The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1515: The first step to hegemony (one more)

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In the small room, Jiang Shang, the original owner of the house, looked at the empty room for a while, but it was difficult to return to his mind for a long time.

What happened today is so unreal to him. If it wasn't because the surrounding atmosphere was still there, he really felt that what happened was just what he imagined out of thin air.

The daughter who has disappeared for countless years has actually reappeared in front of him today. This is undoubtedly a joyous event. Although he failed to take his daughter home in the end, at least he knew that his daughter was still alive Lived quite moisturized, and has completely forgiven him.

Of course, what is most incredible to him is absolutely beyond his expectations, or Yuan Feng's existence.

For his grandson, he is really bad to evaluate. I wo n’t say why Xiu. Until this moment, he still did n’t know what kind of method the other party used, so that so many of his sons, and Jiang Ping ’s father and son were obedient to each other. I am afraid that it will only be unlocked when Yuan Feng is willing to speak.

"It's unexpected. Wu'er gave birth to such a terrible son. I really hope that this son is not the kind of crazy person. Otherwise, the Jiang family's foundation will be really dangerous!"

The thought of the current family of the Jiang family has been controlled by Yuan Feng, and even his sons and daughters are no exception. In his heart, he could not help but worry.

To what extent Jiang Ping surrendered to Yuan Feng, he is not easy to say, but he has already learned the reactions of his sons. Whether it was the previous collective rebellion or the indifference when Jiang Jun reported to him before, he showed his sons' absolute obedience to Yuan Feng, and such a method can be described as a terrible word. of?

"Fortunately, there are dancers restraining him. I hope that he will not take a bad path."

Looking at the direction where Yuan Feng disappeared, he realized that at the moment, it seems that 80% of the person who had hidden in his room before was also arranged by Yuan Feng.

"Forget it, it's useless to think of more now. This is already a climate. Even if it is a demigod strong, I'm afraid it's hard to treat him?"

Shaking his head, Jiang Shang didn't think much anymore, and he also left the restaurant in the talking room and hurried back in the direction of Jiang's house.

After learning that his daughter has returned, he obviously can't go out and travel anymore, because once he is away from Jiang's house, after his daughter returns, he can't see him for the first time. In that case, he is absolutely Not allowed to happen.

Anyway, this time he went to the appointment, his mood is much better, too much, the knot of the original thing has been opened, this time, he should be able to calm down and retreat to practice ...

When Jiang Shang returned to the family happily, Yuan Feng also started his own actions.

There are so many powerful subordinates here at the Jiang family, obviously there is no need to stay here as a clone. After the congratulations that Jiang Xu received when he succeeded, and all the resources that Jiang Xu could grasp were searched, Yuan Feng took back the avatar.

The power of the avatar is comparable to that of the deity, but the lack of the devouring martial arts is arguably his most powerful means now. No matter when it is, the power of the avatar must be fully utilized.

The Jiang family has come to an end. Next, he is undoubtedly going to start the idea of ​​Ziyun Palace. There wasn't a long delay at Jiang's house. At this moment, the gathering of the Ziyun Palace has not yet begun, and he still has a lot of time to prepare.

The strength of the Ziyun Palace made him have to be careful and careful, as Jiang Shang said. Before doing dangerous things, he must be fully prepared. Otherwise, he will probably suffer.

Want to get what he wants from the super strong man in Ziyun Palace, first of all, hard grabbing is definitely not feasible, and in addition to hard grabbing, it seems that it can only be mixed into Ziyun Palace Way to find the right opportunity to trick the thing he wants into his hands.

This process can never be simple, and it may even be a very long process. As for what to do, there is probably a spectrum in his heart ...

There are too many large and small forces in Ziyun City, and at any moment, there are countless small family forces in Ziyun City, and countless small family forces will perish. This kind of life and death is so normal that no one cares at all.

On this day, in a barren area on the west side of Ziyun City, another small force was established unknowingly. The emergence of this small force was defeated by a small team led by people with a yin and yang environment. A small force that was established shortly, then integrated this small force and several small forces around it, and finally built a new force.

