The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1343: Materials are ready (one more)

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Luo Yan returned to the Louvre, and the whole Louvre finally restored peace. Those guys who have been thinking about the bounty, will have some disappointment when they learn that Luo Yan has returned.

Originally, they were still thinking of finding Luo Yan and receiving a reward of 100 million Yinyang Stone, but unfortunately there is no chance at all. I don't know how many people will complain about this.

Luo Yan did not go out easily after the return. It seems that this time the incident has made her have some resistance to the outside world. However, Luo Shixin is very satisfied with her performance.

Since this time, Luo Shixin is not really assured of Luo Yan. Therefore, he often splits his mind to observe the movement of the other party. When he sees Luo Yan concentrating in the secret room to cultivate and nurse, he is completely relieved and enters In retreat.

He can't blame him for being suspicious. After all, Luo Yan was rescued by a mysterious man. The matter is indeed weird everywhere. At least, he has to find out whether his daughter intentionally conceals himself or has another secret.

Judging from Luo Yan's performance during this time, maybe his daughter really didn't know what happened. In that case, he didn't have to stare at each other anymore and waste his energy.

It has been a full month since Luo Yan returned to the Louvre. During this month, Luo Yan was recuperated in a back room every day. She had never been out almost once. It was her palace. The guests patronized and gave various condolences and gifts.

On this day, Luo Yan's palace once again ushered in a wave of guests, and when meeting this wave of guests, Luo Yan couldn't help but look happy, and greeted them as soon as possible.

"Yaner has seen three uncles !!!"

Leaving the door in person, Luo Yan hurriedly saluted the three people in front of her, and these three guests were the three super-powerless men in the Louvre, that was, they acted with her at the beginning, and finally lived. Three people coming down.

"Haha, Yaner doesn't need to be polite. It seems that your girl should have recovered a lot during this time!"

Seeing Luo Yan greeted, the three strong men all showed a smile. They treat Luo Yan as if she were her daughter. Everyone likes it from the bottom of her heart, and it's happy to see each other.

"Thanks for the care of the three uncles, Yaner is no problem."

Smiling slightly at the three, Luo Yan's eyes were also very touched. In any case, the friendship between her and her elders could not be faked.

"Are these three uncles coming back from the outside? Why do they look so tired?"

While letting the three of them into the room, Luo Yan couldn't help looking at the three, and then asked with a little surprise. At this moment, the three Louvre powerhouses are obviously slightly tired, and it looks like they haven't rested for a long time.

"Haha, you girl are careful enough, yes, the three of us have just returned from the outside, come and see what we have brought you !!! Come out !!!"

Hearing Luo Yan's questions, the three strong men all laughed loudly. One of them took a step forward, laughing and raising their hands violently. Then, in the hall of Luo Yan, they appeared. There are four huge huge World of Warcrafts that are tied tightly. Each of them is now sealed, but it can't move.

"Well? This is ..."

When she saw the sudden appearance of the four huge Warcrafts in front of her eyes, Luo Yan's eyes lightened a little, and the whole person suddenly came to spirit. She had waited for this moment for a long time, and now she finally waited.

"Yan'er, these four Warcrafts were brought by the three of us to Wujia to help you. Each warcraft was captured by the three of us and the Wujia people in person, and they were repaired on the yin and yang I have already asked that these four Warcrafts are very effective for the restoration of vitality. I believe that with these four Warcrafts, your body can recover faster. "

One and a half old men among the three stepped forward and said to Luo Yanjie.

"Three uncles captured Warcraft by themselves? This ..."

After hearing the words of the three elders, Luo Yan couldn't help but look a little surprised, and couldn't help but feel a little apologetic and moved. Then she knew why the three looked so tired and apathetic, and they had been in trouble for a long time. This month, they were all catching Warcraft.

There are relatively few Warcrafts without arrogance, and powerful Warcrafts are rare and cunning. It is definitely not that difficult to get a Warcraft with yin and yang above two heads.

People in the yin and yang realm want to capture the Warcraft above the yin and yang realm, that is not even thought about. Only when they have reached the power of the Promise, can they capture the Warcraft in the yin and yang realm.

Now that the four heads of Warcraft in yin and yang were caught, the gods knew how many places the three had ran away. The thought of the three running around for her made her unbearable.

