The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1400: Mutual benefit (three more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

Qifeng Pavilion, since the last performance of Aoxue, the entire Qifeng Pavilion has been very quiet. Although it is still open for business, there are fewer people who come here for recreation without the support of Aoxue's name. very many.

Speaking of which, Qifeng Pavilion is a place where the consumption is relatively high within a few hundred miles, and if it is not the real son, it is obviously not affordable. And the real son, I am afraid that most of you have already become somebody's accountant, and the remaining half may not be here.

At this moment, three women are sitting opposite each other in a spacious closet deep in this extravagant pavilion, and in front of each of them is a guqin. With his eyes, his fingers gently struck the strings, and the melodious sound echoed in this spacious and secret room, but it sounded so charming.

It can be seen that all three of them are now immersed in their own harp, or that they are all in the world of their harp at the moment, enjoying the joy and enjoyment brought by them.

"Om !!!"

At this moment, the middle woman among the three suddenly changed her technique. Suddenly, the original melodious piano sound suddenly became turbulent and exuberant. The sound of the piano sound sounded full of killing. gas.

"Buzz !!!!"

With the change of the middle woman's technique, the other two women also raised their hands, and then played the same tune. Immediately, the three men and three harps were each turned into a magic weapon. The whole room is full of overbearing killing spirit.

It is conceivable that if you fight against people in this environment and atmosphere, it will inevitably inspire the lofty sentiments in your heart and the combat effectiveness will be greatly blessed.


This atmosphere lasted for a period of time. At a certain moment, the woman's technique in the middle changed again. Suddenly, the original heated tune changed again, and this time, her tune has turned into a sharp sword. Even the space is trembling slightly, as if penetrated by invisible energy.

"Boom boom !!!"

The other two women followed the pace and rhythm of the middle woman completely. When they heard the middle woman changed their tactics, they quickly followed. However, in this song, they obviously did not play so well, but it sounded a lot less imposing.


The momentum of the Jinge Iron Horse suddenly turned into a light sound. Then, the surrounding environment suddenly turned into a quiet valley from a **** sandy field. The environment in the valley was quiet and the water blew. The sight of a paradise.

With the sound of such a piano, the faces of the three women also showed a natural and natural smile. At this moment, the three of them are undoubtedly truly connected with the piano in their hands, and in this state, Obviously already high.


The melodious sound of the piano continued for a period of time, and finally stopped in a soft sound, and as the piano stopped, the three women slowly opened their eyes, and the eyes of everyone were There is a smile that cannot be concealed.

"Hehe, Sister Mengchen and Sister Yun'er, I didn't expect you two to have such talents. It seems that for a while, both of you can surpass me!"

Ao Xue's face had a touch of emotion. Before she taught Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner, she didn't think the talents of the two women were so good, but after starting teaching the duo to play the piano, she found that the original These two talents are so outstanding. She even had a feeling that if the two women were allowed to study for the same amount of time as her, the piano skills of the two might not be much worse than her.

"Sister Ao Xue is ridiculous. Sister Yuner and I are able to have the current skills. All of them are well taught by Sister Ao Xue. This time I really want to thank Sister Ao Xue."

Yun Mengchen could not help but come in and laugh at this time, but he directly contributed the credit to Ao Xue. In fact, although Ao Xue taught them to take a lot of detours, it was themselves who really enabled them to have such skills.

"Meng Chen is right, this time all thanks to Sister Aoxue's help, otherwise we wouldn't be able to do it."

Mu Yuner also has everything to learn, and is also polite to Aoxue. Speaking of which, after starting to learn to play the piano, she has completely loved this way that can be used and played. The main thing is that she knows how to learn the piano skills, and she can help Yuan Feng's help. This alone made her study with 120 minutes of heart.

"Hehe, do n’t bother with me. I ’ve studied piano for so many years. Of course, I know the difficulty of each one. Your talents are indeed first-class. It seems that in the future, we want to be mutually It's proof that we learn from each other. "

Of course, Aoxue will not really attribute the credit to her because of the politeness of the other party. She knows best that even without her, as long as Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner come into contact with the piano skills, So she can get started quickly, her role is nothing more than helping the two to take a few detours.

