The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1253: Take a break (three)

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Five five-element **** crystals, Yuan Feng has already got four. After mastering the four **** crystals originally, he should be able to determine the position of the fifth **** crystal. However, the reality is that when the fourth **** crystal is taken by him After getting the hand, he couldn't feel the location of the fifth **** crystal. The four **** crystals didn't even react at all.

In this case, Yuan Feng was almost depressed, but was helpless. By now, he is almost certain that this fifth gold-like **** crystal is really not in the middle world, but maybe this thing is still in the boundless world.

With the exception of the higher world, there is no reason why the middle world or the lower initial world cannot sense the position, but the higher world like the world without delusion is different.

According to his mother's explanation of himself, Yuan Feng knew that Wulei Realm is a strange place different from the normal world, where it forms a realm, not the middle world and the original world, and the last five elements he was looking for Shenjing, eight achievements are in the world of no delusion.

"Fenger, it seems that the last **** crystal is likely to be robbed back by the arrogant powerless, or even completely possible. In the original Lianshui Palace, the eight achievements were unable to escape, and were directly lost by The force in the vain realm has been captured. "

Jiang Qingwu analyzes all the possibilities, and the biggest possibility is necessarily the five major palaces that fled together. Among them, the weaker Lianshui Palace was directly caught by that force and failed to leave the boundless world. The **** crystal snatched by Shui Gong was naturally robbed back.

No doubt, if this situation is true, then it is definitely not good news for Yuan Feng and her.

In a place like the middle world, everyone has the same strength to create a realm. As long as she and Yuan Feng calculate a little, they will eventually have the opportunity to get what they want. But in places such as Wuleijie, whether she or Yuanfeng, their strength is too limited. If the fifth **** crystal is really in Wuleijie, then things are really too difficult. .

Just like the giant power that they robbed the Five Elements God Crystal, among the forces, the realm of creation is almost everywhere, and it is not worth mentioning at that time. By her strength, let alone count others, Even as soon as they show up, I'm afraid they have already been found and blasted into slag.

"Ah, it seems that we have run out of luck. We have collected four five-element **** crystals. I am afraid that we have reached the limit. The fifth **** crystal, there is really no hope for a while and a half."

Yuan Feng couldn't help but sigh, he also understood that from the current situation, the last **** crystal, the eight achievements were in the world of no delusion, but no matter where he was, he wanted It may not be easy to get it in your hands.

"Anyway, it will be mine, after all, even if it is in the vain realm, sooner or later it will be taken by me, and by the time the five five-element **** crystals are gathered, I can still achieve the realm of God."

Perseverance flashed across his face, and Yuan Feng suddenly became extremely firm again. Originally, he never thought that it would be so easy to get five five-element **** crystals. Furthermore, with his qualifications, he may not need to use external forces to strengthen himself. For the so-called divine realm, though he is extremely Longing, but he is more willing to step by step and cultivate himself.

Obviously, borrowing the realm of the gods reached by the five elements, this is equivalent to taking a shortcut, and of course, there are shortcomings in the foundation, so if he can, he still hopes to rely on His own efforts will condense his own crystal.

Only the self-condensed **** crystal can best suit himself, and the things of others will always be of others.

"Fortunately, I lost my life. Fenger doesn't have to be too stubborn. We can slowly map the five-element **** crystal. Anyway, we have mastered four five-element **** crystals. The last one, let's take it slowly. Just fine. "

Jiang Qingwu is still full of confidence in her son. In her heart, there is nothing that Yuan Feng can't do. The so-called impossible things are in front of Yuan Feng, which is more difficult. Or less difficult.

Just as Yuan Feng rescued her from the prison of the Star Palace with her own strength, this matter is unlikely to be realized in principle, but Yuan Feng did not do the same in the end?

Also this time, from the hands of the two great creatures, Yuan Feng cheated the gods of the earth into his hands. It is because the two great powers of the Shadow Shark have no way. This is not what ordinary people do. What can be done.

"Mother, rest assured, the child knows."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng couldn't help twisting his neck and stretched his waist subconsciously. Since this time, his nerves have been in a tight state, and now the fourth **** crystal is in his hand, he can relax a little.

"Mother, next time, let's go back to the Tianlong Dynasty, right? I don't know what expression my dad will look after seeing you ?!"

The matter of the **** crystal can only come to an end now, and in the next time, they have nothing to do. This issue has been delayed, and it is time to put it on the agenda again. what!

