The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1324: Dongtian Realm (second more)

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The Louvre's auction is still going on, and at this moment, the fourteenth auction item has already been auctioned. Seeing that the auction will soon be over half.

The fourteenth lot is a murderous, **** sword with a reserve price of seven million yin and yang stones. Of course, such a price was completely prepared by Luo Yan on the basis of the actual situation of this auction. In fact, the initial price of this blood-colored long knife was only five million yin and yang stones.

When this fourteenth auction item appeared, the first person to stand up and shouted was not someone else, but still one of the three young people, and when he spoke, he shouted 30 million Yin Yang The price of stone.

"Thirty million yin and yang stones, if no one raises the price, this pair of **** swords will be owned by this son."

Luo Yan's voice was heard throughout the audience, but received no response. Because at this moment, the entire auction venue is in a state of silence, and everyone's expression is weird.

Fourteen auction items, up to this moment, except for the first two and the sixth, all the other valuable treasures have been taken by these three young people, and the price of each treasure, It's the price that people don't even want to compete.

At this moment, the entire auction has really become a separate dialogue between the Louvre and the three young people. As for the others, they are almost all foils, not even foils.

Until now, obviously no one will doubt that these three guys are nurseries of the Louvre. No matter how big the Louvre is, they will never hire such a nursery!

"It seems that no one has increased the price. In this case, I also asked the son to come to power."

Luo Yan's complexion has also been very strange. Now that the auction is up, she also has a feeling of crying and laughing. Originally, she was always worried that this auction would be disrupted by these three guys. In order to change this situation, she also stole an auction item in the middle so that other people could bid.

It is a pity that the relief of that time did not extinguish the enthusiasm of the three people. In the next auction, these three guys actually accepted every baby she took out.

As an auctioneer, it was supposed to be happy that the baby had sold such a high price, but the fact was that she was really not happy at all.

"Where did these three guys come from? Do they really have a vein of yin and yang stone? But even a vein of yin and yang stone cannot be rich?"

More than a dozen pieces of horses are counted together, and the yin and yang stones spent by the three have exceeded 200 million. It is hard to imagine what kind of 200 million yin and yang stones. If you have 200 million yin and yang stones, it is enough to create a super strong family.

The main thing is that she didn't think the three guys had any intention of stopping at the auction. This is only the fourteenth auction item, and there are sixteen later. She is thinking about it now. Are the six auction items to be taken by these three guys as well? If that's the case, she really doesn't know if she should cry or laugh.

"Come on, the fifteenth auction ..."

Luo Yan has no way. People want to buy it, she can't help but sell it. After all, this is at the auction. As long as it is taken out, then everyone has the right to bid. This is the principle of the Louvre. Of course, nothing can be changed.

The auction outside was very weird, and at this moment, Yuan Feng in Qingwu Palace had reached a critical moment.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The sound of the seven mysterious caves is getting louder and louder. The cave days that Dantian turned into are also huge to an unimaginable moment, and the entire huge cave days have now become a silvery white, everywhere. Waving a special breath.

Yuan Feng felt that he had completely disappeared. In his consciousness, there was a haze everywhere. In this hazy environment, he seemed to be in the clouds and deep in the stars and the universe. The feeling is not good, but it is not bad.

"The human body is a shrinking universe. The ultimate in cultivation is to incorporate all things into the body. Based on oneself, open up one's own universe. This is the ultimate goal of every warrior."

Although he couldn't feel his existence, Yuan Feng was still able to think. When watching this hazy sight in front of him, there will always be a burst of enlightenment in his heart. Among these enlightenments, he seems to see a lot of principles of the road, and he seems to have figured out a lot Minutia.

Everything is not so simple, but it is so simple. One pass is one hundred passes. As long as one path is ideal, then naturally it is a matter of course. Otherwise, no matter how you demand it, there will be no good results.

