The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1562: Promotion opportunity (four more)

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The first practice of newcomers and disciples in Ziyun Palace Liuhe Palace has ended. After a thousand newcomers and disciples have been baptized for the first time, the entire team is not damaged, and each one from the place of cultivation The people who came out were all horrified at this moment, apparently they had not recollected from everything before.

"Curious places, I have always been playing against myself in a fantasy, it is really amazing!"

"My soul has grown so much, I can feel that if I go to understand the realm of yin and yang, my success rate will be several levels greater than before."

"My magical power has also grown. It is really unexpected. There is such a strange cultivation method in the world. I really want to go in and practice for a while to make my magical power stronger.

All the newcomers and disciples felt a little incredible about their previous experience. After they had entered the land of cultivation before, they were plunged into the illusion, until they were just invited out, and then they returned to the reality from the illusion.

When they came back to reality, they all obviously found their own changes. Such changes were unprecedented to them.

How difficult it is to improve the power of the soul, but everyone who understands cultivation knows that today they have not yet reached the yin and yang state, and the improvement of the power of the soul at this time is simply a great thing.

"Sure enough, after these people entered the fantasy world, they all fought with their own images. It seems that they were almost missed before!"

Yuan Feng stood among the crowd, listening to the discussions of the people around her, and could not help secretly rejoicing. Because of the existence of the swallowing martial spirit, he was much more awake than others, and it was because he was sober that he had judgments that others did not have, and it was because of this sober judgment that he almost made him Missed the ascension of soul power.

"Well, the power of the soul has been greatly improved, and you have practiced Xiaoyao's divine power eight or nine times. This first Ziyun Palace practice should be regarded as a great success?"

After stabilizing his mind, Yuan Feng couldn't help taking his mind back to him. At this moment, he raised his soul and practiced his magical skills. It was really a double happiness, and of course he was indescribably comfortable.

"I don't know if this Brother Huo Qi, what kind of cultivation environment will come out next, maybe it will still be useful to me!"

With this first practice, Yuan Feng is yearning for the cultivation environment Huo Qi will provide to everyone next time. He believes that since the first cultivation environment is so powerful, the next cultivation environment It should not be too bad.

"Ha ha, you brothers and sisters, you want to come here for a lot of gains, right?"

Just as everyone was discussing, Huo Qi, the disciple of the main disciple of Liuhedian who hadn't seen him for a year, appeared in front of them with his hands behind his back, and opened his mouth with a smile.

I haven't seen it in a year. The talented disciple in Liuhedian has not changed much. When he saw everyone again, his signature smile was very comfortable for everyone.

"Have seen Brother Huo Qi !!"

When seeing Huo Qi's appearance, a lot of new students and disciples hurried to salute each other. This time they got the sweetness from Huo Qi. Even if they don't talk about the identity gap between them, it must be to Huo Qi. Expressed respect and gratitude.

Although Yuan Feng didn't take Huo Qi's strength seriously, even he was not very optimistic about Huo Qi, but this time also received a little favor from others, but also gave a little gift as everyone else.

"Haha, you don't need to be polite. It seems that everyone has gained a lot of gains this time. Should this place of my practice be returned to everyone's eyes?"

Huo Qi was also very happy at this moment. From the perspective of everyone's attitude towards him, it is clear that his contribution this time has definitely been appreciated by everyone, and with this experience, at least, if it is true in the future Someone flew Huang Tengda and could definitely pull him.

"Brother Huo Qi brought us to this place, just looking for a lantern and nowhere. I really hope that I can go in and practice for a while, maybe my spirits will become stronger."

"Yes, yes, I really want to continue to practice, if I can raise the spirits a little bit more, then I will hit the realm of yin and yang, and the success rate will be at least three levels higher."

"That's not much, it mainly affects our future. With the current spirit and soul foundation, after everyone's cultivation is broken, the spirit and soul will grow and double on the basis of the current time. At that time, those ordinary Those of the same level will be left far away by us. "

Newcomers and disciples are difficult to calm for a long time. At this moment, they are all fortunate to be able to join the Ziyun Palace. In addition to the Ziyun Palace, other families are good as well as martial arts. It is absolutely difficult to find such a cultivation environment. .

