The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1279: Snatch (one more)

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In the dry light world, on the endless snowy ice fields, in an area that looks like there is no strangeness at this time, an unimaginable battle is taking place. Of course, it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is a big war, because in this battle, there is absolutely no suspense on the one hand.

The shape of a woman, and a giant mysterious giant, constantly walked around a huge palace, and every time they shot, a powerful man was directly captured and then followed by young The efficiency of earning one's money in one's own body is really frightening.

"203, ha ha ha, mother, we have already captured 203 people who have completed the Great Heaven Realm. At this moment, there are only three people who have completed the Great Heaven Realm waiting for us to capture. As long as we catch these three, we can enter the Shadow Fiend Palace and capture all the people inside! "

In the illusory mysterious space, Yuan Feng's laughter kept spreading, showing his joy at this moment. No way, he can't be unhappy at this moment, because in just a few minutes, he has captured more than 200 people who have achieved great success in the cave world. This kind of harvest is He never had it before.

At the beginning, he wanted to capture a few people who had great success in the cave world, but he needed to find ways to capture them one by one, but now it is better. The more than two hundred cave worlds brought by Ziyun Palace are great Or, they all gathered together to wait for his calculations. This was simply delivered to the door, and it could even be said to be the fat that came to his mouth.

It is conceivable that within a long period of time, he will not be able to enjoy such treatment, so he cannot help cherishing this harvest.

"Are there three more? Time is short, we need to enter the Shadow Shark Palace soon. In this case, all three will be done all at once, go !!!"

Seeing the joyful expression of her son, Jiang Qingwu was also happy from the bottom of her heart, and she suddenly released her mind when she spoke, and instantly found the last three people who had not been captured by them. Immediately, she suddenly raised her hand and hit three bright matches directly.

"Buzz !!!!"

After using Hong Haitian ’s physical energy, Jiang Qingwu ’s strength has really been improved too much. Under this grasp, at the moment, the three people who have completed the Heavenly Realm have almost no resistance. It was caught by her directly and brought to Yuan Feng's immediate front, and the other party was directly included in Qingwu Palace.

This is in the space of mysterious formation, her strength can be greatly increased, and the strength of the opponent will be greatly weakened. After a long period of time, these people who have a great hole in the sky have no ability to resist at all.

"Two hundred and six, Yu, I suddenly got so many people who have completed the Heaven Realm. It seems that this time, Ziyun Palace really wants to complete us! Hahaha!"

After the last three successful people started, Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing again.

The people of the 206-hole Great Heaven Realm can almost create six mysterious giants who created the realm, and such a quantity is to him, but in the past, he could not even imagine it. It can be foreseen that with the joining of these six mysterious giants, even if he meets the five masters of Ziyun Palace, he is not without any hope.

"Fenger, now is not the time to be happy, let's settle this shadow shaman together, then quickly leave the place and step up to conquer these guys."

Jiang Qingwu kept awake at all times, and she knew the power of Ziyun Palace best, so she was not as optimistic as Yuan Feng. For her, the six or seven giants of the Xuanjin Realm are not qualified to compete with the behemoths of the Ziyun Palace. After all, in the Ziyun Palace, there are too many of them.

"The baby understands, and also asks her mother to break the shadow house, let's go in and kill it."

With a smile, Yuan Feng naturally understood that this was not the time to celebrate. It was only the first time that he had conquered so many strong men, and he had some difficulties in controlling himself.

"You know it." Nodded, Jiang Qingwu's eyes turned to the shadow **** palace controlled by the mysterious space, but there was a hint of joy in his eyes. "This shadow **** palace Among the five palaces, it can be regarded as a very good one, but Fenger saw it. This shadow **** palace is always drawing strength from the ground? "

"Well? Draw strength from the underground world?"

After listening to Jiang Qingwu's words, Yuan Feng also couldn't help but feel the situation of Yingsha Palace carefully, only to discover that it seems that this huge palace is always absorbing external forces into the palace at all times, just like Like lifting a huge gold suction machine, the end is very strange.

"I've heard that the Shadow Shark has such a function that it can draw outside energy and store it in the energy pool of the Shadow Shark. It seems that this time, our little eight can enjoy it quickly, and then produce a large amount of money. Here comes the Warcraft army! "

She has heard before that there is an energy pool in the Shadow Shark Palace, which is the energy absorbed by the Shadow Shark Palace from all over the years. If this is true, then they must be able to get A lot of energy!

