The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1392: Greatly cheaper (three)

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Things change, and the plan can never keep up with the changes. For the old man in black and Aoxue, this action was originally a very thoughtful action that was almost foolproof.

However, no one of them thought that when they thought they were foolproof, they even killed Yuanfeng mother and son halfway through. Frankly speaking, when they saw Yuan Feng's mother and son playing, they already understood that this time the eight achievements were to be active and passive.

This is also a matter of no means. They are foreigners. They are unfamiliar in Yuxi City. Moreover, the situation of Yuan Feng's mother and son has caused them to wonder. Warriors, they can only wait for the results to appear, but they can't get started.

Yuan Feng was really busy for a while this time. There were too many warriors present. To be on the safe side, Yuan Feng could only accept everyone, so as to ensure that the news here was not leaked.

From the most ordinary people in the cave to the powerful yin and yang realm, the number of people present is really an extremely large number. Fortunately, Yuan Feng has already cultivated the blood curse magical power into the realm of pure fire. For those who live in the cave, they can almost conquer in an instant. People who live in the habitat are nothing more than minutes.

The only person who wastes some time is the strong in the yin and yang realm, but the people in the yin and yang realm are still in the minority after all, so the efficiency is not low.

It took almost half a day for Yuan Feng to finally conquer the warriors in the last Qifeng Pavilion, but at this moment, the strong men he subjugated together, there were thousands of them.

"Yu, it's finally settled. It's really a laborious effort to conquer so many powerful people at once, hahaha!"

After conquering the last person, Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing.

Frankly speaking, this is really an opportunity that is hard to find while holding a lantern. In the ordinary time, where does he go to get so many strong men without resistance? Thanks to Aoxue's shot this time, all the big brothers and powerful men have been brought down. Otherwise, he would not have the energy to count these people one by one.

At this moment, Yuan Feng was even thinking that if he could cooperate with this proud Snow Maiden, maybe he could reap more and more powerful people by relying on the ability of the other party!

"Is this all right? What did you just do to them?"

When Yuan Feng closed his hands, the old man in black and Ao Xue followed Jiang Qingwu and came to Yuan Feng's front. They were always curious about Ao Xue's performance. He stood up and asked curiously.

"Hey, what have I done to them, you will know in a while." Seeing the other two approaching, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile, "Mrs. Aoxue, this time I was able to conquer so many powerful people so smoothly, but It ’s all based on Aussie, if I can, I will try to make Aussie what she wants. "

Yuan Feng didn't know what the woman wanted to get from Yuxi Palace, but, of course, the other person helped him so much, of course, he also had to help the other person.

"I hope so!"

Aoxue's face was a bit bitter. She and the old man in black had originally taken the initiative, but now, it is obviously the feeling of being dragged by the other's nose.

"Rest assured, I am the same person." With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's eyes glanced at everyone around him, but then he frowned. "Girls Ao Xue, these people are very obedient now, And please ask Ao Xuexue to awaken them all! "

At the moment, all of these people are using Aoxue's methods, one by one in an indescribable state. Although he has conquered these people, there is no way to restore them to soberness.

"You, are you sure they won't have problems when they wake up?"

Waking these people up was not difficult for her, but she was really worried that when they woke up, they would cause them unexpected trouble.

"Relax, if there is a problem, I will not take that risk." Waving his hand, Yuan Feng said with confidence. He was simply assured of his own blood curse.

"Uncle Yan ..."

Hearing Yuan Feng said that, Aoxue was somewhat suspicious. She also knows that Yuan Feng will not make fun of this kind of thing. Moreover, the means just performed by Yuan Feng is indeed a kind of martial arts skill. However, there is no absolute matter, whether Yuan Feng has really controlled all the people present. Who can be sure before the results appear?

Ao Xue has been following the old man in black for many years. Although she is the master-slave in name, in fact, the latter is her elder. The other person is well-informed, and it is not something she can match. You have to listen to each other's opinions.

"Do what he says !!!"