"Papapa ..."

"Okay, it's so wonderful. I can't think of it in just over a month. You have even practiced this realm. Yes, really, really good, hahaha!"

The sound of clap came, and then a figure of a young man pushed in the door from outside the secret room, strolled into the room, and laughed with relief.

At this time, of course, only Yuan Feng can get in here. He has been staying next door to protect Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner, and only after his business is done, has he concentrated on the two women.

Shicai, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner played a variety of tunes with Ao Xue, but they all heard it very clearly. Obviously, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner now have qualifications to teach. Even if you owe a little bit of fire, you can make up for it with hard work.

The two women were able to get started with the piano technique so quickly. Of course, he felt very relieved. Now when they saw that they had finished playing the piano, they immediately stood up and said.

"Brother Yuan Feng, you are here. Have you heard that I just played the piano? I'm already great now!"

Seeing Yuan Feng appear, Mu Yun'er first stood up and smiled excitedly. She had achieved good results at this time, and Yuan Feng appeared at the moment. Of course, she wanted to show her. Of course, being able to learn to play the piano so quickly is indeed something worth showing.

"Yuan Feng !!"

Yun Mengchen also glanced at Yuan Feng, and then a sweet smile appeared. She did not want to express herself like Mu Yuner, but she was obviously very happy when she saw Yuan Feng satisfied with her results.

She has always wanted to help Yuan Feng. She has learned piano skills and believes that as long as she works hard, she should be able to help soon. Of course, she can't say how happy she is.

"Mengchen, sister, it seems that I should have let you learn the piano skills earlier. If you were contacted earlier, if you want to come here, you should already be very strong!"

Yuan Feng's eyes glanced back and forth between Yun Mengchen and Mu Yun'er, and his eyes were reassuring and upset. It is comforting that Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner learn the speed of piano, but annoyed, of course, did not find the talent of the two women earlier.

"Oh, it's not too late. Sister Ao Xue has learned from each other. Sister Yuner and I have already started to work very quickly."

Yun Mengchen naturally greeted him at this time, and in the conversation, she cuddled Yuan Feng's arm affectionately. Although it seemed unintentional, in fact, she was obviously taking an oath to others. This is her man. Only she can contact each other so intimately.

Women are all like this. They always want to mark their own things, and they definitely don't want others to touch their fingers. Although Yun Mengchen usually looks soft and weak, when it is critical, he is not ambiguous at all. It was just a subtle gesture that she could see the strength deep inside her.

"Haha, you can talk the most." Yuan Feng wouldn't even think about it. After Yun Mengchen came near, he naturally embraced the other person's waist and laughed with relief.

"Well, what's so great."

Mu Yuner's little mouth pricked again. She disliked Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen's love most, but whether she likes it or not, these are not what she can control.

"Yuan Feng, my mission is not bad, right?"

Aoxue's gaze flashed, and then a smile appeared, facing Yuanfeng Road who came up. She is actually envious of Yun Mengchen, because she knows best that Yuan Feng can not take a look at her because of Yun Mengchen, which has proved the relationship between Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen How solid.

Of course, it's not just her reasons. Yuan Feng can simply treat Mu Yun'er as her sister, but she ignores the other person's sentiments. How many men can do that?

"Haha, I really want to thank Ao Xuexue this time. Meng Chen and her sister can have today's gains, thanks to Ao Xueyue." After hearing Ao Xue's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh loudly, but talked She blinked at Ao Xue, "Audrey Snow has shown the sincerity of cooperation, so of course it can't be too shabby, Audrey Snow and see what it is."

The words fell, Yuan Feng suddenly raised his hand, and suddenly, a golden glittering square object appeared in his hands.

"Ah, this, this is ..."

Seeing what Yuan Feng had brought out, Aoxue couldn't help exclaiming, and the whole person was instantly excited.

ps: One hundred and four hundred chapters, hehe, please ask for flowers to celebrate! !! !!

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