The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1555: Troubleshoot (one more)

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After undergoing some uncomplicated, but extremely thrilling selection processes, Yuan Feng finally joined the Ziyun Palace as he wished, and chose his most direct goal, Liuhedian!

For Yuan Feng, the most direct purpose of joining the Ziyun Palace is to get the last five-element **** crystal from the master of Liuhe Palace, so that his five-element **** crystal can be completed and seek the ultimate change. As for joining the Ziyun Palace to learn art, he actually didn't take it very seriously.

The Ziyun Palace does have a lot of things to learn, but these things are actually dispensable for him. With his qualifications and means, as long as he is given enough time, it is the same everywhere. of.

Of course, after all, the environment of Ziyun Palace is really suitable for cultivation. Cultivation in Ziyun Palace will definitely be much faster than the outside world. It is naturally easier to understand the mood of Yin Yang and Wuji.

After being handed over to the named disciple Huo Qi by Zhao Jing, a disciple of Liuhe Palace, Yuan Feng and his party followed Huo Qi's arrangement and settled down in the vice hall of Liuhe Palace.

Among the many vice halls under the leadership of Huo Qi, this deputy hall, which is under the leadership of Huo Qi, can be regarded as the forefront of the existence, and was assigned here, Yuan Feng and others were also very satisfied.

On the surface, Huo Qi is modest and very patient with newcomers and disciples. He is completely the image of a kind brother. Naturally, he is undoubtedly a very good brother in the eyes of many newcomers and disciples.

The scale of this auxiliary hall is very large. According to Huo Qi, in the hall under his control, the number of warriors is also endless, but the specific strength, he did not explain too much to everyone.

The master of the Liuhe Palace gave the thousand new recruits enrolled in this session to Huo Qi to lead. This is actually the best choice. In the past, the master of the Liuhe Palace had asked questions in person, but the results were not very good. Instead, he asked his own disciples to lead these newcomers, and often several talented people appeared.

The ten palaces recruit new people, and they are hoping to dig out some qualified and potential people from the new people. Although Ziyun Palace is strong, it also often suffers accidental damage. Some talented young people add or grow up. This is the basis for the continuation of a super power.

Yuan Feng and other newcomers were all assigned to the lowest floor of the auxiliary hall of Liuhe Dian. This auxiliary hall has its own name, but it was the master of the hall that gave the palace to Huo Qi The name he helped him at the time, named Shenglong Temple, translated into this palace can help Huo Qi to fly, soar into the sky!

The height of the Shenglong Temple is high. Yuan Feng estimates that the entire Shenglong Temple is afraid that there will be dozens or hundreds of floors, and these people are divided into the lowest level, which obviously starts from the lowest level.

"Finally, it can be cleaned for a while. According to Huo Qi, we have three days to restore our spirit. After three days, Liuhedian ’s own task will be issued. Before that, I must find a way to remove the gray in my body Even if it cannot be erased, we must find a way to control it so that it does not pose any threat to me. "

Yuan Feng is divided into a small space that is not very large. The entire small space is five meters square and can be seen everywhere in the Shenglong Hall.

According to Huo Qi, the conditions must be more difficult when he just joined the Ziyun Palace, but as long as he performs well in the future, there will be a day of success.

Yuan Feng was not in a hurry to get ahead. He knew in his heart that his coming to Ziyun Palace was actually a very long process. Whether he could be famous or not, in fact, he didn't even think of any name.

"The gray airflow is a bit troublesome. The old man in the gray robe put this thing in everyone's body. If it is not handled properly, it is likely to be discovered by him. Therefore, I must handle it carefully. Make sure to resolve it, or be perceived by the other party. "

Since the old man in gray robes planted the gray airflow as a seed in each person's body, it must have his purpose. He wanted to deal with the gray airflow easily, for fear it would not be so easy. .

"Fortunately, I was awake at that time. If I was also deceived, then it would be impossible to notice the existence of these airflows. By then, when the airflow erupts, it will definitely be dead!"

The mind once again found the gray airflows. Yuan Feng's heart couldn't help secretly rejoicing. His heart was very clear. If he didn't see the existence of these gray airflows at first, then even him, he might not be able to feel them afterwards. These things, after all, no one would think of, it was such a blink of an eye that these gray airflows invaded the body.

