The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1300: Stronger shot (second more)

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The vicissitudes change, time and space flow, and in a blink of an eye, it is another three months to slip away inadvertently.

In the cloudless surroundings, the Ziyun Palace, as before, stands quietly in the center of the world of Ziyun City, like a king standing in the sky, smashing the world.

At this moment, behind the hands of the master of the Huayun Palace in the Ziyun Palace, he stood quietly on the moon platform of a palace in the Ziyun Palace, his eyes were looking straight ahead, as if he wanted to penetrate through layers of space and see countless The scene outside of time and space is the same.

"Is there such a thing? I still can't perceive the imprint of my heart in the space-time boat?"

At this time, the main face of the Huadai Hall was low, obviously very angry. As one of the masters of the top ten palaces of the Ziyun Palace, he has always been unfavorable. He can do whatever he wants, and there is almost no failure.

However, a few years ago, he experienced a fiasco in the secret collection of the Five Elements. The fiasco at that time made him pay a small price, and finally suppressed the incident.

Now, he felt the location of the Five Elements God Crystal again. Originally, he thought that the time had come, and the opportunity to become a **** had already appeared. Unfortunately, even when he was almost sure, he had such a change.

Being a **** is not easy. Every strong person who can achieve the realm of God needs an opportunity to become a god. Without this opportunity, no matter how hard you work and how talented you are, it is impossible to achieve everything. God's Realm.

Half a year ago, he sent his five great disciples, and even gave them five with the space-time boat he carried. Unfortunately, to this day, not only did he not wait for the five great disciples to return to life with what he wanted, but instead It is impossible to even feel where the space-time boat is.

"No one dared to betray me. It should not be their five problems. It seems that they should be in big trouble!"

After waiting for more than half a year without waiting for the return of the five men, the master of Hua Di Palace found the imprint of the mind that he had left in the space-time boat through the connection of the mind, which he could never have imagined. However, in his induction, the mental imprint in the space-time boat apparently no longer exists.

"Somewhere in the middle world, it is impossible for anyone to be Xia Er's opponent. Is it possible that their whereabouts have been discovered and that other people have joined it?"

Theoretically speaking, in the half year time, the five people in Yan Yan should definitely return to life, and since the other person did not return, it is obviously an error.

People in the middle world cannot cause trouble for the five, so the only explanation is that the whereabouts of the five were found by others, and stronger people were sent to destroy them.

The top ten palaces of the Ziyun Palace have always been in a situation of open fighting. At first, he wanted to get the five elements of the crystals because other people were stalking them. This caused the five gods to be dropped from under the eyelids, and this time, maybe it was also This situation.

Five people left that day, and he escorted him in person and covered it up, but he was not allowed to notice his actions. Such a possibility is undoubtedly quite considerable.

It is a pity that his strength today cannot go to the middle world at all, because once he goes to the lower bounds, his power will be infinitely limited. If any danger is encountered, it is really worth the money. Otherwise, he really wants to personally A trip to the lower bounds solved everything one by one.

"Well, it seems that we can only send stronger people, no matter what the outcome is, we have to figure it out."

With his eyes narrowed, the master of Huadian Hall suddenly raised his hand, and there was a buzzing sound between his fingers, and almost immediately when the buzzing sound spread between his fingers, a middle-aged man appeared in Behind him.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

The middle-aged man seems to be always behind the Lord of the Huadian Hall. When he appears, he speaks softly to the Lord of the Huayuan Hall.

"Before this seat, five Yan Yan men were sent to the middle world to perform the task, but now they have not returned. I want you to bring a few more people. One is to get the Yan Yan five people back. The other is to ask the seat. Bring things back, this is the star map, which has a general orientation. "

When the voice fell, when the master of Huadai Palace raised his hand, he lost a scroll directly to the other party. The star map is very precious to ordinary people. However, there is a full map of the star map in Ziyun Palace. He can print as many copies as he wants.

"Medium world? This ..."

However, just as the words of the master of Huadai Hall fell, the look of the middle-aged man could not help but change slightly, and the whole man was a little hesitant.

Where is the middle world, of course he cannot fail to know. In the middle world, the rules of the world do not allow the superpowers to mess up at all. Even his cultivation, there will be many restrictions in the middle world. Therefore, if this trip is continued, the risk to him is not ordinary.

