The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1295: Different sights (one more)

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There were five people in Ziyun Palace, three were subdued, and one was sealed. As for the escaping look, I do n’t know where they fled. However, no matter where the other person fled, he will not be against Yuan Feng for a while. What a threat.

After the fall of the realm, Yan Xuan is also a stronger person who creates creatures, and a person who creates creatures is obviously nothing in front of Yuan Feng, a strong man with eight giant creatures.

According to Jiang Qingwu's speculation, the face analysis at this time should be hiding in some cosmic space in the middle world, and it will definitely not run out for a while. After all, he who falls must be a lot. A lot of time can only stabilize the realm of the moment.

In this regard, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu were obviously not very concerned. Almost after Yan An escaped, they shot again, and the target of the shot was, of course, the two masters of Yingsha Palace and Yunxi. The two lords of the sect.

For these four people, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu are also not polite. For their own future, these four people must be resolved. Right or wrong is no longer important now.

The first person to be followed by Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu was the two from Yunxi Sect, and under the pressure of eight giants of the Xuan Zhen who created the realm, there were no accidents between the two Yunxi Sect masters. Become the loser of Jiang Qingwu's men. In the end, Yuan Feng still used the ultimate mystery of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array to rehabilitate the duo to ruthless playing back to the level of Dong Tianjing.

Of course, instead of beating and killing the two, they could save their lives. This is actually a net opening. You know, the current Yuan Feng does not need their subordinates at all. If it is not for good intentions, Wouldn't it be more convenient and quick to wipe them out? And it will never die.

After the realm of the two fell, Yuan Feng unwillingly conquered the two. At first, the two suzerains were a little unwilling, but after meeting the three strong men in Ziyun Palace, they were conquered by Yuan Feng. And they have nothing to complain about.

After winning the two main lords of the Yunxi sect, Yuan Feng hit his idea on the two main lords of the Yingsha Palace. It is a rare opportunity to deceive these powerful men of the good fortune into the mysterious formation. This is a rare opportunity. You must know that no one in the good fortune will allow yourself to fall into the mysterious formation of others.

The two in the Shadow Shag Palace didn't want to die any more, so when Yuan Feng ran the ultimate mystery of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, they had surrendered, and until the last two of them fell down, they also Nothing radical was done.

After conquering the two main palace masters of Yuansha Palace, Yuan Feng did not throw the two directly to the side this time, but met the two very politely. Of course, it was not the one who really met the two. He, but his mother Jiang Qingwu.

"Hehe, the Lord of Luochuan Palace, the Lord of Luobei Palace, we never expected that we would meet again in such a way. It is really impermanent!"

At this moment, Jiang Qingwu's smile was really filled with emotion.

As a former person of the Star Palace, she is certainly no longer familiar with the two main lords of the Shadow Palace. Although there is no friendship, everyone is familiar with each other, but it is unexpected that today, their Identity has undergone such a dramatic change.

"Jiang Qingwu? How could it be you?"

The two main palace masters of Shadowshade Palace couldn't believe their eyes at the moment. When Yuan Feng showed them here and saw Jiang Qingwu in front of them, they thought they were dazzled.

But now it seems that everything in front should be true.

"Oh, why can't it be me? This is my child's mysterious space. Is it strange that I appear here?"

Ripped his lips, Jiang Qingwu took a few steps in the last issue, and carefully looked at the two in front of him. When was this time, these two are in the ranks of lifeless creation and realm that are not delusional, and they can be regarded as scary characters, but now, both of them have returned to the cave heaven, but they are a little threat. No more.

More importantly, these two guys are now the servants of their sons. As long as their son has an idea, these two guys will be wiped out.

"What? You, what do you say?"

When Jiang Qingwu's words came down, the heads of the two shadow-shaking palaces were completely unable to turn their heads.

"You two, listen, this is my mother. If you want to come, you all know it. From now on, you will call me a young master, and for my mother, you will be called the master, do you know?"

Just between the two gods, Yuan Feng on the side had already reached Jiang Qingwu's side, and Shen Sheng was facing the two.

He had already finished conquering the two before, and the rules had been told to the two. The two guys at this moment were absolutely obedient to him.