"Swallowing Heavenly Martial Spirits !!!"

In the middle of his thoughts, Tian Wu Ling was slowly aroused by him, and the first time was to wrap a gray air stream.

His movements were very gentle, and he didn't dare to make too much movements, because he was not very sure, would the airflow left by the old man in the gray robe would have the ability to monitor, if he did, Then if he shots against the gray airflow, I am afraid it is also a big trouble.

Wrapping the gray airflow with swallowing martial spirits, Yuan Feng thought for a moment, and moved all of the gray airflows. The first thing was to remove these nasty airflows from the sea of ​​his mind, and move to himself. Under the feet.

In any case, it is too dangerous for these airflows to stay in the sea of ​​mind. If the other party detonates the airflow, he will still die. However, when these gray airflows are moved to his feet, even if the old man in the dead gray robe detonates this thing, he will at best abandon one leg, but it will soon grow out.

Guiding the gray airflow carefully into the soles of the feet, Yuan Feng felt it. It seemed that the means of the old man in the gray robe was really a little behind his blood curse. Although these gray airstreams are planted, they are obviously not as powerful as the Blood Curse magic.

"It seems that the old man in gray robes is a secret move left for all those who join the Ziyun Palace. In the future, if some people become climate, this secret move is to deal with their biggest killer!"

After studying some gray air currents, Yuan Feng gradually understood the thoughts of the people in Ziyun Palace. Obviously, this gray airflow is not used to monitor the actions of everyone. After all, there are countless disciples in the Ziyun Palace. Even if the old man in the gray robe is strong, I am afraid that it may not be able to monitor one by one.

Perhaps the old man in the gray robe put this secret trick in everyone's body. One way is to understand their position at all times, and the other is to have the ability to abolish them at all times. In general, the Ziyun Palace The newcomers who join the martial arts are not so relieved.

"If you wipe out the gray airflow, you will probably notice it, but the amount of this thing is a bit large, and it's better to solve it somehow."

If all the people in Ziyun Palace have this kind of airflow, then this thing is white, it is a kind of identity of the person in Ziyun Palace. If he loses all this thing, then in the future, he is very likely Will not be recognized.

Thinking of this, he directly started to swallow the sky martial spirit, cut out some of these gray gases, and for a moment hesitated, it was a trace of refining.

His speed is very slow and slow, just as if the gray airflow was losing itself, but the slow return is slow, but it is very effective.

"Well, so pure energy. It seems that no matter how special the energy is, in the final analysis, it is a variant use of the warrior's own power. These gray air streams should be the demigod power used by the demigod strong? "

With the refining of the gray airflow, Yuan Feng can feel that the energy obtained after refining is so scary. He believes that these gray airflows are definitely the evolution of the demigod power of the demigod. Come.

The power of the demigod of the demigod is stronger than the power of the Infinite Man by several levels, and that energy is not what he can manage now.

Fortunately, after the energy was swallowed by the swallowing martial arts spirit, it became almost the purest ordinary energy, except for the large amount, there was nothing special at all.

There is simply three days to stabilize, and Yuan Feng is not in a hurry. As long as he finishes the task three days ago, no one should disturb him during this period.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed quietly, and Yuan Feng's refining of these gray airflows was more than half completed. After refining more than half of the airflows, he simply stopped himself.

"It's almost there. It can't be all refining. Just leaving this part is not a big threat to me."

After weighing the remaining gray airflow, Yuan Feng believes that even if the remaining gray airflow erupts in his body, it is difficult to cause substantial damage to him, so he will no longer continue to clear it.

He didn't know if the Ziyun Palace in the future was going to review them. If there was such a step, and the gray airflow in his body was gone, God knew what kind of trouble it would bring.

Moreover, the remaining part of the gray gas can be controlled by the Devouring Wuling. If it is really necessary, then he can let the Devouring Wuling refine it at any time without leaving himself any trouble.

With the swallowing martial spirit in his possession, he can be said to have mastered the absolute initiative, so there is no need to keep the gray air flow in mind, but the old man in the gray robe, if there is an opportunity, he must ask for advice.

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