The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1260: The husband sings with the wife (two more)

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Mu Yuner took Danxiazong back. Yuanfeng didn't make any stay. He went straight to Qingzongzong. But this time he had more than one person.

Yuan Qing is almost familiar with Qingzong Sect, because at this moment, among the Qingzong Sect, there are two cave heavens and five heavens under his control, which are used to protect Yunmengchen. .

When Yuan Feng came outside the Qingzong ancestors, the two Dongtianjing Wuzhong Heaven's subordinates appeared from the dark for the first time, respectfully came to Yuan Feng.

"The two of you have worked hard this time. These are your rewards. You can't keep you guarding for so many days."

Seeing two Dongtianjing and Wuzhongtian's subordinates, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a bit of satisfaction, and two good babies were taken out during the conversation and thrown to the two.

"Thank you Master for your reward. It's an honor for both of us to do things for less."

Two Dongtianjing and Wuzhongtian's subordinates did not resign. Of course, they did not dare not accept the things that Yuan Feng gave them. Moreover, the things that Yuan Feng shot were obviously real treasures, which was definitely a great complement to them. s things.

Speaking of them, they are really very relaxed during this time. In places like the Tianlong Dynasty, they have no threat at all. The so-called guardian Yun Mengchen is actually nothing more than guarding against outsiders. Among them, is there any trouble to dare to find Yun Mengchen without opening his eyes?

"Well, this is not the time for you to show loyalty, go back to practice first, I hope you can continue to contribute to me in the future, go!"

Nodded his head, Yuan Feng stopped talking, and when he raised his hand, he was able to collect all of them into Qingwu Palace, and his mind was directly into the depths of Qingzong.

"It's really hard work. It's only been a long time before I can see that it has reached the end of the Dandan Great Concession. It seems that I have encountered a bottleneck !!"

When the heart penetrated into the Qingzong ancestor, Yuan Feng found the place where Yunmengchen was. At the moment, the latter was retreating in a secret room, apparently attacking the realm of annihilation, but watching her The situation seems to be a little lacking in the heat. If it impacts the annihilation, I am afraid that it will be somewhat difficult.

"The foundation is fairly solid, but this time the impact of annihilation, even if it succeeds, I am afraid it will affect the future potential, so stop for a while and let the mother personally help her to level up."

Feeling Yun Mengchen's situation, Yuan Feng no longer thought about it, and her body disappeared in a flash. When he showed up again, he was already in a quiet back room, and at this moment, there was only one young woman sitting quietly in the entire back room, but his expression was very serious.

"Well, it's really hard work, but it's not very suitable for such seedlings to promote it!"

Looking at the familiar person in front of him, Yuan Feng hugged his hands and shoulders, but quietly appreciated. It is impossible for Yun Mengchen to feel his presence. Before the other party wakes up, he can admire the pleasant person in front of him.

To tell the truth, of the many women he has met, Yun Mengchen's looks are not the most beautiful and the figure is not the best. However, no matter what kind of woman, it is impossible to replace Yun Mengchen in his mind Status, this, will not change at any time.

Yunmeng Chen is the first woman after he came to this world, and maybe the only one. As a man, he knows what he should do most!

"Well, industrious little princess, you can stop and rest for a while."

After watching it for a long time, Yuan Feng emerged from the space, and at the same time she spoke gently to the woman in front.


The sound suddenly made Yun Mengchen, who sat cross-legged, suddenly opened her eyes, and when she opened her eyes and saw the familiar figure in front of her, a touch of excitement was uncontrolled. Climbed onto her face.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't you have a welcome hug?"

Seeing Yun Mengchen opened his eyes, Yuan Feng couldn't help but open his arms and smiled.

"Well !!!"

Almost immediately when Yuan Feng's voice fell, Yun Mengchen's figure suddenly flashed slightly, appearing directly in Yuan Feng's immediate vicinity, without any mention, he was directly integrated into Yuan Feng's embrace. .

"Well, I'll come back soon, but let people wait so long."

Holding his hands tightly around Yuan Feng's waist, Yun Mengchen placed his chin on Yuan Feng's shoulders, a little bit weird.

When Yuan Feng left before, she said that she would be back soon, but she went there for such a long time. During this time, she didn't stop worrying for a moment, otherwise, she wouldn't stay until It has not yet broken through to the realm of annihilation.

