The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1547: Into the palace (one more)

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In principle, the admission of the Ziyun Palace is certainly not a casual matter, and the selection of each quota should be done carefully and cautiously.

However, since the top of the Ziyun Palace entrusted the apprenticeship to the ten major disciples, then these ten people have absolute autonomy. How to recruit these 10,000 people is ultimately up to them. Forget it.

Ten thousand places have finally been determined. At this point, it is obvious that the admission of Ziyun Palace will come to an end. As for how to arrange the newly recruited 10,000 people, it is not known to anyone outside.

"Dear everyone, this year's admission to the Ziyun Palace will come to an end. Those who have not been able to join the Ziyun Palace, please come back. In addition, thank you for your attention to the Ziyun Palace, our brothers. Ten people, thank you all here. "

In the hall of the Five Elements, Qiao Ke moved, and first came to the top of the crowd, and shouted loudly.

The end of Ziyun Palace's apprenticeship was over. Many of these people who came from all directions lost their chances with God-given opportunities. Naturally, everyone's mood can be understood. At this moment, everyone really needs some comfort.

"Hey, let's go, the dust is settled, we people are running for nothing again!"

"I ran for nothing, but I didn't have much loss anyway. It was all about coming here to open my eyes. I can see the top ten preachers in Ziyun Palace. It's a worthwhile trip!"

"Compared to those who have spent a lot of resources, we people have really nothing to lose."

"Ah, it's a pity. I had a chance to get a place. If I were given the chance to get a primaries, maybe I could also join the Ziyun Palace!"

"What's the use of thinking these now? The 10,000 places are full, but the last 200 or so people, these guys are really lucky!"

As the huge crowd spread out to the outside world, they were discussing the event of the gathering of the Ziyun Palace. For the more than 9,000 people in front, everyone is speechless. However, for the more than 200 people in the back, many people are envious.

The two hundred or so people were all randomly found by the top ten preachers from the crowd. Although there should be ten people's own judgments in this, in the final analysis, everyone is similar, and who will be selected is nothing but luck. Relationship.

Those who did not get the places were all shaking their heads and leaving with sighs. However, those who saw their disciples successfully get places were certainly excited.

However, in fact, most of the 10,000 people received by Ziyun Palace this time were those who were controlled by Yuan Feng in advance. These people successfully joined Ziyun Palace. The elders who brought them obviously did not. Would be too happy.

Freedom is gone, even if you join the Ziyun Palace?

Therefore, even those foreign powerhouses who have successfully joined the Ziyun Palace, their followers leave silently, and they are really not happy. Maybe, wait until the news is returned. After the family, their family was able to follow for a while.

There are also some people whose disciples have been determined to have fallen into Lihuoyuan, and the mood of this group of people is undoubtedly the lowest. Although others haven't gained anything, at least Xiao Minger is still there, but their disciples have even lost their lives. This difference really makes them hard to accept.

Among them, many think that their disciples can successfully get a place. For example, those who were beheaded by Yuan Feng before, they are all real geniuses. If they did not meet Yuan Feng, then they really should It's the place to be.

Unfortunately, the fate of everyone is doomed to heaven, no matter how strong your strength is, but as long as you have a little luck, you can only succeed.

Hundreds of millions of foreigners started to evacuate after talking. Come fast, but it's faster to withdraw. Seeing that the gate of Ziyun Palace is getting quieter and quieter, only the top ten disciple disciples with the selected 10,000 people are preparing to return to the interior of Ziyun Palace. , To the top of the Ziyun Palace.

"Well, all of you are gathered together. From now on, you 10,000 people will be the new disciples in this session of Ziyun Palace."

After the outsiders were almost gone, Joe of the Five Elements Hall returned and smiled at the 10,000 people who had been selected.

Regardless of the remaining 10,000 people, now, this 10,000 people are the 10,000 winners they finally selected. I want to be able to stand out in places like Huoyuan, this 10,000 new disciples, at least not too bad.

At Ziyun Palace, the apprentices value potential, and the current strength is just one aspect. In addition, Ziyun Palace ’s experience is so much that if this 10,000 people are really gold, of course, they will be able to shine and shine, and if these people have dregs, they will be eliminated sooner or later.

