The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1230: Dry light world (four more)

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This is a huge city. In this endless warrior gathering place, warriors of various levels shuttle to and from, and various living facilities are also extremely complete. In terms of scale, this remote city It is completely higher than the territory of Yunlong Protector under the main seat of the blue jade house of the French Realm.

On the spacious streets, the pedestrians in the past are bustling and very lively. On both sides of the street, there are many shops and restaurants, and the guests who come in and out show the leisurely life of this city.

In a small restaurant, guests at a table and a table are chatting while drinking, but everyone is busy with their own affairs, but they haven't found it. Today, there are many in this restaurant. A strange young man.

"Well, this medium world is very comfortable. It seems that if you want to do something in this world, it may not be as difficult as expected."

Next to a table case in the corner, Yuan Feng picked up the wine glass and pecked gently, while drinking, his mind was always wrapped around the restaurant, listening to the guests in the restaurant talking about the world.

After entering this city, Yuan Feng did not recklessly explore the entire city with his mind, but chose this restaurant for the first time to come in and familiarize himself with the environment.

In the new world, at least he must feel the way of life of people in this world. As for inquiring about intelligence, it is not used in this restaurant.

"It's not much different, it's just that the strength is a little stronger than the French Realm, but in the top combat power, it may not be much stronger than the French Realm."

Judging from the scale of this city, this should be an area similar to the Yunlong Protectorate's territory. However, although the size of the territory is similar, the average strength is indeed stronger than the Yunlong Protectorate's territory. I want to come in this area, there should be a strong celestial powerhouse.

"People are the same person, and the wine has the same taste. It seems that this world is easy to integrate into, and in the next time, let's start to act !!"

After three rounds of drinking, Yuan Feng lowered the glass slowly, and then disappeared directly in place. When he appeared again, he had already come over the city.

If you want to understand the situation of this world, of course, first of all, you need to find someone who is more reliable, and people who can understand a lot of this world must at least be at the level of Dongtianjing.


When the figure came into the air, Yuan Feng suddenly moved his mind, and then his mind spread directly, covering the area with a radius of hundreds of millions.

Shicai's break in the restaurant has given him a general understanding of the situation in this world. In the words, he heard the words of the lord of the house and the protection of the law. Obviously, this world should be the same as the realm of law. Divided by the form of each prefecture.

This type of division should be the format of all middle-world systems, and Yuan Feng likes this form very much.

Obviously, in the area where he is now, there must be a cave protector sitting in the middle of the sky, and his task at this moment is to find out the defender and then turn it into Oneself, thus taking the first step in finding the **** crystal.

"Hey, hey, this guy is really courageous, he doesn't even stay in a different dimension, but stays in his palace directly to enjoy it, which is cheap for me."

How powerful Yuan Feng's mind is now, even if he is a real person who has a great and complete vision, he can't compare with him in terms of mind. You know, even the advanced **** skills that only the strong in the realm of God can cultivate, he can successfully cultivate, and this is all based on the strength of the soul.

In less than a few minutes, Yuan Feng has found the Dongtianjing strong in this area. At this moment, the Dongtianjing strong is staying in a mansion, watching a group of female warriors dancing and dancing. Life is quite comfortable.

After the position of the other party was determined, Yuan Feng said nothing, and moved to the mansion where the strong man in Dongtianjing was located ...

Peng Shihua has been very happy recently. Not long ago, his cultivation has just broken through the level of the realm, reaching the level of the cave heavenly quadruple sky. After reaching the cave heavenly quadruple sky, he first stabilized. Then began to go out and enjoy.

As a general law guard under the main seat of Qinglan House, Peng Shi law guard is located in a border area where time and space are chaotic. There are scarce resources and frequent storms, so in his territory, no outsider will run at all. Come to compete, so of course, his life is of course very happy.

"Hahahaha, give me a good jump, as long as this method is happy, the benefits are definitely indispensable to you, hahaha!"

Lying lazily on the gum, while enjoying the service of the maid, Peng Shi Hufa glanced back and forth over the exposed female warriors. The interest was simply not ordinary.

