The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1544: Competition is fierce (second)

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The burning sensation around her body disappeared, and her refreshing feeling suddenly wrapped her body. At this moment, Yuan Feng took a comfortable sip of the surrounding air, her eyes slowly opened.

In the eyes, a ray of light appeared one after another, and after each ray disappeared, a figure appeared. In the blink of an eye, there were thousands more in front of him, and this situation is still Continue as if there is no end.

Glancing at the situation in front of him, Yuan Feng looked again into the distance, where a huge crowd was watching their situation, and in front of the crowd, a huge high platform stood in the wind, with ten men above. At the moment, they were also watching them, and these ten people are naturally the ten top disciples who presided over the events of Ziyun Palace.

"Come out, the three-day period has expired. I don't know if this time the new recruits at the Ziyun Palace will be selected, can my people win the 10,000 places!"

After confirming the situation in front of him, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a smile, and he was faintly looking forward to what happened next.

Obviously, the trip from Huoyuan has come to an end. At present, 300,000 of them are coming out one after another. Unfortunately, although there were as many as 300,000 people when they entered, the number was early when they came out. It has dropped sharply. I am afraid that there are only about 200,000 left.

"The means of this Ziyun Palace is really unspoken. When I entered, I passed the mysterious array, but when I came out, I didn't even know what it was."

Glancing around the situation, Yuan Feng glanced back. After seeing each candidate appear, he couldn't help admiring the means of the Ziyun Palace.

The means of the Ziyun Palace are really unpredictable, but after seeing the old man in the purple robe before, he has a further understanding of the strength of the Ziyun Palace, so he is also strange about the current situation. No wonder.

At this time, the square where they appeared was an open space in front of the gate of the Ziyun Palace. It was cleared here in advance, but it was enough to accommodate dozens of millions of people. After the man came out, he couldn't even fill half of the open space.

"Next, it depends on the disciples of the top ten eunuchs in Ziyun Palace. How to choose this 10,000 people is still their decision."

After calming down, Yuan Feng couldn't help but glance at the ten people on the high platform, but there was a bit of worry under her heart.

There are 300,000 people participating in the selection. According to the rules of the Ziyun Palace, the 10,000 people with the most tokens can become new disciples of the Ziyun Palace. However, with so many people participating in the election together, there are bound to be a lot of people with the same number of tokens except those whose tokens are absolutely dominant, and how to select qualified people from these people has power The hands of these ten people.


The time is not long, the last wave of candidates are also removed from Lihuoyuan, and with the last wave of people being transferred, not far from the high platform, the top ten preachers are here. Also began to move.

"It's not bad. Two-thirds of the 300,000 people are left, and one-third have made nourishment from Huoyuan. It seems that this year's competition is also very fierce!"

Among the top ten eunuchs, Qiao Ke, who was in charge temporarily, was still smiling, watching the situation in front of him and whispering his judgment.

For a character of his level, a person who has died or injured a hundred and eighty thousand people in the habitat is simply not worth mentioning. Frankly, he would like to see more deaths and injuries among these three hundred thousand people. Because the more deaths and injuries, the more fierce the competition, and the rest, of course, are the essence.

"It's not bad, it's just that the murderous energy is a bit worse. It seems that the time given to them is shorter. As long as it is longer, maybe they can kill even more fiery."

Shi Fengdian's eyebrow Yang Feng also stood up. However, looking at his expression, he was obviously not very satisfied with this result.

"Haha, Brother Yang can't judge according to your standards. Everyone knows that you are sleeping in the dead pile. However, we are selecting new people, but we are not letting the new people work hard. If they all die, then How can the task be completed? "

Li Xiaobai of the Sancai Temple is not afraid of killing the **** Yang Feng. His madness is also famous. To say that Yang Feng is a killer, he can be called a lunatic. Even if he kills the god, obviously he will not easily offend. madman.

