The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1365: Be smart (three)

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Once the collection of the Promise is strong, no one can resist anyone who is below the Promise. Of course, the evil reputation of the Black Flag Palace is no exception.

Frankly, the evil reputation is also clear in his heart, and the reason why Yue Yue found him was obviously because he could not eat the relic independently. No doubt, in order to obtain the relic, they must make some efforts. Even to withstand some dangerous tests.

But having said that, there is no free lunch in the world. How can it be so easy to be promoted to Wuji? At the moment, there is such an opportunity, even if it is worth the risk, we must know that I don't know how many people want to find such an opportunity, but they simply cannot get it.

"Brother Xie Yu, the relic of the Promise Strong has been buried underground for countless years, and it is not bad for a long time. The next time, Brother Xie Yu will go back and prepare for it. Three months later, we Gather at Mount Houshan, and then go to the place where the relic is located.

Going to dig the treasure, this is not to say that digging can dig. Everyone knows that good things are not easy to get, so they must carefully prepare before going to the location of the treasure. It's awkward to say that they can even arrange everything behind them before heading to the treasure, lest they be caught off guard.

"Are you ready for three months? Yeah, then, according to Brother Xi's opinion, after three months, we will meet at Mount Cunshan and see you there."

There is still no opinion on the evil reputation. He does take some time to prepare. Before the action, he wants to use all the power he can call. Only sufficient power can make him successfully open the treasure. If you rush forward, I am afraid Not only wasted the opportunity, but also the life lost.

"Brother Xi, this matter is very important. I will take someone to go back and prepare for it. We will see you in three months."

It ’s not too late. There is still much to be prepared for evil reputation. In three months, it ’s not too much time for him to prepare outside of the time of rushing, so of course he has to hurry up. .

"Okay, brother Xieyu, please, let's stay here for a while to avoid suspicion of outsiders. We will see you in three months."

Standing up, Ying Yue arched his hands in front of Xie Yu and others, which was quite polite.

"See you again!" He also arched his hand, and the evil reputation stopped talking, and took everyone, but went downstairs, but did not drink a drink.

When Xieyu and his party left, the whole Baotou group had only the Yueyue group, but when there was no outsider, Yueyue's face became abnormally weird.

"Hum, the treasure of the Promise is indeed there, but if you want to get it, I'm afraid you have to stand aside!"

Glanced at the direction in which Xie Yu and others left, but Yue Yue's heart was full of coldness. It was true that he found the other party, but in some cases, he did not tell the other party that from the beginning, he regarded the other party as a thug, and such a thug, he looked for anyone.

"Come here, all four of you will come with me for a few drinks, and when this time develops, you will definitely have no good for you." In a good mood, Yue Yue let go of his position, and when he beckoned, he was Four of his subordinates called in, and then they happily drank.

At the same time, Heiqi Palace's evil reputation and his party had already come downstairs and reached the second floor of the restaurant. When the six people came to the stairs on the second floor, the familiar laughter was Into the ears of six people again.

Hearing this laughter, the evil reputation headed by him couldn't help but dwell, but this time he didn't stop, and went straight down the stairs.

Soon, a group of six was out of the restaurant and onto the noisy street.

"My son, do you really want to cooperate with them to take this risk?"

When he reached the street, Xie Yu's figure behind him could not help but take a few quick steps, and when he was beside Xie Yu's side, he asked in the back.

"This risk is worth taking. After all, such an opportunity is too rare. If you can catch it, from now on, the Black Flag Palace will have a place of my evil reputation."

Although it is a voice, the tone of evil reputation is full of firmness. He is a risk-taking person in his bones, not to mention the danger of rich returns this time.

"But that guy was kicked out of the Black Flag Palace because he didn't follow the rules. I'm afraid ..."

"Anyway, I know what he's doing, but it's still a long way off because he wants to fight against my evil reputation!"

Of course, he knew what kind of person Yue Yue was. When he was in the Black Flag Palace, the other party ’s virtues were well known, and he knew more about it. Speaking of which, when he removed the other party, he actually made a lot Powerful, but others didn't know about it.