"You masters and brothers, please be calm and restless. This cultivation space is the one where the fools spent a lot of money to ask people to make it out, but every time you enter outsiders to cultivate, the time should not be too long. The entire cultivation space is not good. I think so. If you still want to enter the cultivation space in the future, then come to find a fool, if the situation allows, I will let you feel the magic inside again. "

Picking the corner of his mouth, Huo Qi's eyes flashed a bit.

This time he publicized this holy place of cultivation, it was also a foreshadowing for the future. These people present have already tasted the sweetness, and someone will definitely come again in the future, and at that time, they want to come back to him. Cultivation in a secret environment, then it is not easy to enter.

"It turned out that our practice would even cause damage to the cultivation environment, but my younger brother Meng Lang."

"Sorry for Brother. If you have a chance in the future, please ask Brother for another opportunity."

Everyone is also a person who understands the truth. At this moment, when I heard Huo Qi ’s explanation, none of them were mentioning the practice of entering it. They also knew in their hearts that such a treasure land is definitely not something you can enter. Yes.

"Masters and brothers, everyone came to Liuhe Hall for one year. This first place of cultivation has been harvested for everyone. Next, Fool Brother will prepare a place for everyone. This place is different from this one. There, everyone ’s muscles and skin will get a huge exercise, but the hard work of them, I hope you can survive. "

However, he received the order from the master of the Liuhe Palace, and of course he had to put in some thoughts to train newcomers in this session. In fact, in order to train this group of newcomers and disciples, he really did a lot of work.

"Even though Brother Huo Qi is preparing, we are all going to be stronger in the future, how can we fear a little bit of hard work?"

"That is, no matter how hard we can bear it, Brother Huo Qi is here."

In the hearts of everyone, since the first place of cultivation is so useful, the next place is of course no exception. As for suffering and sin, it is inevitable.

"Very well, since everyone has this kind of mental preparation, then I will not be polite with everyone, let's go, let's go to the next location."

He nodded, but Huo Qi stopped talking, and with a big wave of his hand, he led everyone toward the other palace.

When he started to act, everyone else followed behind with excitement, apparently all subconsciously felt that the other party could take them to a more reliable place to cultivate.

Yuan Feng has been very calm and inconspicuous from the beginning to the end. He knows that there are indeed many things in the Ziyun Palace that are difficult to compare with the outside world, such as the previous environment, which he values ​​very much. If he misses it, With this practice, his future will definitely be worse than those who have experienced this practice.

Fortunately, he had a good time, but it was all he had to cultivate.

Huo Qi didn't take everyone too far, almost only walking the height of the three or five-story palace. The named disciple of Liuhe Palace stopped again. Similarly, in front of everyone, there was still a light this time. The presence of the curtain.

"You guys, this is it. Brother Fool has prepared three cultivation places for you. The first one is over. This is the second one. When the cultivation is finished here, I will take you to the last cultivation place. There, as long as everyone can grasp it well, it is possible to get a chance to hit the yin and yang environment. "

Before he entered this second practice, Huo Qi gave everyone a big hope, and when his words fell, everyone present was slightly shocked, and then he became excited as much as possible. Up.

"Opportunity to impact the realm of yin and yang? Hahaha, great, if you can directly impact the realm of yin and yang after you have polished the foundation, it is simply the best situation!"

"I have to seize these three opportunities, and I can't relax once, this second place of cultivation, I have to dedicate myself to cultivation."

"Yin and Yang, if you can break into Yin and Yang soon after joining the Ziyun Palace, then my future is really limitless!"

Which of these habitats are not full of longing for yin and yang? Although they all have the confidence to impact the yin and yang realm, everyone knows that the yin and yang realm does not mean that they can be promoted. To reach that level, obviously it takes some luck.

"Yu, is there a chance to impact the yin and yang environment? Huo Qi, really want to do me a favor?"

Just when everyone else was excited, Yuan Feng couldn't help but breathe out, but there was a similar faint excitement under her heart.

Unlike others, if he can reach the yin and yang realm, then everything will be easier to handle!

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