afraid to take it easy, and they stopped and waited for each other. For further instructions.

Huo Qi did not manage the crowd. When he stopped, his gaze swept around. When he found that no one came up to find him in trouble, he put his attention on the palace in front of him again. .

In front of everyone's eyes, a large palace door was inlaid in front of the palace, and the palace door was closed. It seemed that guests were not welcome to visit. Seeing this, Huo Qi couldn't help blinking, and finally stepped forward. Came to the hall door.

"Well !!!"

"Practitioner Huo Qi, at the command of the Lord Lord of the Hall, brought new disciples to meet Elder Yu Yu, and also invited Elder Yu Yu to show up."

Tapping at the door of the hall a few times, Huo Qi exhaled and shouted carefully into the palace.

In this area, he did not have the opportunity to come on weekdays. By this time, by the name of the master of the Liuhe Palace, he had an excuse to come here to get familiar.

Others don't know, but what he knows best is that in this low palace group, there are many Liuhedian strong men. These strong men rarely show up on weekdays, but in the beginning, they all It is Ziyun City's famous powerhouse, even if he is a disciple named by his master, he may not be seen by others.

"Squeak !!!"

Just as Huo Qi's shout just dropped, the gate of the main hall was opened from the inside for the first time. At the same time, he couldn't hear the shout of anger and slowly came out of the palace. It came out.

"Huo Qi is here, take everyone, come in and talk!"

The voice was slightly old, but full of vitality, and there was still a touch of oppression. Even Huo Qi can feel the oppressive voice, and other newcomers and disciples can be imagined.

"Thank you Elder Xieyu !!!"

When he saw the door open, and the people inside let them in again, Huo Qi couldn't help but look happy and hurried to thank the aisle first.

He was ready to be embarrassed. After all, none of the old qualifications of Liuhedian was good at talking. Even if he came for the purpose, it was likely to be embarrassed.

"Come with me !!!" After a complete look, Huo Qi turned back and motioned to the new disciples behind him, and immediately walked towards the palace, and everyone behind him didn't even ask him to take them, they took photos one by one. Attentive, convergent, followed from behind honestly.


When a group of people entered the interior of the hall from the gate, a weird breath rushed to everyone for the first time, and with the emergence of this breath, everyone's complexion was slightly white, like What a terrible sight I saw.

"It's so dark, what's the place here? It's too heavy, isn't it?"

Yuan Feng also entered the palace's interior at the moment, and as soon as he entered the palace, he also felt the unusualness of the palace. With the ability to swallow the heavenly martial spirit, of course, it is impossible to detect how these breaths come. Obviously, this is definitely the result of countless injustices that have accumulated for a long time.

"Good guy, is this the slaughterhouse of Liuhedian? It's so hard to imagine how many people have died here."

Ripped his lips, Yuan Feng's instinct for this palace is somewhat repulsive. He didn't like this **** atmosphere. If he could, he really wanted to leave now and stay away from this suffocating environment.

However, at this moment he knows exactly what he is going to do, and it is obviously the most unwise to leave at this time. Even if he doesn't say anything else, there is only a chance here to help him hit the yin and yang environment. To stay.

The whole hall looked very dim. Although there were torches everywhere in the hall, I don't know why, even these torches that should be extremely hot gave people a very cold feeling.


The crowd quickly arrived at the center of the hall, and just when everyone was in the central area, a black lotus rose suddenly above the hall, and on top of the black lotus, a whole body The skinny figure shrouded in black robes appeared in front of everyone's eyes for the first time.

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