The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1232: Run around (two more)

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After understanding the general situation of the Shadow Shag Palace, Yuan Feng knew that he would definitely have to pay a lot of hard work if he wanted to get the fourth **** crystal. Of course, he didn't mind the hard work, but what made him a little depressed at the moment was that he couldn't get started.

From the perspective of Peng Shi Hufa, the mysterious force in Qianguang Realm is very secretive. I am afraid that only the super strong in Yunxi Sect can know the location of Yingsha Palace, but it depends on whether Yingsha Palace Moved.

It can be said that it is too difficult to get the news of Yingsha Palace at this moment.

After carrying out a plan, Yuan Feng finally concluded that if he wanted to dig out the mysterious Shadow Shark Palace, then he must first control the power of the Qianguang Realm as much as possible. If there are more powerful people in the dry light world, he will be able to obtain the news of the shadow evil palace from these people. Otherwise, he really does not know where to find the shadow evil palace.

It is relatively simple for him to control the strong in the dry light world. His cultivation is still only a complete annihilation, so it does not attract the attention of the super strong, and by virtue of this advantage, as long as he is not big fanfare and does not make too much movement, then those who are below the eighth heaven It is almost difficult to escape his palm.

In the middle, I would like to thank Hong Haitian, the star of the Great Palace of the Star Palace. In the previous battle, Hong Haitian used a netting soldier and a few sleepy dragon stakes. With the powerful netting soldier, he can do it. Easily take down anyone below the Eighth Heaven of Dongtian Realm, and once you cover the other side, and then reveal your strong breath, then few people dare to resist.

Of course, if anyone dares to resist, he doesn't mind killing a few. To this day, in his eyes, Dongtian Jingqiang is not far from ordinary people. In the final analysis, nothing is more than a life.

In Qinglan House where Peng Shi's law-protection is located, there are as many as 37 law-protection powerhouses. According to Peng Shi's law-protection law, the number of thirty-seven law-enforcement powerhouses is not the strongest in the entire dry light world. Of them, they can only be ranked in the middle. It is said that among several prefectures, the figures of law-protection all broke through 50.

After understanding this, Yuan Feng didn't feel any pressure, but showed a smile. He is not worried about the large number of law-enforced powerhouses, because no matter how large the number is, he can capture them as much as possible, and the larger the number, the greater the possibility of finding out the news of the Shadow Palace.

Yuan Feng is obviously no longer familiar with the foundations of many powerful men who have evacuated their foundations. Whether it is the French Realm or the Mora Realm, he has drained the foundation secretly, so that all the defenders One by one.

Thirty-seven major guardians of Qinglan House are said to have one Dongtianjing Yae Tianqiang, two Dongtianjing Qizhong Tianqiang, and the rest are Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven or below. Yuan Feng's goal this time, It is to first conquer Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven, and the strong men below Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven. As for the two Dongtianjing Seventh Heaven guys, if there is a chance, he will also take it, but it must be released. At the end.

After the action, Yuan Feng, the whole person turned into a ghost in the dark night, at this moment, even if the power like the Shadow Shag Palace, I am afraid to bow his head willingly in front of him, sighing.

No matter how strong the Shadow Fiend Palace is, it is nothing more than a tactic of killing, but Yuan Feng is able to subdue the other party and let the other party willingly die for themselves, which are simply two completely different concepts.

After moving, time flies. In a blink of an eye, Yuan Feng came to the Qiangguang Realm, and it has been a whole month, and in a month, the entire Qinglan Mansion, except for Dongdongjing Yae Heaven, the two cave heavens, the seventh heaven, and the two guys who are not in Qinglan House for the time being, the rest of the thirty-two people have been taken over by Yuan Feng.

With the French Open babies left by Hong Haitian, plus his own arrogance, it was no difficulty to subdue these thirty people, and until the end, Yuan Feng did not see the existence of Ning die, and every one was subdued. People, all honestly chose to confess their fate, one after another became the undercover of Yuan Feng.

Yuan Feng did not gather these people this time. Now he is not as insecure as he used to be. Even if those guys under the Seventh Heaven in Dongtian Realm are brought with them, they are basically useless. Since this is the case, It is better to leave them in their mansion, and when they are used, it is not too late to gather them one by one.

