The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1389: War Promise (four more)

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Although the old man in black in front of him is obviously much stronger than himself, and behind the other side, there is a very threatening woman, but Yuan Feng is still not too worried.

Judging from the previous conversation between the old and the young, the two should be acting alone, and no other helper exists. Since they are acting alone, he certainly does not need any fear.

He simply scoffed at the other party's self-defeating. Regardless of whether the other party will let him go after he revoked himself, even if he can really let him go, he can never revoke it. In a place like Wonderland, if there is no strong strength in the body, then it is really no different from death.

"Old gentleman, and this proud Snow Maiden, to be honest, my coming here is purely an accident. I really do n’t know about you, and I ’m not interested, so as long as you will This mysterious array opened a gap, so I would leave quietly, and then everyone would not commit river water, would that be good? "

Yuan Feng did not expect that he could come across this kind of thing when he came to this Qifeng Pavilion. To be honest, he didn't want to participate in the plans of these two people. He had no resentment against the other, and the old man in black was obviously very strong. If he could, he would like to leave here. When I have never been here.

"Boy, what you said is simple. You know everything about us. Do you think we will let you go?"

The look of the old man in black has become more and more cold, and it is absolutely impossible for Yuan Feng to leave. Even if Yuan Feng vowed again, he would never believe what Yuan Feng said. After all, what he and Aoxue did, It is enough to make the entire Yuxi City treat them as enemies.

Many of the people present were first-rate children of major families, and they brought down all of them at this time. I am afraid that no one in their families would agree. Therefore, they absolutely do not allow any trace of leakage.

"Hey, I've always talked to each other and said that I won't tell you, then I won't tell you, why are you trying hard, Mr. Old?"

Yuan Feng was helpless. He really wanted to leave, but judging by the expression on the other side, I'm afraid he couldn't really leave.

"It ’s not me * you, it's the situation * people are strong, little guy, I think you are quite sensible, if you really don't want to self-defeate, then you believe me once, as long as you honestly enter my body space , Then when the time is ripe, I will naturally let you go, do you think this head office? "

The old man in black finally made a concession. If he can't do it, of course, don't do it. Of course, he knows best. Although this mysterious array is not bad, if there is a fight here, the outside world may be able to Induced, and once they are sensed by the outside world, their troubles will be great.

If you can get Yuan Feng into his body space, then at least you can guarantee that the other party will not cause any trouble, and that he and Aoxue will have no trouble. This should be the best solution.

"Well, sir, why don't you make me believe you?"

Yuan Feng still sneered at this proposal of the old man in black. The other party does not believe what he said. Similarly, it is absolutely impossible for him to believe the other party ’s words. If he believes the other party ’s words, then from now on, he will not have to confuse in the boundless world.

"Well, why are you so rude? Since Uncle Yan said he would let you go, then naturally he would let you go. He never lied."

When Yuan Feng showed sarcasm and argued against the old man, behind the old man, Aoxue, who was always guarded by the other side, suddenly stepped forward at this time, with an unpleasant expression.

She has endured it for a long time. Originally, she was very important to a person who could stay awake under the sound of her piano, but at this moment, the other party repeatedly doubted her close friend. It really made her a little angry.

"Well? Oh, this proud Snow Maiden finally spoke. I thought you had become dumb!"

Hearing Aoxue's mouth, Yuan Feng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, glanced directly at the old man in black, and looked at the latter who fluttered in colorful clothes. I have to say that even after watching for so long, he still couldn't deny Beautiful face.

"You just became dumb. Why is this person so ignorant? Uncle Yan has agreed not to hurt you, so you can stay in Uncle Yan's body space for a while. Is this difficult for you? "

Aoxue's face was thin with anger, but for her face, even when she was angry, she was also beautiful.

The beauty was furious, but this scene saw Yuan Feng's heart swell, but then she recovered immediately.

"Girl, this old gentleman is your elder, but not my elder. You believe that he is righteous, but I cannot trust him. Of course, I will not trust you either."

Correcting his look, Yuan Feng's eyes swept again on the young and old, and he didn't wait for the other to speak, and he continued, "Second, things have already been here, how to solve them, the two looked Let's do it, if you want to fight, you are willing to be accompanied. "

Although there is so much time, Yuan Feng doesn't want to waste it like this. At least, he also has to find a solution to the problem, instead of stalemate here.

