The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1507: Ending (three)

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When all of his sons and daughters stood up against him, Jiang Shang's owner Jiang Shang really had nothing to say.

Who would have thought that the situation, which was not originally irreversible, would end up like this, but those who stood up against him were still his closest children.

Seeing that all the sons around him were staring at themselves like the wicked, Jiang Shang's heart was almost frozen. He really didn't understand that he was doing it for the sake of these children, but in the end, Still ended like this.

Until now, he doesn't know whether he should continue to insist, if he insists, then it is possible to keep the position of the owner, but even if it is really retained, who will he let him be the owner? It seems that none of these sons present will be the masters of this house!

The whole scene suddenly became very silent, everyone's eyes focused on Jiang Shang, waiting for his next expression. Whether to continue to make excuses not to let Jiang Xu take over, or to honestly hand over the position of the owner to Jiang Xu, everything depends on Jiang Shang's own decision.


However, just when Jiang Shang was hesitant and did not know what to choose, while the other people in the Jiang family were waiting patiently for Jiang Shang's expression, a light suddenly fell from the sky, directly attracting all the people in the Jiang family .

"Well? What is it? Where does the light come from?"

"His, look at it, that's ... it's two ancestors of the Jiang family !!!"

"It's the demigod ancestors, and the two demigod ancestors from my Jiang family have appeared !!!"

Everyone's eyes followed the source of the light. Then, two old men in fluttering clothes appeared in front of everyone. And at this time, the old man who appeared in the Jiang family mansion, in addition to the two demigod masters of the Jiang family, who else?

"Did you finally show up? The strong man in the demigod must be careful to face it!"

Above the platform, Jiang Xu's eyes also looked up at the sky, but at this moment, the light in his eyes was obviously not what he could release.

Yuan Feng became very careful now. He controlled Jiang Xu through the magical power of blood curse. Although on the surface, nothing strange was seen at all, God knows whether the strong man in the semi-god realm will find clues. Therefore, when he saw the two demigods of the Jiang family appearing, he could not help making himself more cautious.

"People in the demigod state can finally take a closer look at how arrogant the demigods are!"

With a deep heart, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look forward a little. In fact, he had long guessed that the Jiang family chose a new owner to succeed him. Of these two superpowers, most likely to show up. After all, the Jiang family was not calm during this time. Fan just happened to catch up with the two big demigods, how could he miss this family event?

"Om !!!"

The entire Jiang family's mansion was swept by a ray of light, and the time spent talking, the two old men in the sky, slowly landed down on the high platform.

"Is the ancestor? Welcome to the ancestors !!!"

On the stage, Jiang's house owner Jiang Shang was still in dilemma. He suddenly saw the two ancestors of Jiang's family appear, but he no longer had to be in trouble.

As he shouted loudly, Jiang Shang hurried to his knees and did not dare to go to see the two superpowers falling from the sky.

He has always been clear that everything before him is probably under the watchful eyes of the two patriarchs, and he knows that his previous performances are not very proper. It ’s fine if things do n’t change, but there are some variables now, so what happens next is no longer within his control.

"Welcome to the ancestors !!!"

When Jiang Shang fell on his knees, everyone in the entire Jiang family mansion knelt down at this moment, saluting the two great Jiang family ancestors who descended from the sky.

The position of the two demigod ancestors in the Jiang family is the existence of a god. In the presence of these two ancestors, anyone in the Jiang family is from the heart of respect. Everyone knows that the Jiang family has been able to develop to this day, and all the credit is attributed to these two superpowers.

What kind of development and height the Jiang family can achieve in the future still depends on these two people. As for who will be the owner and who will carry the banner, it doesn't really matter.

"Let's all get up and talk !!!"

The ancestors of the two demigods slowly descended to the stage, their eyes glanced at everyone, and at once, everyone in the Jiang family at the scene felt a slight tightening of their bodies, as if they had been completely seen through.

"Thank you ancestors !!!"

Everyone did not dare to hesitate, and they stood up one after another, but although they stood up, everyone still lowered their heads, and no one dared to look at the two demigod ancestors.

"Jiang Shang, come here."

The two demigod ancestors did not pay too much attention to the others. When they came to the high platform, the two eyes turned to Jiang Shang, the closest homeowner of Jiang.