"There is such a thing? Mother, let's do it quickly. If you want to come to this Shakespeare Palace, there should be some antiques that are not born, even if there are three or five."

In any case, he has to decide on this Shakespeare Palace. If this thing is incorporated into his Qingwu Palace, then his Qingwu Palace can grow unimaginably and even more. An ability to absorb energy!


Jiang Qingwu was extremely popular. Almost immediately after Yuan Feng's words fell, her golden Chixiao sword was taken out by her directly, and a sword was cut down at Yingsha Palace.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" The golden swordmang was chopped over the shadow-shaking palace. This huge palace has no bearing capacity at all, but it has a huge gap.

"Go in !!!" A rift appeared, Jiang Qingwu took the lead, and went straight to the interior of Yingsha Palace to kill, while Yuan Feng and Xuan Zhen Giants followed closely and did not hesitate to kill them.

The closed inner space of Yingsha Palace is also in Yuanfeng's Xuanzhen space. The strongest inside can not even run away. Soon, with the joint efforts of Jiang Qingwu, the Xuanzhen Giants, and Yuan Feng, the entire Shakespeare Palace, wherever Xiu Xiu reached the cave, they became their prisoners.

Not to mention Jiang Qingwu, even the Xuanjin Giants who created the realm, it is as easy as the eagle to catch the chicks when they pick up the cave heavens, and when Yuan Feng shot, those cave heavens were under great consummation Guys, there is no fighting back.

Somewhat unfortunately, after capturing the entire Great Perfectionist from the Shadow Shag Palace, Yuan Feng captured only five people who had achieved great success.

Among these five, one is Shadow Elder's Elder Shadow One, and four are retreats who have been impacting the realm of creation for a long time. Unfortunately, all of them became Yuan Feng at this time. The prisoners under the ranks have no chance to continue to study the realm of creation.

Counting these five, Yuan Feng's Dongtianjing great control is in the hands of 211, but the number of elders in the Dongtianjing of Yingsha Palace is very good. As many as three hundred people.

After capturing all the people in Yingsha Palace, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu were the first to find the energy pool in Yingsha Palace, and there is a master of Jiang Qingwu, and soon, Yingsha Palace The energy pool was found by the mother and son.

"It's a huge energy pool. The energy in it is like an ocean. It's amazing. It's really amazing!"

Standing in the sky above the ocean, Yuan Feng's eyes were filled with incredible colors, and on his face, an unusually excited smile had already appeared.

In the eyes, there is a huge space almost similar to half of the Tianlong dynasty. It is quietly located at the bottom of the Shadow Palace. In such a huge space, there is a sea of ​​energy that is more than ten meters deep. Every trace of energy is absolutely incomparably pure, just like the hard and condensed energy of the master of cave heaven.

An ocean of energy on this scale, Yuan Feng believes that even if ten people in the realm are here, it is impossible to use up the energy here at once, and such a huge amount of energy, God knows how much can be produced by Xiaoba Cave heaven came Warcraft.

"It is indeed an appalling energy reserve. No wonder Yingshag Palace has always been self-sufficient. With such a huge accumulation of energy, where do they need to worry about energy?"

Jiang Qingwu was also shocked enough. She always wondered why her strength was not as good as the Shadow Palace of the Star Palace, and she could be as famous as the other four palaces in Wulei. Now it seems that there is no reason for it. of.

At least, this sea of ​​energy is absolutely absent from the Star Palace and other palaces.

"Fenger, it's not too late. First think of a way to incorporate this shadowshade palace into Qingwu Palace. When we have time, let's slowly study this palace and see how to integrate it into Qingwu Palace and keep it. This ability to draw energy. "

They do n’t have time to think so much. Although things happened in the Xuanzhen space, no information will be transmitted. However, the strong men in Ziyun Palace are looking for their whereabouts. They found out what clues came and eventually found them, so they had to make a quick decision.

"Although it is a bit bigger, we can divide it a bit. Anyway, this palace will also be integrated into the Qingwu Palace."

Having glanced at the entire large palace, Yuan Feng gritted his teeth, which directly decided to disintegrate the Shadow Shark Palace and turn it into the Qingwu Palace after a period of time. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for him to earn this palace. Inside Qingwu Palace.

"Okay, just do as Fenger wants!"

Jiang Qingwu didn't have any opinion, and in the middle of speaking, he started to destroy his sword with his sword. Obviously, it won't be long before this shadowshade palace has to say goodbye to the world!

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