Everyone will think that they are smart and that they can control everything, but if it is really a critical moment, their fate will not be decided by themselves.

"My son knows everything." Hearing the words of evil reputation, the puppet man no longer said that he was not a servant of evil reputation. To say that he wasn't much weaker than the other, but his life was It was the other party's rescue. In this life, he had to return at least his life.

"Okay, I have my own heart in this matter." He waved his hand, but the evil reputation did not talk too much about this matter, and between raising his eyebrows, he couldn't help turning to look at the restaurant behind him. , You stay for the time being, when the two men and two women appear, you know how to do it. "

Licking his lips, evil reputation's eyes were filled with evil smiles. When he went up and down the second floor of the restaurant before, he was attracted by the same laughter twice, and at that moment, his mind was already decided.

The exercises he practiced gave him an unimaginable desire, saying that when he saw women could not move, it was not an exaggeration at all. Although the two women were covered with blue silk, but from the sound and body, he knew that the two women could not be wrong.

Of course, the most important thing is that the strength of the two men and women is too weak. Of course, he can do whatever he wants.

"Don't worry!" Tian Yi naturally understood the meaning of evil reputation. He had already done a lot of this kind of thing. Although there was some resistance at first, it was more frequent, and it didn't seem to be a big deal. Speaking of them, the three small figures in the cave world are, to him, three ants. What about death or alive?

"Get it done as soon as possible." After ordering Tian Yi, the evil reputation no longer stayed. With the other four men in black, they went straight to the Black Flag Palace and rushed back. This time, he was lucky. Before he set off, there were still two good products delivered to his door for his pastime and relaxation. The actions after March will surely succeed.

"Hope that those three little guys will come out soon and don't waste my time too much."

When the evil reputation and others left, Tian Yi also glanced at the restaurant behind him, followed by a flashover, temporarily hiding in the dark to wait. Although the strength of the three people is not good, this is definitely not the place to go. At least, he needs to find a more reliable place to start, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Of course, in a crowded street, it is more than enough to hide a person. According to Tian Yi's cultivation, as long as he wants to hide, others will never find him ...

On the second floor of the restaurant, Yuan Feng and the two women around him have drank four pots of wine, and with these four pots of wine, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner have all been drunk, and by the power of wine, The two women had already opened the conversation box, and they just said nothing, but it made Yuan Feng look at it aside, and couldn't say a word.

Originally, Yuan Feng's main purpose was to go to the restaurant to hear the news. Now it's good. I haven't heard any useful news, but I have seen two alcoholic drinkers. Fortunately, listening to the two women chatting and joking was also a kind of spiritual relaxation for him, so he also gave tacit consent to the two's unworkable business.

"Ah, it looks like I've found the wrong place. This restaurant is also a little calmer. There isn't even a bit of explosive information. I'll change to another place later."

The conversation between the two women had already started, and in the end, Yuan Feng didn't have the heart to continue listening, and when he was doing nothing, he couldn't help thinking about the next action.

I originally planned to stay in Yuxi City for a while to see if I could find any chance, but now it seems that if I want to find the chance, I am afraid that I can't be in a place like a restaurant. Maybe, turning around the entire city of Yuxi should get more information.

Yuxi City is too big. Of course, a small restaurant can't cover everything. If they really want to find their own chance, at least they have to turn Yuxi City into a lot of money. Of course, after a hard time coming to Yuxi City, they also have to see Yuxi Palace, Yuxi Palace.

It is said that the Yuxi Palace is very powerful, and since it is a giant power, it is of course necessary to pay tribute to it.

"Okay, okay, you two little drunks, don't drink anymore, and make you chic for so long, it's time to do business!"

Women talk about the sky, I am afraid that there are no end to ten days and ten nights, and this is really not the time for the two to chat. He has just seen a few men in black downstairs, but he doesn't know if these men in black can provide him with some good opportunities.

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