"Huh, a big tone. It seems that today, the old man really wants to teach you how to know what is outside the sky."

Having said that, in addition to fighting, there seems to be no other solution. During the talk, the old man in black couldn't help but take a step forward slowly. The imposing power of the Promise had already enveloped Yuan Feng, and was ready to launch a deadly attack at any time.

He can feel that although the Yuan Feng in front of him looks very confusing, it is obvious that the other party is definitely not an endless warrior, because he is also a strong person in an endless state, there must be a special induction, very Obviously, the other person didn't have the kind of induction he was familiar with.

Since you are not a powerful person, you can only be people below the limitless level. As for those above the limitless level, you do n’t even have to think about it. After all, people above the limitless level do n’t seem to need to tell them so much .

"There are people outside the sky and people outside. This principle is naturally understood, but the old gentleman does not seem to understand it himself."

After tearing the corners of his mouth, Yuan Feng raised his hand, and then a long sword appeared in his hand. This sword was the sabre of the Promise Power that was seized in Heji City before, although there was no The Chixiao sword is so sharp, but the Chixiao sword is too overbearing. In this mysterious array, he still should not use it casually.

With the sharpness of the Chixiao sword, in addition to the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, which can cover up the breath, the rest of the mysterious array, the effect is probably much worse.

Moreover, to deal with the old man in front of him, he has not yet reached the point of using the red sword.

"Eh? The kid with a sharp tooth and a sharp mouth, what else can you say in a moment?" The old man in black was obviously really angry when Yuan Feng was so unfaced, but when he saw Yuan When Feng Liang showed the spirit soldier, and he didn't have any fear of himself, his heart was a little dignified.

The spirit sword in Yuan Feng's hands does not seem to be inferior to his spirit soldiers in terms of appearance. Moreover, just lifting the sword at will, he has already seen Yuan Feng's understanding of the sword, every move The natural feeling between them is obviously the realm of the sword of the realm of the sword.

Although the state of Yijian is not uncommon in the world of no delusion, anyone who has such a state of sword is definitely not too ordinary.

"I read that you are a senior, please !!!"

With a sword in hand, Yuan Feng's body suddenly dazzled with shocking energy fluctuations, and as his energy was released, the tyrannical power belonging to the strong man in the yin and yang realm flooded the entire attic. For a moment, Yuan Feng showed all his strength.

After being promoted, he has never fought face-to-face with the Promise of the Promise. To this end, he has already felt itchy. He has just such an opportunity today, but he does not want to miss it.

"Is it yin and yang? It's really good to hide it, but, with your strength, do you think you can defeat the old man?"

Feeling the energy fluctuations in the yin and yang environment released by Yuan Feng, the old man in black couldn't help raising his eyebrows. When he raised his hand, he also recruited his own spiritual soldier and was ready to start.

"Conquering the old gentleman, I dare not say this, but I don't know if the old gentleman can defeat the next."

Yuan Feng had never thought of being able to defeat each other. His purpose was very simple. That was to try his own weight and see if he could hold on for a while under the hands of the Promise Strong, and to what extent.

"Also, since your kid is looking for death by himself, the old man will complete you, go !!!"

The old man's eyes couldn't help flashing a pity. He actually really appreciated Yuan Feng's courage and courage. However, at this moment, he has no other choice, because once Yuan Feng is released, then he He Aoxue is really dangerous.


Thinking of this, he slammed a sword and went straight to the opposite Yuan Feng and chopped down.

"Well? Are you trying to test me?"

Seeing the opponent cut out a sword, but his body shape did not move at all, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help flashing a hint of light.

"Let me see for myself how strong the attack of the Promise can be!"

Jian Mang flashed by, and it was Yuan Feng's near moment, but looking at Jian Mang and his body, Yuan Feng didn't mean to dodge.


Finally, the sharp sword awn cut directly on Yuan Feng's chest, but, as the sword was cut on Yuan Feng's chest, a metal transfer sound suddenly passed away, resounding In this Qifeng Pavilion.

"What? What happened?"

The voice spread, and the original old man in black was still determined, but at this moment he was directly stuck there, completely forgetting to attack again.

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