The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1353: How to miss it? (Three more)

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After a year or so, Xiao Ba was finally promoted to the realm of good fortune. This is an indescribable joy for Yuan Feng.

Frankly speaking, each of these people around him is not very helpful for him to advance into the realm. Even if Yun Mengchen is promoted to the realm, it is nothing more than to make him happy and happy, but it is also difficult to have Substantial role.

However, Xiao Ba's promotion to the realm of reality is completely different. Xiao Ba's ability is there, and now reaching the realm of creation is a huge help to him, but this is something no one else can bring to him.

After being promoted to Xiaoba in the Realm of Creation, it turned out to be a sea change. Speaking of which, Xiaoba's predecessor was the World of Warcraft, and now it has been promoted to the world of Fortune again. In fact, it is nothing extraordinary.

After a short period of stability, Yuan Feng made Xiaoba try to produce Warcraft, but the final result also made Yuan Feng very satisfied.

The altered realm is much stronger than the cave realm. Now that Xiaoba is promoted to the altered realm, it is already possible to produce the World of Warcraft with a great completion level in the cave realm. Although the production efficiency is so poor, the produced World of Warcraft is definitely a great World of Warcraft, but this is true.

The World of Warcraft with great perfection in the cave may not be anything in a place like Wujie. However, what Yuan Feng needs is not to single out these World of Warcraft. What he needs is the detection ability of World of Warcraft. It is a very good eyeliner, and if you can insert countless holes in the heavenly world to complete the wiring of Warcraft everywhere, it will be conceivable for him.

Of course, even in battle, the Warcraft army may not help. A two-headed World of Warcraft may not be of much use, but thousands of holes in the world of heaven can be completely completed, and that effect is completely different.

If there are literally tens of thousands of caves in the sky, they will explode together with Warcraft, even if they are strong in the yin and yang realm, they will soar in the explosion energy wave. Moreover, tens of thousands of great conquests of Warcraft, from the momentum alone, will be enough to fear the opponent for a while.

Since he was just promoted to the realm of good fortune, Yuan Feng did not let Xiaoba go to produce Warcraft right away. Right now, it still needs to be well stabilized and thoroughly established in the realm of good fortune, and then consider the production of Warcraft.

It is a pity that the Jin Mao Rats have not yet been promoted. If the Jin Mao Rats have also been promoted to the Wonderland, then it is really a double happiness. Right now, Yuan Feng needs the Jin Mao rat, but he still needs to be above the eight.

Xiao Ba's promotion can be regarded as an episode. After the arrangement of Xiao Ba, Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen embarked on the journey again.

In the transition area between the two cities, Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen sprinkled laughter all the way. Compared with the hustle and bustle, they obviously like this silent tranquility.

However, the scope of the transition area is really limited. Although Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen were not fast, they finally got out of this quiet and beautiful primitive jungle and came to the new city.

"Huh? Yi Cuicheng? The name sounds familiar!"

Passing through the transition area of ​​the two large cities, Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen came to a new city. When she first entered the city, Yuan Feng called up the map in her mind and learned about the city where she is now.

This city is called Yi Cui City, but it is a large city. Although it does not have a huge force like the Louvre, the overall strength is not to be underestimated. Some super big families have more than one pole. The strong sit in town.

When he learned that the city where he was at this time was named Yicui City, Yuan Feng's brow could not help but slightly frowned, and then his eyes flashed sharply.

"Ha, Yi Cuicheng, no wonder it sounds so familiar, come out high !!!"

Mind turned, Yuan Feng immediately thought of where he had heard of this Yicui city.

"Sir, you come to us ... eh? This is ..."

Between thoughts, Yuan Feng called out Gao Meng and Gao Hu who were teaching other people in Qingwu Palace, and when they first appeared, they both glanced at the distance. The huge city was full of surprise.

"You two, shouldn't you be new here?"

Yuan Feng called out the two subordinates, Yuan Feng could not help but smile slightly and asked the two. He remembered now, weren't these two subordinates in front of him, the children of Yi Cuicheng Gao family?

"We have returned to Yicui City? This ..."