"Oh, don't say anything, all the brothers and sisters have already come out, let's go, let's go together and set the 10,000 quotas before we say."

The good old man Joe Ke made a final summary, and in speaking, his figure was flying away from the people in front of the gate of Ziyun Palace, behind him, the other nine people immediately followed, and everyone was not What more to say!

The strengths of the top ten disciples are undoubted. At this moment, ten powerful guys are looting together towards Yuan Feng and others. It is just that terrifying momentum, which is to let all those who have just returned to the outside world. Quiet, everyone looked subconsciously towards the ten, and his heart was a little excited.

At this moment, many people have tokens in their hands. Naturally, you don't need to think about it. Those who have more than two tokens feel that they should get a quota. But those who have only one token in hand are undoubtedly more nervous.

According to common sense, a token is a chance to get a place. In fact, there are 300,000 people participating in the selection together. There are almost no masters. No one knows this. The final 10,000 places. After all, it is based on a few tokens. If the final number of tokens is two, then they only have one token in hand. I am afraid that there will be no chance.

Of course, those who haven't even got a token, at this moment, they don't need any entanglement at all, because they have determined that it is impossible to join the Ziyun Palace. A token is not available, even if it is not their turn.

But having said that, when only 200,000 people left after seeing this time, and the other 100,000 people fell into Lihuoyuan, their hearts were well balanced.

In any case, as long as it comes out alive, it seems that it is already a rare thing!

"Brush !!!!"

In the time of speaking, the top ten disciples of Ziyun Palace have come to the sky. The top ten eunuchs are lined up. Each person's body has an indescribable temperament, and this temperament can't help but see the people below it yearning.

"Well, it's enough to be decent. I don't know how strong these people are. If I have a chance, I really want to compare them with others."

Of course, Yuan Feng will not be as fascinated as everyone else. For him, these so-called disciple disciples are nothing more than a good master. Now think about it, practicing with the demigod strong all day, and there are The demigod powerhouse provides huge resources to support, even a pig can't be too bad.

"It seems that everyone should be doing well in Lihuoyuan, and your previous efforts will bring you gratifying gains. Now listen to my command. If you have more than three tokens in your hand, take your order The cards showed up and they all stood to the east. "

Among the top ten disciples, Qiao Ke gestured to the other nine people, and then stepped forward again and spoke to the people below.

"Three tokens or more? There shouldn't be too many people!"

"It's definitely not too many. The tokens are so hard to find. I have spent a lot of energy finding them all. I don't believe how many people can find more than three tokens."

"I hope not too much. If there are too many, there is really no chance of this token."

After the words of Qiao Ke fell, the crowd couldn't help but be agitated. Even people holding two tokens in their hands hoped that the number of tokens above three tokens would be smaller, so that their chances would be better. A little more.

"Brush !!!!"

The time spent speaking, those who have obtained more than three tokens, while taking out their tokens, walked towards the east side, and with the actions of such a group of people, those hands There is only one token, and people who are still looking forward to having the opportunity to join the Ziyun Palace, are suddenly miserable, and a heart freezes instantly.

"When it's over, how come there are so many? Three or more tokens, how can so many people get so many tokens?"

"Too much exaggeration? How could there be so many tokens, it's not so easy for me to get one, how could they get as many as three?"

"Woohoo, it's dangerous. I thought my two tokens would secure me a place. Now it seems that there are too many uncertain factors."

One by one, all of them have become less confident at this moment, because in the blink of an eye, people who have received more than three tokens have more than a thousand people, and this amount, this will Children are still increasing at a constant rate.

"Well? Seems a bit too much, right?"

When each warrior took out more than three tokens and stood in the east direction, the faces of the top ten preachers in the sky could not help but flash a look of surprise.

Although they didn't select many newcomers, they were very clear that it was definitely not easy to get more than three tokens, but now there are so many people doing it.

For a moment, the top ten disciples of disciples all narrowed their eyes and wondered what they were thinking!

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