The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1380: The most true and simple (six more seeking flowers)

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For Yuan Feng, this moment was a bit too happy. For the three most important women for him, all of them have been promoted to a powerful state at this time. What is more pleasant in this world than this?

Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner were promoted to the yin and yang realm, and his mother reached the limitless realm directly. From now on, he really doesn't need to worry about the three of them anymore.

Especially Jiang Qingwu, the Promise Realm is already the top realm of Promise. At this level, it depends on the accumulation of individuals. The deeper the accumulation, the stronger the strength, of course. , That's not something most people can easily think about.

The three of them didn't wake up the first time after being promoted. For the three of them, they have raised so many realms in such a short time, and they are still a bit overwhelmed. Therefore, they must adapt to it thoroughly and then Do what he wants.

This kind of stability and adaptation lasted for less than half a month. In this half a month, the smile on Yuan Feng's face has hardly disappeared. .

Of course, after all, Jiang Qingwu's promotion is actually better than himself and makes him happy.


On this day, Yuan Feng was still smirking and waiting for the three daughters to wake up as before, but at this moment, Jiang Qingwu, who was in the middle of Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner, suddenly opened his eyes. The first one woke up.

With the opening of Jiang Qingwu's eyes, two substantive bright radiances suddenly erupted, and those who could not reach the yin and yang realm could hardly face each other with such vision.

"Mother wakes up !!!"

Seeing Jiang Qingwu's eyes opened, Yuan Feng immediately looked happy, then hurried forward a few steps, came to Jiang Qingwu's near.

"Hey, congratulations on the great achievements of the mother. From now on, the mother is the top power without any delusion!"

Sitting down in front of Jiang Qingwu, Yuan Feng can finally relax completely now. For more than half a year, he has been spent in anxiety and worry, and at this moment, Jiang Qingwu has reached Promise, he suddenly felt that his shoulders seemed lighter again.

He never thought about how much pressure his mother would help him share, but with an infinitely strong person taking care of himself, after all, he felt that the pressure was much reduced. At least, Jiang Qingwu's endlessness can help him take better care of others and better protect herself.

"Oh, Fenger, it looks like the mother can protect you again next time!"

When he saw his son, Jiang Qingwu also smiled.

She is fascinated by the powerful feeling of Promise, but compared to this powerful state, her son is the source of happiness.

She can have today, and it can be said that she was given to her by her son. Without Yuan Feng, she would never have the chance to be promoted to the limitless world in her life.

Moreover, she was promoted to the Promise at the moment, and felt that the Promise was very powerful, but she was even more convinced that, in the near future, her son would definitely create more and better opportunities for her. Not to mention the Promise, even if it is a demigod, or even a more powerful God, it is not impossible.

Speaking of which, her promotion to Promise is not very difficult. In fact, she could already be promoted long ago. The reason behind Mu Yun'er and Yun Mengchen was because she was worried that she would run out of the power of the Promise, and then Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner would have no choice. Promoted.

"Ha ha ha, it seems that the baby can continue to be my strong second generation !!!"

Hearing Jiang Qingwu's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh loudly, and the laughter was full of cheerfulness. Of course, he didn't really want to be a strong second generation to enjoy it. For him, everything must be created with his own hands.

"Oh, someone is so helpless that he wants to be lazy again."

Just as Yuan Feng's laughter fell, a chuckling sounded immediately, but it was Yun Mengchen aside, and now woke up warily, joking towards Yuan Feng.

"Well? Hahaha, of course I can be lazy now. My mother is a powerful man in the Promise and my wife is a character in the yin and yang state. Where can I use my shots in the future?"

Seeing Yun Mengchen woke up, Yuan Feng laughed again and again, while smiling, approached Yun Mengchen, and kissed the other person's forehead without any care.

"Not serious !!!"

After being suddenly attacked by Yuan Feng, Yun Mengchen's face couldn't help but a little redness, but in her eyes, there was a sense of happiness that couldn't be masked.

She never thought that she could improve so quickly. Now she is really qualified to help Yuan Feng. At least, Yuan Feng doesn't need to always be distracted by her safety.

"Haha, what a blush, and no outsiders were present."

Seeing Yun Mengchen's flushed appearance, Yuan Feng was stunned. It's a pity that the occasion is not right now, otherwise, he really wants to be gentle with the other party.

"I've been promoted, I've been promoted, Brother Yuanfeng, I've been promoted to Yin and Yang!"