"That's right. The women the law enforcement team found this time are really good. It seems that today they can relax and be happy, hahahahaha!"

Secretly staring at a beautiful female warrior, Peng Shi's heart protection began to become hot.

"Om !!!"

However, just as Peng Shi was protecting the law, he was ready to turn over the clouds with a few female warriors. Above him, there was a sudden wave of spatial fluctuations. Then, a golden snare was directly empty. Covering it, without waiting for him to make any response, the golden snare was wrapping him, and the figure of a young man also slowly appeared in front of his eyes.

"Not good, it's dangerous !!!"

Peng Shi's protection was also hindered. He didn't realize the danger until the golden snare wrapped him. Unfortunately, he only reacted at this time, and everything was too late.

"Oh, you'd better not take any action, otherwise, I can't guarantee you can live."

The fluttering sound came into the ears of Peng Shi's Famu, and at the same time, there was the pressure of a terrifying cave, the great conqueror, and felt the pressure of this terrible energy. The child had been trapped by a large golden net, and Peng Shifa immediately became tight, but he did not dare to move.

"The house-lord strongman turned out to be the house-lord strong man to me !!!"

With a white complexion, Peng Shihu Fa did not dare to have the slightest change, because he knew very well that he was worthy of being able to bear this point in front of a powerful man at the government level.

"Peng Shi has met an adult !!!"

With a golden snare, Peng Shihufa quickly stood up and greeted the young man across. Although he didn't recognize the superpower in front of him, since he is the prefect of the government, he must have enough respect.

"Yes, you know the rules."

When he saw the other person bowing and saluting towards himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help showing a smile on his face, while talking, he couldn't help but approached the other side, "You're called Peng Shi, from From now on, just follow me !!! "

Picking at the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng didn't say much. Between the movements of his body, he had already reached the side of Peng Shi Hu Fa, raised his one hand, and shot directly on the top of the latter's head.

"Om !!!"

The huge gap in strength left Peng Shifa with no resistance at all. He passed out in an instant, and when he was dizzy and turned, Yuan Feng naturally cast his blood curse without mercy.

By the time Peng Shihu Fa woke up again, it would be like a lot of people who were subdued by Yuan Feng, with a short absence, but soon he accepted the fact that Yuan Feng was in control.

Yuan Feng did not care what the other party was thinking, but after he had won the other party, he began to ask about the situation in this world.

Peng Shi's law protection naturally knew everything, and soon, Yuan Feng had a general understanding of this new world.

This is a world called the Qianguang Realm. In this huge world, there are forty-three strong masters of the government, and under each master's seat, there are a great number of cave-level guardians. under. This Peng Shi protects the law, but it is a man named Qing Lanfu, who is also one of the best in Qinglanfu.

Each of the forty-three major government powerhouses has a vast territory, and among these forty-three people, there has been constant competition and constant struggle. This is nothing to do with the realm of law and the realm of magic. Many differences.

Apart from the forty-three major government leaders, there are two major forces in the Qianguang world, which are above the forty-three major government leaders. Both of these forces have the power to create powerful realms.

Two super powers, one of them is called Yunxi Sect. This so-called Yunxi Sect is a super power that has been in the dry light world for a long time. In this Yunxi Sect, there are two super powers sitting in town for countless years. No one dares to provoke Yunxi Zong, and the genius generation is endless. He is already the veritable overlord of the Qianguang industry.

However, a few years ago, there was a mysterious force in the dry light world. This power is said to be hidden in the darkness of the dry light world. As soon as it appeared, it showed its super strength. At first, the major government leaders did not take this power seriously, but when they all suffered losses, they realized that this mysterious power was powerful.

Later, Yunxi Palace sent a strong person to contact this mysterious force, but the final result was that Yunxi Palace returned without success, and the mysterious force also slowly stood in the Qianguang Realm. The heels have become two major forces, one light and one dark, but they are irrelevant to each other.

Yuan Feng explored all the rough information about the dry light world, and when he understood this, he could not help but reveal a hint of thought.

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