"True martial arts skills are not fundamentally different from ordinary martial arts. Ordinary martial arts are to open up a large hole, and to shape a world with a large hole, while true martial arts are to open seven holes, and to make these seven Cave days are placed in a larger cave sky. In this way, the eight major cave days are 10%, and my body world is cave sky inside cave sky and cave sky outside cave sky. Such a situation is called inverse sky! "

Yuan Feng rarely has such an opportunity to think. The most important thing is that such thinking is simply something that cannot be encountered. No one can imagine. How important such thinking is for Yuan Feng. Meaning.

Frankly speaking, this kind of thinking about exploring the universe and the world is not at all reachable by people at the level of Yuan Feng, but the fact is that by virtue of the **** of the true martial arts, he actually entered into such thinking.


I do not know when, Yuan Feng's avatar has also appeared in the space where the deity is, and also entered this kind of thinking.

The avatar and the ontology are not completely the same. After so many years of development, the mind of the avatar has been independent and can think completely different from the ontology. At this moment, the deity and the avatar are thinking together, and naturally they can think about the problem. More comprehensive.

Of course, the avatar's body doesn't help each other, so strength is not very good. However, as long as Yuan Feng's deity can break through the realm of Dongtian Realm, the avatar will naturally rise to the heights and directly advance to Dongtian Realm.

Except that the avatar does not swallow the heavenly martial spirit, the rest is absolutely the same as Yuan Feng's deity. Once promoted to Dong Tian Jing, the avatar can also achieve the eight major cave days, and the strength will definitely not be worse than Yuan Feng's body.

As time goes by, Yuan Feng's deity and avatar have slowly floated, hanging quietly in the mid-air. Around them, silver and white energy flows around, and the entire huge space is filled with a very soft , But it is also a huge force.

Almost after the tea time, Yuan Feng's deity suddenly trembled. Then, a silver light suddenly rose from the top of his head and finally dissipated in the Qingwu Palace.

"True martial arts skills, don't break at this time, when will you stay?"


I do not know when, Yuan Feng's mind has broken through the layers of obstacles, see through all the hazy and illusory, and finally see everything in front of him.

"Boom boom boom boom boom !!!"

The seven mysterious caves began to sound almost at the same time. The sound of each one can be said to be earth-shattering, and with the sound of each sound, each mysterious cave began to change dramatically.


The darkened mysterious cave that was originally turning at a sudden speed stopped suddenly at this moment. There was no turning at all. The feeling was like seven high-speed rotating machines that suddenly stopped working. People feel weird.

However, if a super strong is present, you will find that at this moment, these seven mysterious caves are not stopped at all, but each mysterious cave has reached an extreme speed. In this extreme With rotation, outsiders can no longer see that they are still working.

"Well !!!"

The seven mysterious caves, like seven soap bubbles, suddenly started to explode one by one. After no blast, one mysterious cave disappeared and turned into a tiny little light spot. Instantly In time, all the seven huge mysterious holes disappeared and turned into seven extremely tiny light spots.

When there are no seven mysterious caves, there is no sound at all during the huge winter, but there are only seven bright light spots, which are still flickering.


However, this silence did not last long. At a certain moment, the seven light spots were as if they had completed a certain kind of brewing, and suddenly the light burst into full bloom. Then, the seven light spots began. The rapid growth, but no matter how the seven light spots grow, they will not intersect with each other. The feeling, like these seven light spots, is not in the same spatial dimension at all.

"Xuandonghuadongtian, Zhenwu magic, Ning !!!"

I do not know when, the seven light spots have been extended indefinitely. The final situation is like seven layers of silver-white light sheets stacked into seven layers. Each layer seems to be the same, but not the same.

What is the world like? Yuan Feng did not know it before, but now he understands it slightly. Judging from his newly opened seven caves, the world seems to be flat.


When seven layers of silver-white light sheets were stacked, Yuanfeng's body, a shocking energy wave rushed into the sky, at the same time, the energy pool that had been prepared for a long time now began to fierce The ground rolled up, and a large amount of energy poured into Yuan Feng's body like a Yangtze river.

The realm of caves and the sky that Yuan Feng had been waiting for for a long time finally completed the final sprint with the help of a transformed spirit fruit. At this moment, Yuan Feng finally ushered in a world-wide change.

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