The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1317: Thousands of bucks (three)

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Three unknown young people who were unknown to him were suddenly killed at the auction and repeatedly upset the auction. Even if others didn't feel anything wrong, Luo Yan who hosted the auction would definitely not feel anything. .

If it is just a coincidence that the three shot the first calculation of Yujia Yujinyan, it is definitely intriguing this time with Ouyang Xun.

Two auction items that are not worth so much, even sold nine million Yinyang stone, this is an abnormal thing, and these two auction items are also because of the same three talents This price is more intriguing.

Luo Yan is not the kind of person who does n’t want to see anything when she sees money. She is in charge of hosting the auction this time, of course, she has to control the rhythm of the entire auction. But completely destroyed by these three young men.

Both auction items were eventually sold at the price of nine million Yinyang stone. For this, the biggest beneficiary is of course the Louvre. Now, I am afraid that anyone who comes to participate in the auction will naturally go. One thing to think about is what exactly these three young people have to do with the Louvre.

If you do n’t think too much, but only on the surface, the current situation is almost obvious that the Louvre hired childcare to help raise the price of this auction, otherwise, who would be idle and do nothing like this What hurts others?

"Nine million yin and yang stones, if no one else bids, the seedlings of this Luanjing tree will belong to Ouyang."

Luo Yan still needs to carry on with the auction. Now that Ouyang Xun has already offered the price, of course, she will sell things to others. As for other things, she can't think too much now.

Even if these three young people are not good intentions, without evidence, she ca n’t treat the three of them. As for the misunderstanding, the Qing Dynasty Louvre clears itself, but it is not afraid to be framed. If there are really strong people coming to your door, they will tell you the truth.

Regardless, two nine million Yinyang stones have already been acquired. At this point, the Louvre has already made a big profit this time. As a host of the auction, the benefits she can get will naturally be too big. many.

"Oyang, please !!!"

When no one continued to speak, Luo Yan looked directly at Ouyang Xun in accordance with the rules, and then said a little apologetically.

There was indeed a trace of apology in her heart, but it should be more of a sympathy, but the price was screamed by the people themselves, and she didn't have to pay for the impulse of others.

Ouyang Xun has no solution at all. Like Yu Jinyan before, he has already been riding a tiger. Although nine million Yinyang stone is almost his entire net worth, at this moment, he has to harden. The scalp paid the money, and then took a little broken grass.

When he took the seedlings, Ouyang asked without saying a word. He is not like Yu Jinyan. The Yu family is very thick. Although there are many nine million yin and yang stones, it is not all of them. But for him, nine million yin and yang stones are almost all.

In other words, in the next auction, he no longer has any competitiveness. If it wasn't because the auction was not allowed to go in and out, then he really wanted to leave so secretly, leaving the province to stay unsightly.

"You guys, the third sale, everyone."

Luo Yan was not in a good mood, and her mood was affected to some extent. When the third auction was about to start, she obviously took a deep breath and adjusted her mood. Of course, unintentionally, she was watching the three of the crowd, and her heart was not calm.

She certainly didn't know the three, but it seemed that the three really came to help her raise the price. However, she is even more emotional. Neither herself nor the Louvre's predecessors will definitely make such a move. After all, this is a major issue related to the reputation of the Louvre.

Everyone knows that once the Louvre employs child care, the Louvre will never have to think about holding an auction again.

The other people in the venue also let go of things they shouldn't think about for a while, and returned to the mood of the auction, and vaguely, they could not help but look forward to the third auction item, or the third auction. stand up.

Is there any problem? The third auction should be clear. If these three people continue to stand up and make troubles, then anyway, it is almost certain that the purpose of these three guys is impure, and the Louvre An explanation must also be given.

"Look at the third auction, everyone." Luo Yan also seems to be looking forward to the third auction, so I don't say much at all. I just took the third auction and put it on the platform. , And did not even bother to render the atmosphere, it was directly exposed the red silk on the third auction.


The red silk was opened, and what was leaked was a very simple thick skin. The animal skin was covered with dense text and illustrations, which can be seen almost at a glance. This should be a secret book.

