The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1513: Mustard (four more seeking flowers)

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In fact, from the beginning, when he proposed to go back to the Jiang family to discuss the matter, Yuan Feng had already seen her mother's thoughts. Obviously, Jiang Qingwu didn't really intend to treat the Jiang family.

What kind of character his own mother is, he knows it better than anyone else. Therefore, when he saw his mother did n’t even have a complaint, that is, when he met Jiang Shang, the original owner of the Jiang family, he could only sigh quietly. Let the other party go.

The so-called enemies should be solved and should not be knotted. In many cases, it is just fine to talk about the matter. If you keep tangling, it will actually annoy yourself. Moreover, Jiang Shang's father and son have indeed been punished. He can't really kill Jiang Shang and his son because of the original incident, right?

He still had the strength to kill Jiang Shang and his son, but if he did that, then his mother would not be able to survive.

The reunion of Jiang Shang and Jiang Qingwu has almost always been the former's remorse and apology. It can be seen that Jiang Shang really regretted it, and Jiang Qingwu's grievances have long been with his father and daughter. After seeing it and forgetting it, in general, the atmosphere of this reunion was relatively harmonious.

However, although Jiang Shang and Jiang Qingwu were in harmony, Yuan Feng at this time was somewhat uncomfortable.

As the 'culprit' who has just destroyed the good news of Jiang Shang, Yuan Feng and Jiang Shang's getting along will undoubtedly be somewhat embarrassing. Although he also knew that he didn't do too much, but despite that, there was still some uncomfortableness in the uncomfortable place.

"I never thought that you would go to the Netherworld, Wuer. No wonder I sent people to inquire about you in Wuleijie, but in the end I couldn't find it."

Jiang Shangwu and Jiang Qingwu's father and daughter reunited after a long absence, but they have a lot of things to say. Jiang Qingwu briefly explained his experience. Although the process is simple, Jiang Shang sighed.

At the beginning, he arranged for Jiang Qingwu to join a small humble power, and he had been taking care of it secretly, but in the end, the small power disappeared without any warning. In this regard, he was very worried. For a while.

Who could have thought that his daughter actually ran to the Nether. You know, for those who have no delusional realm, the lower realm is almost the same place as the forbidden land. There is not only no resources for them to cultivate, but the realm of cultivation is also infinitely limited. Going there is almost no different from finding death.

"Heaven has its own will. If I do n’t go to the Nether, I wo n’t encounter Brother Yun, nor will Fenger appear. No matter what, the trip to the Nether this time, my daughter will gain everything. fully."

Jiang Qingwu didn't think much about it, she just knew that she was doing well now, and that alone, she was very content.

"It's not that simple. I sent someone to track it down for a while. If I didn't guess wrong, what happened before was the scramble between the two big palaces at Ziyun Palace. You little people, nothing more. It's just that they use it. Speaking of them, if there were no masters secretly shooting, how could you go to the Nether? "

Jiang Shang apparently looked a little further. At the beginning, he really investigated it carefully. But in the end, he found out that this matter was related to Ziyun Palace. Once it was related to Ziyun Palace, he obviously There is no way to continue to investigate, and this is finally left.

"My father guessed it right. This matter is indeed related to the Ziyun Palace. At the beginning, it was Ziyun Palace that found some of our small forces and asked us to do something for them."

Hearing Jiang Shangzhi's words, Jiang Qingwu suddenly understood something. At the beginning, she was curious. With the strength of forces such as the Celestial Palace, she should not reach the level of escaping the lower bound, but in the end, they just fell into the lower bound. Now think about it, I am afraid that someone is really secretly helping.

Of course, this so-called help is nothing more than one party trying to destroy the other party. As for the specific circumstances of this, who can tell clearly?

"It's nothing, no matter what he is for, anyway, Wuer can come back safely this time, in my life, I'm really dead!"

Jiang Shang is too lazy to take care of those intriguing things. No matter what, he saw his daughter again. As for the original thing, let it be drowned in the river of history.

"Well, Wuer, I just saw my grandson, but I do n’t know where my virtuous son is now? I can give birth to a child like Feng Er, the virtuous sister who wants to come to me must also be Impossible character, right? "

Gaze at Yuan Feng aside, Jiang Shang realized that his daughter can't have children by himself, but he really wanted to know what kind of character could capture his daughter's heart.

"Brother Yun is still in retreat practice, impacting the realm of fortune. After he leaves the customs, his daughter will take him to please his father."

Speaking of Yuan Qingyun, Jiang Qingwu's face suddenly showed a touch of softness, the happy expression, but Jiang Shang could see the opposite side with great comfort. Obviously, her own daughter definitely found her happiness.