"Hey, this Shadow Shade Palace is really hidden deep enough. None of the 32 strong men in Qinglan House knew the news of the Shadow Shades Palace. It seems that the two cave heavens are in the seventh place. The guys also took it to see if they knew it! "

In a quiet mansion, Yuan Feng just conquered a strong man in Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven. After conquering the other party and asking about the information about the Shadow Palace, the answer he got was that the other party did not understand the film at all. Shagong has never dealt with the other party.

"It is estimated that the entire Qinglan Mansion should not have been entangled with the Shadow Shag Palace. In this case, it is not necessary to count the two Dongtianjing Qitiantian guys."

After a moment's thinking, Yuan Feng thought that if Qinglan Mansion and Yingsha Palace had been entangled, it would definitely not be a problem for two people. At least, among those who were subdued by him, there should have been news. of. And since these thirty or so guys don't know the situation of the Shadow Shark Palace, he has no need to stay.

"Forget it, go to the other prefectures and take a look. I don't believe in the forty-three major prefectures. No one knows the news of the Yingsha Palace."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng looks at the man aside. This is a sturdy figure in Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven, but after being subdued by him, this person is scared to death, for fear that he will be killed by Yuan Feng. .

"Your name is Heyu, right? You'll follow me next time and show me the way."

When going to other prefectures, of course, there must be a guide, so that the next journey can be smoother, and now the cave Heaven Realm Sixth Heaven's grass fish protection method, no matter how you can understand some situations.

"Yes, yes, it is an honor to be able to serve the young master."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the fish guarding the law did not say a word, but he followed Yuan Feng honestly and began to march towards the next prefecture.

The strong man in Dongtian Realm Sixth Heaven is already a very domineering realm. No matter how ignorant a character of this level is, he knows a little about the neighboring provinces. Moreover, Yuan Feng took him with him for insurance purposes only. As for whether he could really use him, it was simply inaccurate.

Although the power of the dry light world is as strong as clouds, in Yuan Feng's view, every place where he goes is like no man's land. He can walk as he wants, no one can bring him anything. Threat.

The precinct bordering Qinglan Mansion is called Kaiyuan Mansion. After passing through a fairly vast barren area, Yuanfeng finally set foot on the soil of Kaiyuan Mansion.

From the protection of Heyu, he got some information about Kaiyuan Mansion. The strength of this prefecture is comparable to that of Qinglan Mansion. There are forty-one figures protecting the law, only less than Qinglan Mansion. Two.

Hiding his breath, Yuan Feng began to gallop on the soil of Kaiyuan Mansion. After almost all the law-protecting figures were subdued by him, he took a law-enforcement of Kaiyuan Mansion and started to move towards the next prefecture.

Obviously, on this trip to Kaiyuan Mansion, he still didn't get any information he wanted. In other words, dozens of strong men in the two major regions did not even know the news of the Shadow Shag Palace. Just this point shows how secretive the Shadow Shag Palace is.

Yuan Feng is definitely not afraid of trouble. If neither of the two prefectures can get the news, then go to the third and fourth. As long as he is careful, he will go down one by one. Then in the end, he will be able to inquire about the relevant film. Shakespeare's news.

As time goes by, three months are fleeting, and in these three months, Yuan Feng has walked through four huge prefectures. Among these four prefectures, almost all the cave heavenly powers are strong. He was subdued by him in secret, but he didn't get any news at all.

Frankly, if it wasn't for the fact that there was a very secretive force in the dry light world, he would have given up searching. In the end, Yuan Feng is basically comforting himself, even if he can't find the Shadow Shark Palace, it should be a subordinate to conquer some cave heavens and make himself more solid in the middle world.

However, God never let one's efforts go to nothing, just when Yuan Feng won four prefectures and set foot in the fifth prefecture, the situation finally turned around.

After setting foot in the fifth prefecture, and capturing a few law-enforced powerhouses, Yuan Feng once again captured a man from Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian, and finally from this man from Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian I heard a message about the mysterious forces in the Qianguang Realm.

"Young Master, the mysterious force you are talking about knows a little bit about his subordinates. At the beginning, the subordinates had played against the strong among the forces, and the subordinates also knew that the mysterious force and the next door The relationship between Jialan Mansion is very tense. Even in recent years, some people in Jialan Mansion have been beheaded and killed by the mysterious force. Therefore, if the young master wants to inquire about the news of that force, he can completely learn from Jia. Blue House starts. "

Conquered by Yuan Feng, this strong man in the cave heavenly world was then told one by one about what he knew about the mysterious giant power.

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