"Thank you three uncles for their kindness. I will always remember them."

Although this World of Warcraft was not really what she needed, the three of them found it for her, and this kind of charity was aimed at her.

"Haha, why are your children still polite with the three of us? Okay, these four Warcrafts have been sealed with strength, but it will not cause you any trouble and how to use them. Then you ask the master, The three of us will not give you any reference. "

They haven't heard that Warcraft can help the warriors to restore their vitality. They thought that this should be a special reason for Luo Yan's practice. Of course, they wouldn't ask more about this.

"Three uncles go back to rest quickly. After the three uncles have rested, the niece goes to please the three uncles."

A gift to the elders of the three Louvre Palace, Luo Yan thanked him sincerely.

"Yan'er, you can rest assured that your health is fine, and we will come to see you after we have rested." The three did not stay any more. After instructing Luo Yan, they retreated. Speaking of them, in the past month, they have really spent a lot of effort to capture these four Warcraft.

This is also their strong level. If you change to a person in the yin and yang realm, it is impossible to catch these four Warcrafts. Of course, even if they are, they have used a lot of relationships, otherwise just With the brute force of the three of them, they may not be able to get the four heads of Warcraft.

"The World of Warcraft with four heads in yin and yang should be able to make a difference, right ?!"

When the three left, Luo Yan couldn't help looking at the four huge Warcrafts in front of her. Of these four Warcrafts, three are big guys with full scales, and one has long coats of hair on and around them, which looks imposing. It's just that the big four-headed guys at the moment were all sealed up, and they were obviously severely damaged. So although the surface is pretty prestigious, it is virtually no threat.

"Stop !!!"

As soon as she thought about it, she first collected the four heads of Warcraft into her own body, then flashed her figure, and sat back on a reclining chair in the palace.

Warcraft has arrived, and what needs to be done next is how to get these four big guys into someone's hands. Although she has no one to follow now, it is absolutely impossible to shake out of the Louvre directly. After all, after experiencing the previous things, it is logical that she must act in a low-key manner.

"Let's notify Yuan Feng, let him come up with an idea !!!"

For a moment, Luo Yan couldn't think of a very good way. Anyway, the prerequisite is that she must not go out easily recently.

As soon as she was at ease, she immediately passed on the situation here through the connection of the blood curse and magic. The existence of the blood curse magic power is very clear in her heart, and as for the use of the blood curse magic power, of course she is also very clear.

At the same time, it is not far from the Louvre Palace in the depths of a mountain forest. There is not a very large hole here, and at this moment, it is this small hole. A small palace is lying in a mess. Among the rubble, it looks quite inconspicuous.

However, no one knows that this very small-looking palace has an unimaginable world inside, because this palace, almost the size of a skull, is the light dance palace of Yuan Feng.

Today, as Yuan Feng's strength has grown thousands of times, he is naturally more and more proficient in controlling the light dance palace. At first, he can reduce the light dance palace to a height of one person, and this will He was able to reduce the light dance palace to the size of the skull. In this way, the hiding of the light dance palace was undoubtedly more convenient.

In the humble little palace, at this moment, Yuan Feng was sitting cross-legged, frowning and thinking about things.

"I can't go out easily. In this case, I will send someone in. In short, these four powerful Warcraft, I must find a way to get out."

He has received a message from Luo Yan, knowing that the other party has prepared for him what he needs, but at this moment, Luo Yan is probably the object of the Louvre's key protection, which is obviously not suitable for him.

"Gao Hu, come here !!!"

For a moment, Yuan Feng's eyes lightened slightly, and then he suddenly moved his mind and recruited Gao Hu who was practicing in other spaces. The disciple of Gao, who had previously been subdued, had been completely tamed by him at this time, and was simply obedient.

"What does the young master command?"

"You go to the Louvre Museum and go directly to the main lady of the Louvre, Luo Yan. If the gatekeeper does not let you in, you are said to be Luo Yan's friend and have agreed with her.

Luo Yan has a lot of admirers, and there are often people to visit him. He will not let others' attention if he makes his own trip.

"Go to the Louvre? Looking for Miss Luo Yan?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's order, Gao Hu could not help expressing his expression, and the whole person was excited beyond words. See Miss Luo Yan, the young lady of the Louvre Museum. I am afraid that no one is unwilling to perform such a task!

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