After the emergence of this newly formed force, it has become an existence that cannot be provoked by the surrounding family forces. In this barren land where there are not many family forces, this palace gate called Qingwu Palace has suddenly become Fang Yuanyi. The core place within a thousand miles is just that the real meaning of the rise of this palace is not thought by anyone now.

Obviously, this power called Qingwu Palace must have been established by Yuan Feng.

This is a very unremarkable barren place in Ziyun City. The families who settle here are almost all unable to mix outside, but do not want to leave the family of Ziyun City, and he set the base area at Here, one can hide people's eyes, and the other can also avoid worrying about foreign enemies. Here, the development is muted, obviously it will not cause trouble that cannot be solved.

Speaking of which, the reason why everyone chooses a good plot for development is that it is because the good places are rich in resources and the heaven and earth are alive. However, Yuan Feng is good at resources and environment. In fact, the demand is not great. He only needs a simple and undisturbed environment. As for the resources required for cultivation, he has a lot of resources.

After the establishment of Qingwu Palace, there were only five simple palaces. These five palaces were left by several forces originally here, but were grabbed directly by Yuan Feng and reprocessed. Some time.

From an outsider's point of view, although these five palaces have come together, there does not seem to be any substantial change. However, only Yuan Feng himself knew that after he integrated the five palaces, they were in each palace. Equipped with several Promise Powers, each palace has been reinforced by Promise Powers. It can be said that the five palaces at this time are almost ten times stronger than the previous five palaces.

However, outsiders only saw the five palaces outside, but in fact, in the center of these five palaces, there is a palace, but no one can see it at all, and this hidden palace is the whole The most central place of Qingwu Palace is, and there are less than ten who are eligible to enter this central palace directly.

Undoubtedly, this palace in the middle of the five major palaces must be the real Qingwu Palace enveloped by the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. Yuan Feng has been here for so long, so obviously it is time for Qingwu Palace to appear in the world of no delusion and formally integrate into the environment of no delusion.

At this moment, in Qingwu Palace.

"Well, finally, we have our own sphere of influence in the arrogant world. This area is really not bad. It seems that the hegemony of the world should start from here!"

Here is a platform in Qingwu Palace, standing on the platform, but just can see everything outside, and at this moment, Yuan Feng's mother and son, plus two red confidants of Yuan Feng, and Dan Xiazong and Yuan Almost all the people at the helm of the family gathered here to witness this historic moment.

From today on, the Yuan Family, Yun Family, and Dan Xia Zong have all become history. Right now, everyone has formed a brand-new power. The name of this power is called Qingwu Palace!

"It is such a magnificent world. I never thought that in my lifetime of Mu Hai, I could still ride in such a magnificent world. This life is really worth it!"

"Ha ha ha, brother Mu, with my family Fenger, our future Wutai will become wider and wider, what can this world be worth?"

"Yes, yes, Brother Qingyun is right. Kid Feng can create miracles. Today's Qingwu Palace has just been established and it can only be regarded as a peace of mind, but I believe that one day, Qingwu Palace can use this as a base and will The whole boundless world is stepping on your feet. "

"Well said, Brother Qingyan is really domineering, but I also believe that as long as Yuanfeng's nephew is present, the future Qingwu Palace will definitely become a super power that is unknown and unknown. of."

Yun Jinlong, the head of the Yun family, made a final speech. Although he is still stuck in the realm of caves, he is more powerful than ordinary people in the endless world.

All the people present were close friends who followed Yuan Feng step by step from the lower realm. Although everyone's cultivation is not very strong, the status of everyone is very high. It can be said that their group is light dance The veteran figures in this palace are just a long way away.

"Father and mother, elders and uncles, today, I created Qingwu Palace in Wuyun City, a world of delusion. As for how to develop Qingwu Palace in the future, the elders present will have to worry a lot. I will allocate the next time Let ’s take a look at everyone ’s responsibilities. From now on, the five main halls of Qingwu Palace, plus the central main hall, will be on the right track and start our footsteps in the world. "

After the people present expressed their opinions, Yuan Feng stood up and made a final summary. The next time, he divided the people present into five groups, and each group was responsible. A side hall of Qingwu Palace, from today, Qingwu Palace is officially opened even in the world of no delusion.

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