Just when Yuan Feng was joking about Yun Mengchen, Mu Yuner apparently also completed Xiuwei's stability. However, the performance after waking up was very different from Jiang Qingwu and Yun Mengchen.

"Uh, this ..."

When he heard Mu Yuner waking up, he shouted and kept screaming. Yuan Feng couldn't help but look dull, and his face was weird.

"Hey, congratulations, sister Hexi, it seems that for quite a long time, I can't exceed my sister in my cultivation !!"

Gaze turned to Mu Yuner, Yuan Feng half jokingly and seriously. Of course, what he said is also true. I am afraid that the realm of yin and yang is really difficult to reach quickly. Therefore, it is really not that easy to catch up with each other in terms of cultivation.

"Hee hee, Brother Yuan Feng, from now on, I will protect you."

Mu Yuner didn't care whether Yuan Feng was joking or serious. At this moment, she had only one thought in her heart, that is, now she can finally protect Yuan Feng.

All along, her biggest wish is to help Yuan Feng, and even protect Yuan Feng's safety. Unfortunately, Yuan Feng's promotion speed is too fast and too fast. Her wish has almost become a luxury hope.

However, at this moment, her cultivation has reached the yin and yang realm. This realm is even stronger than the current Yuan Feng. From now on, she can finally protect Yuan Feng, which is no longer a drag on Yuan Feng.


A word from Mu Yuner made Yuan Feng tremble. He always knew that Mu Yuner was good to him, but he has been resisting this kind of intention intentionally or unintentionally.

However, at this moment, Mu Yun'er's words really touched one of his heartstrings. For some reason, when he heard Mu Yuner's words, he suddenly thought about it. The urge to cry.

"Sister, you can have this heart, brother and sister, I'm already satisfied. As for protection, let me protect you, I swear, no one in this life would want to hurt your hair."

Working hard to suppress the touch of heart, Yuan Feng squeezed out a smile.

"Okay, Fenger, Mengchen and Yun'er, we have just arrived in Wulei Realm, and we have the harvest now. Obviously, we will become stronger and stronger in the future. Maybe someday , The whole boundless world will submit to our feet. "

Jiang Qingwu obviously saw Yuan Feng's touch, but then again, although Mu Yuner's sentence seems simple, you can think about it carefully. Such words are spoken from the mouth of a weak woman. For a man, Said, inevitably some lethality.

"Hahaha, okay, my mother is right, there is no big deal in the world of arrogance. One day, I will let the world submit to my feet as much as I can, and by then, which one will I dare not respect you!"

This sentence by Jiang Qingwu freed Yuan Feng from being moved, but when he heard the five words of dominance, he was inspired.

Although this time did not allow him to make any progress, but the Japanese leader, he believes that as long as he is willing to work hard, then his strength can be improved sooner or later, it is never his goal.

"Mother, it seems that this time, we can go straight to Ziyun City. Based on the mother's current practice, even if it is in Ziyun City, it should be very powerful, right?"

Laughter fell, and the people present were full of confidence in the future. After everyone's emotions had stabilized, Yuan Feng couldn't help thinking about the next trip again.

Before, he was worried that his strength was not enough, so he didn't make his way too fast, but now Jiang Qingwu has been promoted to Wuji, and these people have some reliance.

"No hurry, Fenger, Ziyun City's strength is not as simple as you think. Although I have been promoted to Promise, but I want to have an impact in Ziyun City and other places, I am afraid it is not so simple."

Hearing that Yuan Feng wanted to speed up to Ziyun City, Jiang Qingwu rejected it immediately. Others don't know, but she knows the strength of Ziyun City the most. Obviously, she has no advantage in such places as Ziyun City.

"This ... isn't Promise enough?"

When Jiang Qingwu's words came down, Yuan Feng's complexion could not help but hesitated, then he realized that the Ziyun City that his mother had said to him was still not the complete Ziyun City!

"Okay, let's talk about it after I've been promoted to the good fortune. Since my mother said so, it's safer. I just don't know when my cultivation will reach the good fortune."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng couldn't help but slowly calm down his mentality. He knew that if he wanted to go to Ziyun City, he might have a long way to go.

ps: Six more arrived, a little tired, wait for Xiaoyan to rest and find something to eat! !! Two hundred flowers are in sight, everyone gives Liha! !! !! Roar! !! !!

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