The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1394: Golden silk tree (one more)

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After all the people were arranged, Yuan Feng took all three masters and servants of Yucheng Palace in Yuxi Palace aside, and started discussions with the old man in black and Aoxue.

Speaking of which, he did not have a very clear purpose for the Yuxi Palace. He subdued Yu Chenglong, just to get the resources of the Yuxi Palace through the other party. However, the old man in black and Ao Xue clearly have different goals.

"Two, let's talk, what exactly do you want? The three of them are very obedient and want now. Although you can tell clearly, as to whether these three guys can get things for you, it depends on yours. Luck. "

Yuan Feng, who has taken the initiative, is completely open to the mountain, and he will not turn around at all. At this moment, all the people present were his subordinates. As for Aoxue and the old man in black, he didn't care much now.

At this moment, even Jiang Qingwu has returned to Qingwu Palace, leaving everything to him to handle alone, showing the level of trust in him.

"Hey, there is nothing to hide from the development of the matter now. Since Your Excellency is so open, we don't hide it." The old man in black was somewhat convinced by Yuan Feng at this moment, he really didn't I've seen a young man as powerful as Yuan Feng, and frankly, although his strength is a level better than the other party, at this moment, he has already treated Yuan Feng as a person of the same level.

This is indeed beyond his control, who can't help, who let Yuan Feng's hands have control of more than 20 yin and yang powerhouses, and thousands of habitat powerhouses?

Of course, this is just the situation now. God knows how many powerful subordinates Yuan Yuan had before. He even believed that maybe, at this moment, outside Qifeng Pavilion, I ’m afraid it was already long ago. Surrounded by the next office!

He guessed it quite well. In fact, at this moment, Qifeng Pavilion was indeed surrounded by Yuan Feng's subordinates. Although there were not many people, once he gave an order, the old man in black The arranged mysterious array will not last long.

"Young man, my lady and I came to Yuxi City this time, in fact, they ran a thing from Yuxi Palace. If this thing can be obtained, my lady and I will definitely thank you again."

The old man in black still seemed to be a little bad at speaking, but he was brewing his mood again. Obviously, the things he wants to get are absolutely amazing, and they are definitely not something he can get.

"The old gentleman made it clear, anyway, they are all here, if they can get it, they should all be clear."

Yuan Feng was also interested at the moment, and he also wanted to know that this old man and young man had lost so much thought to control a person in Yuxi Palace. What kind of baby came to Yuxi Palace?

"It's true, what the lady and I want is the golden tree tree heart of Yuxi Palace."

The old man in black gritted his teeth, but finally said what he and Ao Xue wanted. However, when his words fell, the three people from Yuxi Palace Yuchenglong who followed him had already changed their faces.

"Gold tree tree heart? This, this ........."

Yu Chenglong's body trembled a little, he knew very well that what the old man and Ao Xue wanted now, of course, he had to go back to Yuxi Palace to get it. If the other person wants something simpler, it is okay, but the other person even asks for the heart of the golden tree, which makes him too embarrassed.

"The heart of the golden tree? What is that?"

Yuan Feng heard something unknown, so for a long time, the old man in black and Aoxue were for a tree, and it was not a complete tree. I just don't know how strange this so-called golden tree is.

"Master, the golden silk tree is the treasure of Yuxi Palace. There is only one in the entire Yuxi Palace, and this golden tree is planted in the depths of Yuxi Palace, which is very close to my father's house. To the golden tree ...... difficult! "

In Yuxi Palace, there are not many people who know the existence of the golden silk tree. Some people may only know that there is a spiritual tree deep in the Yuxi Palace. But what is the name, but not everyone knows.

Frankly speaking, Yu Chenglong is a little curious. How did the old man in black and Aoxue know that there is a golden tree in Yuxi Palace?

"Oh? The treasure of Yuxi Palace? A tree? Hey, let's talk about the use of this golden tree. It can even afford the word treasure."

Although he was helping, at least he had to know what the other person wanted was useful.