The look of the old man in black changed and changed, but he finally gave a positive answer. He is more accurate than Ao Xue. Judging from the methods that Yuan Feng just cast, it seems to be much more subtle than Ao Xue's piano control. Moreover, he also believes that Yuan Feng's mother and child will never do self-dig Things about the grave.

"Okay, so I'll wake them all up."

After getting the approval of the old man in black, Aoxue didn't hesitate anymore. He glanced at Yuan Feng's mother and son, then moved in shape, returned to the floating platform in the center, and gently recruited his guqin. come out.

"Mother, her piano sounds weird. Mother waits for a while to stop hearing. Don't listen."

When Ao Xue returned to the top of the square and had not yet started playing, Yuan Feng hurriedly turned around and told her mother. He doesn't have to be afraid of each other's piano sounds. However, Jiang Qingwu didn't swallow the heavenly martial spirits. Although her cultivation is very strong and her resistance should be high, it is better to be careful.

"Relax, in her realm, you can't reach the point where I am." With a slight smile at Yuan Feng, Jiang Qingwu was not worried. Not to mention the presence of her son, even if she wasn't, she wouldn't be scared by a yin and yang woman.

Of course, anyway, Jiang Qingwu still closed his hearing temporarily to avoid being affected by Ao Xueqin.


Just when Jiang Qingwu had closed his hearing, Ao Xue's piano sounded at the right time. This time, the piano sound was obviously not the same as before. The previous sound of the piano was intended to confuse everyone and plunge them into the illusion, but the sound of the piano at this moment is to release everyone, but there is a great difference between the two.

"Om !!!"

The melodious sound of the piano sounded throughout the Qifeng Pavilion, and with the sound of the piano spreading, everyone lying on the ground shivered, obviously responding.

"Curious and strange means, this proud Snow Maiden's skill is really powerful!"

Seeing that with the sound of Ao Xue's piano, all the warriors who fell to the ground began to move slowly, and Yuan Feng's eyes flashed with admiration. In any case, he has to admire the piano skills of this proud Snow Maiden.

"Find a chance, and I'll learn to play piano with her too." Put aside his lips, Yuan Feng whispered a little yearning. But having said that, he is a big man, not to mention whether he can learn to play the piano. Even if he does, who will stand there and listen to him? Aoxue was able to win everyone because it had a beautiful face, but he didn't have such a face.

"Almost, these guys will wake up all at once. This time, they can definitely make a lot of money, hehe!" Even if the people who are here are worse, they definitely have family power. Now, These people have been subdued by him, so as long as he sends these people back to their respective family forces, then he will certainly bring back a lot of resources to him.

Where is the level of Yuxi City? Which one of the people in Yuxi City is not so rich? As long as he is in control, the value these people can create is absolutely inestimable.

"Brush brush !!!"

In the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, many strong men who fell to the ground woke up one after another. During the talk, each strong man opened his eyes one after another, but, when these people opened At the moment of eyes, everyone's gaze was slightly dull, and his face became very difficult to look at instantly.

Ao Xue's tune really works. A song hasn't finished, almost everyone has woke up, some people keep lying on the ground, some people sit up, but no matter what What kind of posture, these people have one thing in common, that is, the eyes of everyone are filled with incredible.


The first person who woke up was not others, but Yu Chenglong of Yuxi Palace. The young master of Yuxi Palace woke up and felt the situation under his eyes, the feeling of being controlled by others. It was so unacceptable to him.

"What's going on? Me, my life ..."

Everyone feels their own fault at this moment, and for this kind of fault, everyone is afraid to speak casually, just as long as they just talk, they are completely at risk of losing their lives.

"Oh, are you awake? All who woke up, stand up and talk to me, otherwise, there will be no chance to wake up in the future."

When the warriors slowly woke up, they laughed softly, but they resounded throughout the Qifeng Pavilion, and when they heard this voice, everyone's heart was slightly swayed, full of kind of mind Swaying fear. Apart from that, everyone stood up in a hurry and looked in the direction of the sound.

ps: Seeking a breakthrough, a flower is not growing! !! !! !!

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