"Something happened, so it took a while, but am I not back now?"

Gently stroking Yun Mengchen's blue silk, Yuan Feng's heart was full of endless love and compassion. Holding Yun Mengchen is totally different from holding Mu Yuner.

Mu Yuner is his sister. He just wants the other party to be happy and not to be sentimental because of him, so this can meet the requirements of the other party as much as possible. However, he controls himself every moment, controls that degree, and never let himself go too far.

However, holding Yun Mengchen is not the same. This is his woman, a woman no one can replace. Holding her, he is like holding the whole world.

"Are you leaving?"

Of course, Yun Mengchen didn't really blame Yuan Feng. She knew that Yuan Feng was definitely carrying a lot of risks on this trip, otherwise he wouldn't tell her those words when he left.

"Don't go, from now on, I will never leave you easily again." He straightened Yun Mengchen from his arms, Yuan Feng reached out and combed each other's hair, and then on Yun Mengchen's forehead. Gently kissed.

"Speak to count, from now on, you must not leave me casually." Enjoying the tenderness of Yuan Feng at this moment, Yun Mengchen became relaxed, leaving Yuan Feng to hold himself and move Don't want to move.

"Relax, from now on, no matter where I go, I will let you stay with me."

Today, he is very tyrannical, and he has an artifact like Qingwu Palace. Even if he encounters a powerful creature, he can have no fear. From now on, it will be nothing to bring Yun Mengchen by his side. Big deal.

After listening to Yuan Feng's promise, Yun Mengchen couldn't help but smile a little and snuggle back into Yuan Feng's arms, but he didn't say a word, just enjoying the warm feeling.

Once upon a time, she thought of immersing herself completely in the cultivation, forgetting everything else, and then took over the entire Qingzong Sect, becoming the next Qingzong Sovereign, and she continued to grow old.

However, she has already changed her mind now. For her, only staying with Yuan Feng and seeing Yuan Feng's smile all day is the life she most hopes to enjoy, so do n’t Said to be the Qingzong lord, even if she was given the seat of a ruler of the Tianlong dynasty, she could not raise any interest.

This hug lasted a little more than half a day. Of course, at the end of the hug, although the two still cling to each other, they started to talk about the sky.

Yuan Feng naturally told Yun Mengchen about her mother. When she learned that Yuan Feng had a powerful mother, Yun Mengchen was undoubtedly surprised for a long time, and she was inevitably nervous. stand up.

According to Yuan Feng, his mother was very strong, and no one in the entire Tianlong dynasty could compare to it, and she had some pressure on such a high existence.

Yuan Feng's excellence does not need anyone to say, and if she wants to get together with Yuan Feng, I am afraid that she will have to stand the test of Yuan Feng's mother. Frankly, she was really worried that her qualifications were not enough and she would not be recognized by the other party.

Of course, Yuan Feng doesn't care about these details. He knows best that his mother has absolutely no insight. As for the strength, it is not even a problem.

"Dream Chen, after you go back this time, you will have more contacts with your mother. With your mother's strength and means, you will surely be able to advance to Dongtian Realm earlier. By then, your cultivation will really exceed me!"

I thought Yuan Feng had said to Yun Mengchen at that time, maybe after a while, her cultivation would really surpass him, but now it seems that this is really not impossible.

"Eun, I will definitely do my best and try to make my aunt like me."

Taking a deep breath, Yun Mengchen was ready. No matter what kind of test she was waiting for, she would let her mother-in-law be very satisfied with her.

"Mengchen, say hello to Master Xiuxiu later, and also, you'll have to bring up Chen Chen and Ling Fei later. From now on, they don't have to stay here to practice, Danxia Zongna. The cultivation conditions on the side are much stronger than here. "

After discussing their own affairs, Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen confirmed the situation of other people, such as Chu Yanchen and Ling Fei, both of whom he sent to the Qing Emperor Sect. Now they naturally have to take it back to practice. Yes, there is no way. The Qingzong Zong is too small and too small. It is impossible for the practice here to have much development.

"Well, I'll go find them, and then say goodbye to the master." Yun Mengchen didn't have any problems. At this moment, she no longer thought about anything. What Yuan Feng said, she would do it, nothing more. That's it.

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