"Why, is there a problem?" Seeing the other party hesitated, the owner of the Palace of God of Falcon frowned, after a little hesitation, he continued, "This trip will not let you run for nothing, as long as you bring them back Five, and get back what I want, then when you come back, you will be my deputy chief of the Liuhe Temple, and I will open a secret for you and give you an opportunity. "

"What? The Vice Hall Master?"

When the voice of the Lord of the Hua Di Palace dropped, the middle-aged man's expression suddenly shook, and shock and excitement flashed across his face.

The top ten palaces of the Ziyun Palace, each palace has a palace master and two deputy palace masters, the Huali hall master's Liuhe hall, has always vacated a seat of the vice palace master, and for this seat, I don't know how many people Are thinking about it.

Vice-lord, that is not as simple as an empty title. Everyone knows that once you have the title of vice-lord, you will have a chance to enter the secret place, and the secret place of Ziyun Palace is the entire Ziyun City. The most mysterious and most treasured place, once he enters cultivation, it will certainly have unimaginable benefits for his future.

"Don't worry, even if I lost my life, I will bring back the main things of the temple and find five of them."

Under the reward, there must be a brave man. With such tempting conditions, he has no reason to refuse, and has no courage to refuse. After all, he has now reached a bottleneck and has only entered the secret environment of the Ziyun Palace. He It was possible to go further, and at that time, he would almost be qualified to sit on an equal footing with the Lord of the Ten Halls.

"It's good to have confidence. The space-time boat of this seat was taken away by Yan Yan, but you should also have your own space-time boat. Don't hide it. From now on, that space-time boat, you think You can use it whatever you want. I won't mind. "

To the middle-aged man, he twitched the corners of his mouth, and the master of Hua Di Dian said with a smile.

"This ... Thank you, Lord."

Hearing the words of the Lord of Hua Di Palace, the middle-aged man couldn't help but look dull, and his eyes couldn't help flashing a little panic.

When performing the mission again, he concealed a space-time boat privately when he collected the loot and paid it to the public. He thought he made everything seamless, but now it seems that the matter has already been taken by Huayin Hall. The Lord knows. Fortunately, the other party has something to ask him to do, otherwise he really doesn't know how to explain it.

"This is what I want you to find, you know what you want. Go, remember to bring a few more hands, if there are people in other palaces dare to come out and disrupt the situation, huh !!!"

This time he sent the other party to the middle world, he just made it clear that he would no longer hide it, but with the other party ’s cultivation, the other nine palaces would never dare touch it easily.

"His, Shen Jing?" When he saw the thing taken out by the master of Hua Di Palace, the middle-aged man suddenly looked for a moment, apparently he did not expect that what the other party asked him to look for turned out to be this baby.

Of course, he was also one of the participants in the original five great gods, and he is more aware of the preciousness of the five great gods than others.

"Please also ask the Lord of the Temple to give me a satisfactory answer in the next time."

With a stern look, the middle-aged man was obviously full of confidence. His strength has now reached an extreme. Except for the Lord of the Ten Halls, no one can pose a threat to him, and he really does not believe it. The rest People in the nine palaces dare to oppose him.

In the Ziyun Palace, although he has no status, he knows secretly that he is the super master of the Huadian Hall master, who is second only to the Deputy Hall Master, who dares not to live with him. It no longer exists. .


He arched his hand in front of the main hall of Huaying Hall, but Luo Yun no longer hesitated. His body flickered, and he disappeared directly. At this time, he must choose a few good helpers. If you want to see the rewards he will get this time, those who are willing to go with him must be in a queue waiting for orders.

"Good things are awash, and the fact that the five **** crystals could be found at first proves that they will all be mine after all. I'll see who can take them away !!"

When Luo Yun left, a glimmer of fierceness flashed across the face of the Lord of Hua Di.

Five five-element **** crystals, he now controls one, and as long as this one **** crystal is in hand, then he is not afraid of the other four **** crystals outflow, one day, he will get another four **** crystals , Achieve the supreme state of God that no one can rival.

"Yan Yan, the five of you are best not to do anything wrong, otherwise ..."

He was also clear in his heart that apart from accidents, he did not rule out the possibility that the five men would guard the burglary, and if that happened, he would never condone it.

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