"The third auction item is a map of the Super Mysterious array. I believe many people have heard of this mysterious array and know the power of this mysterious array. Therefore, this array of fish and dragon array has a reserve price of 2 million. Yin Yang Stone. "

Luo Yan's voice spread softly, and everyone who heard her commentary looked slightly surprised.

"Fish dragon array? It turned out to be fish dragon array, good guy, even this ancient mysterious array has appeared, the Louvre is really going to pull out their old capital and sell it!"

Many people here are not unfamiliar with Yulongzheng. Of course, the so-called "no stranger" means that everyone has heard of this mysterious array, but I have really seen it. .

According to legend, the Yulong formation is an ancient mysterious formation, and the ten-percent formation has the ability to transform a carp into a dragon. Of course, this statement is bound to be exaggerated, but it also shows that this thing is really extraordinary.

"Three million yin and yang stones, and I hope you will give me some face."

Almost as soon as Luo Yan's shout came down, someone in the crowd immediately stood up and suddenly added a price of one million yuan.


When everyone heard that the fare was increased, everyone naturally looked at it subconsciously, and then the figure of a half-old man appeared in front of everyone.

"It is Master Wu Ci, good guy, even Master Wu Ci is here. It is really rare."

"It ’s really Master Wu Ci. Well, Master Wu Ci is the genius of Xuanzhen. Now he is a super Xuanzhen strong in the entire Heji City. He looks at this Xuanzhen map. It seems Don't try to grab others. "

"Grab? Hey, who dares to scramble, Master Wu Ci is a real Super Gen Xuan Master. His Gen Xuan array is so strange and invincible, although his own cultivation is only a yin and yang state, even if it is infinite. The strong do not dare to provoke easily. Who dares to rob him? "

"It seems that the real superpowers are coming soon!"

Some young people who have appeared before are in the end some gimmicks. Who are the real strong people who appear so early? However, with the auction going on, more and more powerful people must show up slowly.

Xuan Zhen Shi is in no delusional realm. That is not comparable to ordinary people. Everyone knows that if he offends a Xuan Zhen Shi, I am afraid he will not even know how he died.

"Hahaha, Master Wu Ci, I know that you are very interested in Xuanzhen, and you also need this fish and dragon array, but I also need this thing in Huahua Palace, so sorry, four million."

Good things are needed by everyone. There is more than one grand master of Xuanzhen. Among Heji City, there are countless masters of Xuanzhen, but some people are really proficient, and some are purely entertaining.

"Hua Gong, your Hua Hua Gong needs fish and dragons, and you can understand it from now on. In this case, let's fight for the financial strength today, I will give you five million."

The man named Wu Ci does not show weakness. He is the true master of the Xuan Zhen. He definitely likes all kinds of Xuan Zhen. Therefore, he will not take it easy for Yulong. People.

"It seems that Master Wu Ci is bound to win this Dragon Gate battle. In this case, I have 6 million Yin Yang Stones."

"Seven million!!"

Wu Ci really ignored it. He saw the fish and dragon formation today. It can be said that it is a difficult opportunity to find lanterns. If he misses it, he will certainly not sleep all day and all night.


Seeing that Wu Ci didn't even hesitate to hesitate, it was a direct increase in price.

"Hey, it seems that Master Wu Ci has really decided. In this case, I sell the big event face, this fish dragon array, I don't need Huahua Palace."

It is absolutely unwise to oppose a master of the mysterious master Xuan Zhen. At this time, announcing the withdrawal is arguably the most wise choice for the master of Huahua Palace.

"Thank you !!"

Seeing that the other party no longer competed with himself, Wu Ci also smiled gratefully, but stopped talking too much.

"I have 10 million yin and yang stones. I want this thing."

However, just when the master of the Huahua Palace and Wu Ci just ended the scramble, the familiar voice finally sounded in the expectation of countless people, and when they heard this time, everyone ’s His complexion became strangely weird.

Undoubtedly, it was not the others who spoke at this time, but the three young men who had broken two auctions. However, all three of them opened their eyes this time, and the price they shouted didn't seem to be so simple.

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