"Old ancestors, disciples are here !!!"

Jiang Shang's heart started beating violently. He could hear that the tone of the ancestors of the two demigods was obviously not very good, and the reason why there is such a tone, do not need to know what it is for!

"Jiang Shang, the two of us, are really disappointed in you!"

Among the two patriarchs, the strongest ancestor of the Jiang family, Jiang Yan, shook his head, his face full of disappointment.

"Tongtong !!!"

When the ancestor Jiang Jian's words fell, Jiang Shang, who had just stood up, knelt down again, and this time, his complexion was already pale and his heart sank completely.

The ancestor of Jiang Yan has already spoken to this person, then what will be waiting for him next, it seems that it is really obvious.

"Father, the disciples are guilty, and they are asked to punish him."

Up to now, Jiang Shang has no thoughts of justification. He knows that what he has done has touched the bottom line of the two ancestors, or that the situation in front of him cannot allow him to justify anything!

"Hey, from tomorrow on, everything in the Jiang family, you don't have to worry about it, all the transfer should be handed over to Jiang Xu's children. Want to come to Jiang Xu's children, it should be able to lead the Jiang family out of a new path. "

Jiang Yan's ancestor sighed, and then announced it lightly. As the oldest ancestor of the Jiang family, his decision is the biggest decision of the Jiang family. As long as it is what he says, there is no need to discuss with others. His words are the decree of all the Jiang family.

"To obey the ancestor's orders, the disciples will hand over everything from the Jiang family to Jiang Xu's nephew, and they will retreat tomorrow."

Hearing Jiang Jian's ancestor's decision, Jiang Shang's figure shook slightly, and then he obediently responded.

At this moment, he didn't have to think about anything anymore. The position of the owner of the Jiang family will never have anything to do with him. Taking back the position, that's not what he can decide.

For many years of business, he originally thought that he could continue to pass the title of homeowner. However, at this moment, all his wishes were lost. At this moment, he felt like he had lost the whole world. The only feeling of heartbreak was that only him. I know best.

"Jiang Xu baby, come here!"

The two demigod ancestors glanced at Jiang Shang who was shaking, but then they looked at Jiang Xu aside.

"Meet two ancestors !!!"

At this moment, Jiang Xu was also slightly agitated. When he heard the two demigod ancestors screaming at himself, he quickly stepped forward and waited for the orders of the two ancestors.

"Jiang Xu, your strength is good, and you dare to take on the responsibility. From now on, the two of us will give you the seat of the owner. I hope you can lead the Jiang family and carry it forward."

For two demigod ancestors, successors like Jiang Xu are absolutely unsatisfactory.

Judging from Jiang Xu's performance today, he has both arrogant strength and strong means. Moreover, in the face of Jiang Shang, the previous head of the Jiang family, Jiang Xu can be calm and fearless, this quality is also very rare.

"Thanks for the trust of the two ancestors. The disciples will definitely work harder to live up to the expectations of the two ancestors."

Jiang Xu also fell to his knees at this moment, saluting respectfully to the ancestors of the two demigods.

"Come up, later, with Jiang Shang, hand over everything that can be handed over. This is my jade for communication. If there is anything wrong, just contact me at any time."

Nodded his head, and when Jiang Yu raised his hand, he was thrown to the other party with an ordinary jade card. Such an ordinary jade card is almost equivalent to a Shangfang sword. With this thing in hand Even Jiang Shang is absolutely afraid to fight Jiang Xu's idea.

"The disciples know."

After taking the Chuanyu card, Jiang Xu's face suddenly showed excitement. Obviously, he also knew the value of this thing.

"Everyone listens. From now on, Jiang's family will be headed by Jiang Shang's child. His father, Jiang Ping, will be assisted for the time being. No one can show any disrespect to the new owner, offenders, and no pardon!

The voices of the two ancestors echoed in every corner of the Jiang family, and with their voices out, the bodies of the two ancestors had disappeared.

"Strictly follow the ancestral laws !!!"

When the two ancestors disappeared, everyone bent down and responded in unison.

At this moment, the position of the owner of the Jiang family is finally settled, and the biggest winner is undoubtedly the first family of the Jiang family.

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