"The golden silk tree is very strange. Although it is a tree, it is composed of thin golden hair. With these golden silks, we can weave powerful defense spirits and make many advanced musical instruments. As for more The usefulness of the subordinates is unclear. "

The golden tree has been in Yuxi Palace for a long time. Actually, there are many specific uses, but there are not many people who really know it. Yu Chenglong only knows that in the Yuxi Palace, the golden tree is definitely the treasure in front. This can be seen from the fact that his dad attached great importance to this spiritual tree.

"Oh? There is such a strange spirit tree?" After listening to the explanation of the other side, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look bright, but then asked, "The golden tree is so useful, but this tree Heart, what's going on? "

The old man in black said very clearly that what they want is the heart of the golden tree. Obviously, the heart of this golden tree must be much more expensive than the golden tree itself.

"Young Master, the heart of the golden tree. To put it plainly is the heart of the golden tree. The reason why the golden tree can continue to grow and even survive is actually because of the heart of the golden tree. It can be said that the golden The heart of the silk tree is the source of its life. "

Yu Chenglong knows that he must tell the singularity and preciousness of the golden silk tree, so that he can let the other party know that if he wants to get this thing, he will definitely have to pay a great price.

"Talk about the purpose of this thing."

Yuan Cheng can also imagine what Yu Chenglong said, but these are obviously not his concerns. He would like to know what is the use of the so-called golden tree tree heart. He Aoxue was so fond of it.

"The heart of the golden tree is more useful. As long as the golden tree is new, you can cultivate a new golden tree. Moreover, the golden tree has a role in assisting cultivation. If you can put this thing on your body, If you practice, you will definitely get more results with less effort. Of course, if your subordinates didn't guess wrong, Snow Pride wants Golden Silk Tree new, it should be for her piano! "

Yu Chenglong's eyes could not help looking at Aoxue aside. If he remembered correctly, Aoxue had taken out a piano before, and the reason why the other party wanted the golden silk tree heart was definitely because of that piano.

"Well? Audrey Snow, would you mind talking about your purpose?"

Seeing that Yu Chenglong looked at Aoxue and said of the other side's harp, Yuan Feng understood a little bit now.

"There's nothing I can't say." Aoxue was simply. When she saw Yuan Feng looking at herself, when she raised her hand, she called out the guqin she just used. "This qin is my treasure, but, It is not complete now. It was originally here. It should have the heart of a golden tree, but now it is gone. "

Speaking, she could not help turning the Guqin over, revealing a groove below, and this groove was empty now, apparently missing something.

"Well? Haha, that's it. It seems that this Guqin girl from Ao Xuexue was made of the golden tree?"

Yuan Feng has never seen the golden silk tree, but from the description of Yu Chenglong, the piano in front of him is definitely a spiritual soldier built from the golden silk tree. Whether it is the body or the strings, it should be used Made of golden tree.

"Yes, this Guqin body is made of golden tree, but the golden tree used to make this piano is much stronger than the golden tree of Yuxi Palace. Right now it just lacks the golden tree. Tree heart, if you can get the tree heart of the golden silk tree, the power of this piano will be improved many times. "

Aoxue is quite real. He has not concealed his purpose and thought at all. She knew in her heart that Yuan Feng was definitely not so easy to fool. If she did not tell the truth, the other party would not really help her. Therefore, she might as well be more realistic and tell Yuan Feng all the facts.

"It turned out that, after a long time of trouble, this piano of Ao Snow Maiden is only a semi-finished product. I really don't know how strong this piano is after the heart of the golden tree."

Yuan Feng's eyes can't help flashing a glimmer of light. He has seen the power of this guqin before. As he said, once the violin has been restored to fullness, the power will probably be unimaginable. Then Aoxue will touch the tune At this time, I am afraid that even the prodigal might be confused by her piano! I just don't know, at that time, can he still carry the sound of the piano.

When he thought of it, he couldn't help thinking.

The whole scene became quiet. Obviously, the next action depends on how Yuan Feng arranges it. If Yuan Feng decides to help the other party, then naturally there is nothing to say. However, if Yuan Feng feels he can't make it, of course, he won't do it.

"Just, Yu Chenglong, how sure are the three of you can get the heart of the golden tree? It's not the whole golden tree. As long as you get the golden tree, you can complete your mission.

After thinking for a while, Yuan Feng's voice finally spread, and when he heard him, Aoxue beside him could not help showing a smile of joy.

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