The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1227: In the world (one more)

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In the vast universe, no one knows where the end is. The magic of nature has created countless independent spaces, such as the original world space of the Tianlong dynasty. There are many unknowns in the entire universe, and a medium world like the phase of law. There is no shortage of space in the vast starry sky.

Of course, there are different levels and huge amounts of world space, which are nothing more than special corners of the entire universe. In fact, the vast universe of starry sky is not such a space world, but a borderless Nothingness, such nothingness is the eternal melody of the universe.

Here is a blue void, full of blue light emanating from the depths of the universe, but it looks so dazzling. At this time, a small palace with a height of one person was now traveling through the blue void, just like a small boat in the ocean, but it seemed very comfortable.

At this moment, in this one-man palace, a young man is sitting on an energy chair with a touch of obsession on his face.

"So beautiful cosmic space, it turned out that the depths of the starry sky were so gorgeous and charming. This time I really saw it!"

As the master of Qingwu Palace, Yuanfeng can see all the outside scenery through Qingwu Palace, and sitting in the palace like now to watch the charming scenery outside, really has an unspeakable sense of coziness.

Previously, there was only a vacant void of energy turbulence in the middle from the French Realm to the Mora Realm, so there is nothing worthy of appreciation, but at this moment, the universe starry sky now looks so charming, making him It is involuntarily immersed in this comfort.

"Hehe, Fenger, the cosmic starry sky is brilliant. Even if it is a state of achievement, it is impossible to fly to the end of the universe. Like this cosmic starry sky right now, it is the cosmic starry sky of the middle world, and one by one the middle world. It is in this cosmic starry sky that it evolves into a world suitable for the survival of warriors. "

Seeing that his son was so interested in the starry sky outside, Jiang Qingwu still did not forget to teach Yuan Feng, and taught more knowledge to Yuan Feng to enrich his brain.

"It's amazing, mother, are the silver spots one by one, all of them are equivalent to the middle world of the French Realm? Is this too much?"

Yuan Feng's gaze was still staring outside, and he asked his mother without looking back. In his eyes, in this boundless and vast world, silver dots of different sizes and shapes are scattered all over the place, and they look like big silver bubbles. .

"Yes, we are now deep in the cosmic starry sky. Every silver light spot you see is a huge world, like the phase of law. Of course, these light spots are far away from us. Only then can you see them, and those closer to us, you cannot see at all. "

There are too many medium worlds in the cosmic starry sky. Each world is actually huge. Because of this, when you are close to these big worlds, it is difficult to see the shape of the world.

"Fenger, if you look back now, you should be able to see the overall shape of the French phase boundary."

It seemed to be worried that Yuan Feng didn't understand, Jiang Qingwu smiled slightly, but it was Yuan Feng who turned around to look at the realm.

"Eh?" Yuan Feng couldn't help but be curious when he heard his mother's words. He quickly turned around and looked behind him through Qingwu Palace.

"Fenger, look at the biggest spots of light, one of which is shaped like a big fish, is where the phase of law is, and the one that is not far away from it, almost next to it, is the familiar magic Luo Jie. "

When Yuan Feng turned around to watch it, Jiang Qingwu also turned her head and introduced Yuan Feng while extending her fingers. Obviously, her tour guide is quite competent.

"Is that the phase of the law phase? From this point of view, the phase of the law phase is actually so small." With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng at this moment couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

It ’s been almost three months since he left the French Realm. In these three months, he ’s turned the speed of Qingwu Palace to the maximum and shifted the speed, which is almost as fast as the speed of the Great Conqueror. Frankly speaking, He didn't even know how far they had flown in these three months.

Perhaps, after they fly for a month or two, I am afraid it will be difficult to determine which spot of the phase of the law! Of course, he has a large number of subordinates left there, and he is not afraid to find no way back.

"Well, it turns out that the French Realm and the Moro Realm are so close together. No wonder the French Realm and the Moro Realm are only a short time away. Do these two big worlds seem to be in perfect harmony? ! "

From the current position, the French Realm and the Moro Realm are almost next to each other. It is no wonder that the French Realm and the Moro Realm are similar in strength, and their existence time is similar. It seems that from the beginning, these two big worlds Like twins, they are interdependent.