Of course, Gao Meng and Gao Hu couldn't ignore the city where they lived. However, after seeing this familiar huge city, the eyes of the two could not help flashing a little abnormal color, obviously neither of them was very Willing to come back here.

They have now been conquered by Yuan Feng. It can be said that they have completely separated from the Gao family. Moreover, Gao Zhensheng had left them and ran away. The other party after returning did not know what kind of crimes they were charged! Therefore, for the Gao family, they really do not want to go back.

Among the two, Gao Hu's face was the most terrible. He originally wanted to see Miss Luo Yan at the Louvre again, but now he's better. He returned to Yi Cui City, and I'm afraid he will never see Luo Yan again.

"Well, neither of you seems to be willing to come back!"

Seeing the expressions of these two subordinates, Yuan Feng shook her head and smiled. With the existence of blood curse, he certainly knows what his two subordinates are thinking!

"Be assured, since you have surrendered to me, then naturally I will not hand you over again, but now that I have arrived in Yicui City, I can't just leave with such empty hands, right?"

Tugging at the corners of his mouth, Yuan Feng flashed a shadow of Gao Zhensheng in his mind. He had never forgotten his previous experience, and fortunately his mother was promoted to the yin and yang environment in time. Otherwise, they may have been planted in the hands of Gao Zhensheng already. Therefore, of course, this revenge must be reported. of.

"Can't leave empty-handed? Young master means ..."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Gao Meng and Gao Hu both raised eyebrows, apparently also aware of Yuan Feng's meaning beyond the strings, but instead of not having any resistance, they were a little excited.

In the Gao family, the two of them are not directly connected. How Gao Zhensheng treats them is clearer than anyone else. Although they are obedient and obedient to Gao Zhensheng on weekdays, in fact, they do not know how many times they want Kill each other! Unfortunately, as long as they stay in the Gao family for a day, they must be honest and obedient.

If Yuan Feng really had a way to do something for the Gao family, they would be very willing to contribute, all in return for Gao Zhensheng.

"The two of you think of a way and are ready to contact Gao Zhensheng. This time, it will cost the guy something to say."

Yuan Feng didn't meander, she just expressed her thoughts and thought about the next arrangement. Since the Gao family is a big family relying on Cuicheng, it must be rich and oily. At present, he needs to feed a family. The most lacking is various resources. The Louvre has no way to continue Digging, but this Gao family, maybe you can dig something.

Gao Meng and Gao Hu did not contact the Gao family after being subdued by Yuan Feng. During this period, Gao Zhensheng naturally contacted them, but for the sake of insurance, they did not have any response to it. Their order.

At this moment, since Yuan Feng wants to deal with Gao Zhensheng, they are of course very willing to help. Having said that, even if they don't want to help, under Yuan Feng's order, shouldn't they be obedient?

Yuan Feng's strength, they have been taught. In just two years, Yuan Feng has grown to a state where they need to look up. This alone gives them full confidence in following Yuan Feng.

"Dream Chen, go, let's go inside and arrange something. It was time for Gao Zhensheng to let him know that it was great."

With a change of mind, Yuan Feng quickly figured out a way to deal with Gao Zhensheng, and the next time, he had to prepare carefully.

It should not be difficult for Gao Meng and Gao Hu to deceive Gao Zhensheng, but how to get the other person down instantly after deceiving the other person is the most important thing for him to consider.

In any case, it ’s all boundless. Here, he is absolutely not allowed to make any mistakes, and he must not be sloppy. Therefore, he must make sure everything is prepared before he tricks Gao Zhensheng. Only OK.

Gao Meng and Gao Hu began to study the excuses used to deceive Gao Zhensheng, while Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen returned to the dense forest, preparing to set up the Tianluodi net to wait for the target to throw the net.

This is the first time Yun Mengchen worked with Yuan Feng to count others. Her heart is inevitably a little excited, but unfortunately she can't help anything. The only thing she can do is not to trouble Yuan Feng, and to help Yuan Feng shook her flag and cheered.

Gao Zhensheng never thought that what happened two years ago was just the beginning. For him, what really killed him was just the beginning.

Yuan Feng has to tell everyone with practical actions, whether in the middle world or now in the higher world, there is no delusion, he is standing at the highest point and overlooking all beings.

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