"This this………"

After listening to Yuan Feng's words, the Luochuan two did not understand the situation before them, and they were in trouble for a long time. The young man who trapped them and finally subdued them turned out to be Jiang Qingwu's son.

After learning this fact, the two really did not know how to describe their feelings, thousands of emotions, and finally turned into a shock and a deep helplessness.

As Jiang Qingwu said, things are impermanent. Since they can get to where they are today, why can't they become servants of Jiang Qingwu's children? Figured this out, nothing seems surprising.

"It doesn't matter if the master is not the master. You two, in the future, remember to take good care of my family, Fenger. If you collect everyone, you will know each other. After Fenger's mastery is completed, you will be restored as soon as possible.

Shaking her head, Jiang Qingwu didn't want to hear the two call her master. Speaking, she might feel very uncomfortable when she heard them call her master.

"Hey, I didn't think of it. At the beginning, our five palaces were working together, but in the end, the biggest winner was ... hey!"

Perhaps because of a more familiar relationship, Luo Chuan was not too afraid of Jiang Qingwu, but at this moment, after thinking about some things, his heart was inevitable.

Obviously, the person who stole his **** crystal before is definitely the mother and child of Jiang Qingwu, and judging from the enthusiastic situation of the people in the Ziyun Palace, Jiang Qingwu's body is probably not only his Yingsha Palace. A **** crystal is.

"All things are destined, the only thing I am different from you is that I have a good son."

Picking the corner of his mouth, Jiang Qingwu's face was full of pride. Her heart is the clearest. In fact, to be able to reach this stage today, her role is only to assist, and it is Yuan Feng who always plays a leading role.

Putting aside far and close, just like this time, if it wasn't for Yuan Feng to arrange such a powerful array, then no matter how strong her strength is, it would never be possible to win so many good creatures. .

"By the way, thank you both this time. If it weren't because of the sea of ​​energy in the Shadow Palace, this mysterious array would definitely not have the power it is now. of."

It seemed that he wanted to play with the two of them intentionally, and Jiang Qingwu suddenly raised his eyebrows, and then said sincerely.

"Well, you're welcome !!!"

Hearing the words of Jiang Qingwu, Luochuan and Luobei really felt a little crying. For a long time, they were arrested for this reason.

"Okay, there is nothing for you here. Go down and take care of it!"

At the end of the narrative, Yuan Feng no longer continued to waste time, and raised his hand a little while talking, directly throwing the two in the Shadow Shark Palace into a certain space in Qingwu Palace, and temporarily placed him under house arrest.

"It's clean now, and eight people who have created a realm of realm and a strong person of the realm of yin and yang have been abolished at once, really enjoyable!"

When only himself and his mother were left, Yuan Feng couldn't help but stretch a lazy waist with a cozy look.

This battle has come to an end now, and it can finally be described as a great victory. Although running away from the analysis, the opponent's cultivation has fallen to a level, and there will not be too much threat for a while.

"Oh, don't say so much. Hurry up and take out the space-time boat. The time left for us is not enough!"

Seeing Yuan Feng's relaxed expression, Jiang Qingwu could not help but smile, and then quickly reminded.

"Yes, yes, there is still a tricky thing that hasn't been studied yet, let me study this thing thoroughly before talking about it." Being reminded by Jiang Qingwu, Yuan Feng hurriedly raised his hand to take out the space-time boat.


The dark space-time boat appeared, but it suddenly flashed a light that could not be concealed. With this, you can see the preciousness of this thing.

"Good baby, but the breath on it is really annoying!"

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng's gaze looked seriously and seriously above this Shenzhou, but, while watching, he could not help but feel a little dignified. He could feel that this Shenzhou obviously had its own master, and that it would take some effort to own it and use it for himself.

"The three of you come out and tell me something about this."

Feeling the dangerous atmosphere above the space-time boat, Yuan Feng groaned a little, and then suddenly raised her hand and recruited the three members of Dong Han from the Ziyun Palace directly.

"Have seen the young master !!!"

The three major Ziyun Palace disciples appeared, and they bowed to Yuan Feng the first time, and spoke respectfully.

"No need to worry about the other, for the time being, the three of you, tell me about this space-time boat!" He waved his hands, Yuan Feng didn't go around with the three, and opened the door to see the mountain.

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