"By the way, mother, the universe space of the middle world is like this. What about the initial world like the Tianlong dynasty? Is there a huge universe space, and then there are small worlds distributed among them?"

Although Yuan Feng was not a curious person, he saw the existence form of the French Realm at this time. He couldn't help being a little curious about the initial world.

"The situation in the initial world is not the same, but I do n’t even know exactly what it is. The original world was born in cosmic space, but it seems to protect these lower worlds. As for what these initial worlds are like, Existing, it seems more complicated than the middle world. "

After Jiang Qingwu came to the middle world, she did not do research on the initial world, but she still felt that the existence of the initial world is definitely a foundation of the universe. It can be said that the initial world should be necessary for the entire universe. An essential layer.

"So, what about the higher world? Isn't the blameless world that the mother said is in a cosmic starry sky? Also, is there a world at the same level as the blazeless world, distributed around the bluffless world? ? "

Yuan Feng's heart was really full of curiosity. These situations were never encountered by him, and it was precisely because this was a new field that he wanted to understand more and more.

"A world at the same level as Infinite World? This ..."

Hearing Yuan Feng's question this time, even Jiang Qingwu couldn't help being asked.

The boundless world is the apex of the world, which is already the commanding height of all worlds and unique existence. However, listening to Yuan Feng's question, she couldn't help whispering.

People who have no delusional realm think that the no delirious realm is the only higher world, but there are no other worlds similar to the no delirious realm. This is really beyond verification.

"Hehe, okay Fenger, don't be curious about these things. Your task now is to make yourself strong. As for those secrets, unknown verifications, and when your strength is strong, there will be Qualifications are known, and there are some situations, even I am not sure. "

Jiang Qingwu is just a person who creates a realm. Such a realm is a very ordinary realm in places such as the arrogant realm, and the level of the realm of realm obviously doesn't have much qualifications.

"Looking at the direction of Shenjing, let's not go off course."

The most important thing right now is to find the place of the fourth **** crystal. As for the others, there will be time to study in the future.

"Relax, mother, Qingwu Palace now has a stronger sense of independence. As long as it gives instructions to it, it will not go wrong."

Yuan Feng is no longer entangled in those things that can't get the answer, but instead looks at the front and starts to continue on the road.

"Brush !!!" When he raised his hand, the three **** crystals appeared in his hand again. Although he believed very much in the increasingly mature Qingwu Palace, he was careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, but he was more cautious. it is good.

"Om !!!"

The appearance of the three **** crystals directly released a ray of light, and moved in the direction of the Qingwu Palace flying at this time. Obviously, there was no error or deviation in the direction they were flying at this moment.

"Mother, the light released by Shenjing is getting brighter and brighter. It seems that we are getting closer and closer to the fourth **** crystal. It won't be long before we can get the fourth **** crystal Now. "

Along the way, he has used three **** crystals more than once to locate the position of the fourth **** crystal, and each time they take out these three **** crystals, they will shine brighter, which obviously shows a lot The problem.

"It should be almost the same. I am afraid that the world we have swept in more than three months is no less than dozens or hundreds. If we want to have another month, we should be able to reach the fourth **** crystal. You're done! "

Jiang Qingwu nodded with satisfaction, his eyes could not help but look forward, "Fenger, speed up a bit, we can find the fourth **** crystal as soon as possible, but also a little bit faster, and then we You can return to the Tianlong dynasty for the time being, and return to the country of Montenegro. "

Although it was said that she would do the business first, Jiang Qingwu's heart was still thinking about going back to the Tianlong Dynasty. It was too long and too long before Yuan Qingyun was seen, and her thoughts had overflowed.

"Anyway, my mother takes a short break, and the baby immediately speeds up, reaches the target position quickly, and then quickly decides to return to the Tianlong Dynasty."

Seeing his mother's face, Yuan Feng smiled slightly, and then he moved his mind to add more fuel to Qingwu Palace and raised the speed fiercely.

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