The Ziyun Palace is not short of people. Each time it recruits 10,000 new people, it is nothing more than to maintain the continuous growth of the Ziyun Palace. In fact, after the 10,000 new people arrive at the Ziyun Palace, they will eventually be able to remain. I am afraid that there may not be too much.

"I have finally joined the Ziyun Palace. For this day, I have fully prepared for hundreds of years!"

"From today on, I will be a member of the Ziyun Palace. In the future, will the magic be accomplished and the garments returned to my hometown?

"Woohoo, joining the Ziyun Palace, I can also be regarded as the first step to success. One day, I will stand on top of the Ziyun Palace, and become a world without paranoia. Big man. "

Ten thousand newcomers and disciples gathered together carefully. Among them, those newcomers and disciples who were not under the control of Yuan Feng were naturally imagined.

Joining Ziyun Palace is their long-cherished wish. Now they have to fulfill their wish. They are afraid to be excited for a while.

Of course, let alone them, even those who are under the control of Yuan Feng, at this moment are also in a good mood. They are under the control of Yuan Feng, but in fact, Yuan Feng has never done anything to them, and has not put too much demands on them. They will join Ziyun Palace to practice in the future. Yuan Feng may not bring them much. Trouble.

Maybe, one day, Yuan Feng's means of acting on them will be lifted automatically. In that case, wouldn't they earn a place for nothing?

"It's finally over. In the next time, you should be able to enter the interior of Ziyun Palace, right?"

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng was mixed among everyone at this moment, but his face was always with a faint smile.

Ten thousand places are confirmed, and more than 90% of the people he controls. It can be said that the admission of Ziyun Palace this time is basically to help him install eyeliners in major palaces!

Although these young people have not yet been reused in the major palaces, even the lowest-level people may be able to use them in the future.

"Including the disciples of the Ziyun Palace that I had previously controlled, this time, I can always grasp the movements of the top ten palaces of the Ziyun Palace. I think this is something that no one has?"

He raised his eyebrows, Yuan Feng's heart was just comfortable. Before he came to the Ziyun Palace, he did not expect that things would go so smoothly. At the moment, the development of each step can be said to be in keeping with his heart. The only thing that is out of control is that he encountered in Liyuan. Superpower of demigod.

Fortunately, the encounter at that time was also shocking, and I also exchanged a fake cheat book for a magical skill. In general, the gain was greater than the adventure.

"The top ten palaces in Ziyun Palace, I don't know how we 10,000 people will be allocated. If I can, I will choose the Liuhe Temple!"

While waiting, Yuan Feng had already thought about the palace he wanted to join. He came to Ziyun Palace this time, after all, it was for that piece of the Five Elements God Crystal, and that piece of the Five Elements God Crystal was in the hands of the master of the Liuhe Temple, so of course he would join the Liuhe Temple Inside, slowly look for opportunities.

Judging from the memories of his subordinates, the top ten palaces of Ziyun Palace seem to be almost the same. In fact, any palace that they join is not bad. The strength of Liuhe Palace is also very strong. It is purely for spiritual practice. But it was enough for him.

"Everyone who wants to come here will not feel too tired. Let's go with us to the palace first. As for how to arrange you next, you will know later."

The top ten disciples are really not suitable for such trivial matters, and it can be seen slowly that the remaining nine disciples chose Joe as a spokesperson for more than half of the reasons.

Like now, everything is organized by Joe Ke, and the other nine people are almost watching the excitement.

During the conversation, the top ten disciple disciples stared at each other. Then, everyone suddenly shot, and between the fingerprints, the rays of light condensed in the air. In the blink of an eye, the top of 10,000 new disciples Above, there is a ray of light.

After these bright lights appeared, they sank directly to the people below, and penetrated into each person's body, and when these energy entered the body, everyone did not have any abnormal feeling, like Nothing has ever happened the same.

"This is your entry certificate. It is also a preliminary approval of Ziyun Palace. Without this step, you will receive exclusion when you enter Ziyun Palace."

Seeing the horrified expression of the crowd, Qiao Ke stood up and explained to the crowd, and when he heard him say this, everyone secretly relieved.

"Well, now we are entering the palace with us, don't disturb, let's go!"

After all these matters were completed, the top ten preachers first led the way in front of them and walked towards the gate of Ziyun Palace.

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