"Are you going back to the Tianlong Dynasty? It's time to go back. The outside world is no longer suitable for me. Maybe it's my final destination to go back to Montenegro to live in seclusion."

Eyes froze slightly, and Jiang Qingwu at this moment couldn't help feeling hot.

For returning to the Tianlong dynasty and reuniting with her husband, she has always been a more complicated emotion. Before, she had to help Yuan Feng to get Shenjing, so she could also give herself an excuse to stay outside and not go back. . However, at the moment, Shenjing has already got it, and there is no danger or trouble outside. If you don't go back, you really can't justify it.

"Fenger, let's stay in this dry light world for a while, wait until the people of Shadowshade Palace are completely quiet, and then secretly leave this world and return to the Kingdom of Heishan in the Dragon Empire."

After having a decision in his heart, Jiang Qingwu was looking forward to returning soon. However, at present, the incident of Shadow Shag Palace has just ended. If they leave the dry light world at this time, it is entirely possible to make movements and be shadowed. The people in the palace found that, once found, there will undoubtedly be some trouble again.

It's not that they are afraid of the strong in the Shadow Palace, but once they are stared at by the other party, then they will have to sacrifice their return to the country of Montenegro. After all, even if they never go back, they can never bring trouble back. To the people of Montenegro.

"Okay, let's listen to our mother. Let's stay in the dry light world for a while, and it's better for the baby to walk around in the dry light world so that the Jinmoo can use its talents."

Yuan Feng was not so anxious to go back. Now she is sitting in Danxiazong. There is absolutely no problem with safety there. Going back early or going back later is nothing more than when your father and mother can reunite.

Right now, he could send his jinmoo out to conduct a large search of the dry world. Today, the Jinmao rat has the realm of the cave heaven and the seventh heaven. At this level, it can be said that almost any kind of baby can be found. As long as it is in the dry light world, this guy can turn it out. .

Jiang Qingwu will not show up in Qingwu Palace. As for the two sons and a princess of Yingsha Palace, and the elders who were subdued by Yuan Feng, they must spend a long time in Yingsha Palace. It ’s been a while, but for these super powerhouses, staying in one place and refining with peace of mind seems to be a good thing.

After Yuan Feng sent Jin Mao Rat out this time, he didn't make too many cave Heaven Realm Warcraft to follow. Today's dry light world is not too peaceful. He doesn't need to let a large number of Cave Heaven Realm Warcraft scatter around and give himself Cause unnecessary trouble.

However, some superpowers who are extinct will not notice, and those who are in control of the major provinces under his control are his porters.

There is absolutely no mention of the treasure hunting ability of Jin Mao Rats, and the world of Qian Guang Jie is larger than the worlds of France and Mo Luo, and there are more rare babies than those two worlds. For Jin Mao Rats, This time the treasure hunt was simply an enjoyable trip.

Of course, Yuan Feng himself will not go out on his own, with Jinmoo as his representative, and with the assistance of hundreds of law-protecting strong men in several provinces, Jinmoo can rest assured to play boldly, even if there is a problem, it is not a big deal Just to lose some powerful subordinates, anyway, Yuan Feng did not think of taking away all the subordinates of the cave world that this world conquered.

Today, he doesn't look like he used to be. Now, he does n’t even notice the ordinary Dongtianjing people. It ’s useless to stay by his side. If there are more super strong people who have a great Dongtianjing, then He could cherish some more.

The Great Heavenly Reality is absolutely a real strong man, and with his absolute control, more than thirty Great Perfectionists can unite to create a mysterious giant that is comparable to the realm. If he can control several Hundreds of successful big men can form a small team of good fortune.

It's a pity that the powerful man who has achieved great perfection in the heavens cannot be conquered casually. In the dry light world, there are too many powerful men who created the realm. It's really unlikely.

Time passes, and in the blink of an eye, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu have stayed in the dry light world for almost another month. During this month, the Jin Mao Rat naturally found a lot of treasures, and the shadows On the other side of the Shagong Palace, calmness slowly returned. In this case, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu finally embarked on the journey of returning to the realm of Fa.

The legal realm is naturally only a transition. Immediately, they will return to the Tianlong dynasty. It is conceivable that when Yuan Qingyun, the head of the Yuan family, saw Jiang Qingwu, he did not know what expression he would have.

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