The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1402: Pros and cons (one more)

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As time goes by, the powerful men in Yuxi City that were conquered by Yuan Feng that day have now returned to Qifeng Pavilion from various places. With the return of these people, Yuan Feng's harvest this time has also been rapid. The ground is growing.

Even the most humble family members can bring back tens of millions of yin and yang stones this time, and Yuan Feng will never abandon flesh and skinny, as long as it is a resource, he will come and refuse to come, just accept it.

It may be that the resources brought back by a single strong man are indeed limited, but when thousands of strong people gather all the resources together, that is a too large number.

Even if everyone only brought back tens of millions of yin and yang stones, there were tens of billions of yin and yang stones on Yuan Feng's body. It can be said that today's Yuan Feng does not need to worry about the yin and yang stones at all. The yin and yang stones on his body are enough for him to use for many years.

This time, I really made a lot of money. With so many resources in hand, Yuan Feng has distributed a lot of resources directly below for the people of the Yuan family and Dan Xiazong to improve their strength and have endless energy resources. Yuanjia and Danxiazong are destined to become super powers, but it is just a matter of time.

Yuan Feng did not manage the affairs of Yuan Jia and Dan Xiazong. At this moment, all his thoughts were on Aoxue and Jin Siqin. After working so busy, he also wanted to know how much power had been gained with the golden harp after the golden tree tree heart ...

This is the secret room in the depths of Qifeng Pavilion. At this moment, a row of five people stands solemnly at the corner of the secret room. On the opposite side, Ao Xue is sitting quietly behind the table case, beside her, Also standing are Yuan Feng and the old man in black.

"Audrey Snow, these five are strong in yin and yang, so Audrey Snow will take them as an experiment to see how much power has been restored after the complete golden harp is restored."

Everything is ready, Yuan Feng can't help but smile at Aoxue in front of the desk case. After Jin Siqin was restored intact, it was natural to try the power. In order to better try the power of Jin Siqin, Yuan Feng directly identified five subordinates in the yin and yang realm for Aoxue to do this. One test.

"Yuan Feng, it seems that there are many strong men in the yin and yang realm under your hands!"

Looking at the five strong men in the yin and yang realm in the corner in front of him, Aoxue's eyes flashed a bit of shock. Of the five strong men in yin and yang, he only knows two of them, one is Yu Chenglong, and the other is Yu Chenglong's guard. As for the other three, Yuan Feng was obviously brought from elsewhere, not Conquered in Yuxi City.

"Hey, there aren't many. People in the yin and yang realm are not ordinary people. If you want to subdue this level of people, it takes a little chance and luck."

Yuan Feng didn't expect that Aoxue's eyes were so poisonous that she could see it differently.

"You boy, it seems that when confronting me before, I am afraid that your army has already been under pressure. If we really broke our face at that time ..."

The old man in black also chimed in at the moment, and said with emotion. He now thinks that when confronted with Yuan Feng before, the latter didn't even have any worries at all. I am afraid at that time, people would never worry about being trapped.

"Cough, old, don't mention the past. In the next time, let's see how much power Aussie's Jin Qin has improved, but I'm all anxious!"

Yuan Feng didn't want to explain too much. In fact, that was the case that day. When confronting the old man in black and Aoxue, his subordinates had already gathered outside Qifeng Pavilion. As long as he ordered it, The latter will inevitably break the defense of Qifeng Pavilion. At that time, the situation of Qifeng Pavilion will be exposed. At that time, Aoxue and the old man in black will definitely die.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about that, miss, hurry up and try the power of Jin Siqin, my husband is really curious!"

At this moment, everyone wants to see the power of the full golden harp, as does the old man in black.

"Okay, everyone is standing behind me. Don't be affected by the sound of Jin Siqin." Not to mention others, even Aoxue himself would like to know how much power Jinsi Qin has improved. She spent so many years perfecting the golden harp, and if it didn't work, she would really spit blood.

Of course, the power of a complete golden harp will definitely be very different, and she can be sure of this.

Everyone was holding their breath, waiting for Ao Xue to start playing, while Ao Xue slowly put her hands on the strings and brewed a little.

It's time to check the results, and now she can't help but feel a little hesitant, so she must adjust her mentality.