"Wait, impact the realm of good fortune? You mean, Xianji is not yet ready for good?"

Shicai was happy to be happy for his daughter, but at this moment he reacted. It seems that Jiang Qingwu's answer is the key to the problem!

"Oh, my father didn't know. At the beginning, my daughter was in trouble. Fortunately, I was rescued by Brother Yun, and I was lucky enough to survive. At that time, Brother Yun was just an ordinary person, and he didn't even have the cultivation of innate conditions. "

Jiang Qingwu can understand Jiang Shang's mood, but for her, that time was her best time. As for Yuan Qingyun's cultivation, she never cared about it.

"So it is, haha, I didn't expect my daughter to have such a fate." Hearing Jiang Qingwu's explanation, Jiang Shang nodded, and then continued, "Yes, Wuer, Xianxun shocked the creation It ’s bound to require a lot of resources. Come and come, I have accumulated a lot of treasures here, and you can take them all for your good use. "

As the words dropped, he suddenly raised his hand. Suddenly, a large number of heavenly treasures and countless heavenly and spiritual things were directly taken out by him and placed in front of Jiang Qingwu.

Although he hasn't seen Yuan Qingyun, but since his daughter liked it and saved his daughter's life, of course he would not have any regrets, let alone this resource, even if he used his old Fate to change the other's life, he will now do it without hesitation.

"Oh, thank you father, but it really isn't necessary. Fenger's means are so many. Brother Yun has the resources needed to impact the environment. He has already prepared it, so let's put away these things!"

These resources in front of us are not bad, but honestly, in the past few years, Yuan Feng's collection of treasures is not worse than these things. In her eyes now, these so-called treasures in front of her, but Nothing more appealing.

"Oh, my grandson is really a dragon and a phoenix among the people. Then, I can take the position of the Jiang family's owner bluntly. This ability is really not what ordinary people can do, hahahaha!"

Speaking of Yuan Feng, he couldn't help thinking of the succession of the master of the family. The thought of Yuan Feng being able to rely on his own strength to take away the owner's seat, he felt unusually incredible.

Of course, he didn't complain at all about Yuan Feng's actions. On the contrary, it was because of Yuan Feng's actions that he felt slightly more comfortable. If not, he would suffer The conscience of condemnation is probably deeper than it is now.

"Father, Fenger also did some impulse to vent his daughter, but his father is assured that as long as Fenger is willing, then the homeowner's seat can be returned to his father at any time."

Hearing Jiang Shangwu's mention, Jiang Qingwu's face flashed a stunned look. She didn't know what Yuan Feng had done before, and she said to herself, if she knew that Yuan Feng was going to **** the position of the Jiang family owner, she wouldn't really agree to what the other party did.

"Hahaha, anyway, as a homeowner, I haven't thought about it for a long time. I can really see Wuer this time, I'm really satisfied!"

When he waved his hand, it was clear that Jiang Shang really didn't take the previous matter into consideration, but was rather surprised about his daughter's statement.

The homeowner's position has fallen into the hands of Jiang Ping's father and son. He really doesn't know how Yuan Feng can get the homeowner back.

"That being said, but the head of the family was originally from the father's line. Fenger was too noisy at this time, so let him return the head of the family."

Shaking his head, Jiang Qingwu couldn't help turning his head and looked at Yuan Feng in the corner of the room. "Fenger, what are you doing so far away? Haven't you come over?"

Yuan Feng had always stayed by her side before, apparently she hadn't fully accepted Jiang Shang, but Jiang Qingwu understood it, but now that she was involved in the business, she had to grab Yuan Feng.

"Oh, mother, the position of Jiang's homeowner, let's leave it like this. Anyway, Jiang Xu is the homeowner, but it's no different from a child who is the homeowner. I don't think it's necessary to toss?"

Yuan Feng didn't move. Jiang Qingwu's words he heard very clearly, but he never thought about returning the homeowner's position. In the first place, it was not necessary. In the second, it was controlled by him. This homeowner, Jiang family's resources, obviously use it more smoothly.

"You child ..."

"Haha, anyway, Wuer, you just follow Fenger's thoughts, and he will check the Jiang family, and it is definitely better than others to be the owner."

Jiang Qingwu was about to scold Yuan Feng, but Jiang Shang stepped forward and interrupted his daughter's words.

"This ... okay!"

Shaking her head, Jiang Qingwu also said nothing more, and she knew in her heart that it was really better for her son to do this seat than others.

ps: Four more arrived, rest and have a meal, continue to Chapter 5, there is a flower to stimulate a flower! !! !!

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