At a certain moment, Ao Xue's hands finally moved. With a thick sound of the piano, the whole room was slamming, and Yuan Feng and others who were behind Ao Xue were not even heard by the piano. Shrouded, there was still a moment of absence.

The situation of Yuan Feng and the old man in black was better. As for Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner, they were both weak and almost stunned by the aftermath of the sound of the piano.

"Om !!!!!!"

The situation of Yuan Feng and others is still the same. Then, facing the Ao Xue, five Yu Chenglong who have been completely tested by the sound of the piano, the situation can be imagined.

"噗通 噗通 !!!"

When Ao Xue's piano sounded, two of the five people were directly put down by the sound of the piano, but they suddenly fainted, while the other three were still standing, but the light in their eyes was already gone. Obviously, there is no sense of autonomy. If anyone hits them at this moment, it is almost like hitting a target.

"His ......... This ........."

Yuan Feng's face changed dramatically, apparently being shocked by the sight in front of her. He had thought long ago that the power of the complete golden harp would be greatly improved, but the effect of the improvement now seemed to be a bit scary.

It can be said that the five strong men in the yin and yang realm all lost their fighting power in an instant. This method of Ao Xue can hardly be described as defenseless, and it is impossible to describe it. You know, before Ao Xue played his piano skills, he had already told five guys who accepted the experiment to prepare in advance.

"Hahaha, okay !!!"

The old man in black couldn't help but laugh a long time. He also saw the horror effect of Jin Siqin. Obviously, judging from the effect of Jin Siqin at this moment, Ao Xue only had this artifact in his hand. He is completely relieved!

He did not take the test of the piano sound directly, but he believes that even if he is changed, I am afraid that it will be affected by the piano sound. Even if the combat effectiveness is not lost, at least the combat strength will be greatly reduced. Find a way to escape.

"It's amazing, is this the power of the divine piano? It's really amazing!"

Yunming Chen and Mu Yun'er, who had recovered Qingming, also saw their minds swaying. They knew that Ao Xue had such a god-like piano technique, but this was the first time that she had seen each other perform. If they can use this level of means, then they can definitely be the biggest help for Yuan Feng.

Unfortunately, Shenjie's piano skills are too precious. Even if they are familiar with Aoxue, it is impossible to ask for them.


Ao Xue also closed when she saw good. When she saw two of the yin and yang strong falling down two, and the other three have been controlled by the sound of the piano, she stopped quickly.

"It's amazing, this is the power that Jin Siqin deserves. It's really amazing."

Ao Xue's cheek was also full of joy, but beneath this joy, it was full of unusually pale.

She has performed the piano skills of the gods more than once. Although it is relatively difficult, she can still manage it. However, after returning the golden harp to its full form, she was still a little bit uncontrollable about the harp.

The complete golden harp, even if she plucked the strings, it was very laborious for her. The previous few shots, although the results achieved were good, but her mental loss was better than before. Every song is big.

"Miss, are you okay?"

The old man in black also found the pale color on Ao Xue's face, and quickly put away a smile, and asked with a worried look. He is arrogant, knowledgeable, and naturally can imagine the situation, but seeing Aoxue's pale face, he was still very worried.

"It's okay. It's the first time I've played a full golden harp. It's a little bit uncomfortable, but as long as I practice more, I can get better."

Shaking his head, Aoxue's face was still full of smiles. Although it became more difficult to control the golden harp, as long as she was diligent, she could quickly control the golden harp again and receive and send freely.

"Hehe, everything is rushed, but Ao Snow Maiden has difficulty in driving the golden harp now, but with a lot of practice, she can quickly resume her previous sending and receiving. Moreover, Ao Snow Maiden's cultivation is also constantly improving. Ascension, once Aussie is promoted to the Promise of Promise, the power of Jin Siqin will be exerted to a greater extent. "

Yuan Feng stepped forward at this time, first glanced at Aoxue's face, and then smiled. He looks farther, and naturally will not be confined by the current situation. In short, this proud Snow Maiden has a complete golden harp, which can definitely be regarded as a horrible character.

"Well, now everyone's purpose has been achieved, but I don't know what plans Aussie Snow and Yan Lao have?"

All the work has been done. Next, obviously it is necessary to consider the next step. In Yuan Feng's mind, there is already a little spectrum at this moment, but I don't know if it is difficult to implement.

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